Chereads / The Sovereign (DxD) / Chapter 22 - Limitations

Chapter 22 - Limitations

The next morning started off uneventfully. Rias and Akeno woke up, dressed and attended class, as usual. Though usually maintaining the image of a model student, Akeno kept thinking back to her dream. Imageless, but she knew someone was talking to her. Unlike most dreams, she could remember exactly what was said.

The implications that it was probing her past memories irritated her. Her time as Tir, in her original world was precious. And while she enjoyed sharing some memories with her friends, there were some particular memories she never wanted to look into again.

'I was definitely weaker back then huh..' Akeno twirled the pen in her hand and glanced out the window.

This didn't escape Rias, who sent her a few worried glances.


Soon enough, the last bell rung, forcing Akeno's attention on Rias, who sat on her desk and placed her hand on Akeno's head.

"You're okay, right? You look out of it today." Rias asked gently.

Akeno smiled, feeling a little guilty. She grasped Rias' hand and rubbed her thumb over it.

"Fufufu~ You worry too much. I was just preoccupied with my thoughts is all. Trust me, I'm just fine. Come, let's head back to the club." Akeno stood up and proceeded to walk out with Rias, hand in hand.

"Kyaa! The two Beauties are hand holding! I'm gonna faint..!" One rather excited fangirl exclaimed as they passed by.

"Do you think..!?" One of the others, a Girls Love enthusiast began to whisper.

"Aaah!! Their love is so pure!" One of the other Fangirls exclaims.

Rias kept up her usual demeanor, but Akeno saw her face heat up. Her smile twitching as they walked together. Rias and Akeno kept up the harmonious, pure atmosphere until they reached the ORC room. Where only Risette was standing by dutifully, having struggled with tea making.

"Akeno, I want you so bad right now..." Rias muttered, her flushed face smiling.

"WH-" Risette nearly tripped from the sudden shift in tone.

"I think we found a kink of yours.. Exhibitionism eh? I respect it." Akeno nodded in appreciation as her lover claimed her lips and wrapped her arms around her, grasping on tightly to the back of her shirt.

"Mmmph-" Akeno returned her kiss, feeling her supple butt being firmly grasped by her excited lover.

"And- Mmh- Risette is right there too." Akeno said breathily as their lips separated, a small line of saliva connecting both of their tongues.

"Let her sit on the cuck chair and watch.." Rias smirked, looking back on her fidgeting ex-fiancé.

Akeno raised her brow, "Don't call the President's chair that."


Asia walked in with a smile, one that immediately froze when she saw Rias' hands on Akeno's butt.

"Eh..?" Asia looked down, seeing Rias' hands under Akeno's skirt, giving her a full view of her black lace thong.

"And we're going to deal with a few things today." Akeno stated with a wry smile, prompting Rias to reluctantly remove her hands.

"There's contracts, training and more. Also, Azazel needs to see me. It's been a while since I've been back and seen my Mom and Dad too." Akeno's words immediately grasped Rias' attention.

"Shuri? It's been so long since I've seen her too. Can I tag along?" Rias grabbed Akeno's arm and asked.

"If you can stomach Azazel's comments and the.. questions Mom will ask, sure. I'm only going for a few hours." Akeno shrugged.

"Easy. Your Mom's worth it." Rias stated with a small smile.

Soon after, Issei, Kiba, Koneko and Gasper joined them in the club. Rias sat in her chair and started the brief meeting.

"Okay! What's everyone's plan for today? As a reminder for Issei and Asia, in case you hadn't read up on the Evil Piece applications you recieved earlier; completing Contracts makes your Devil energy reserves increase. So it's a good idea to start grinding that soon, now that my Fiancé fiasco is done with." Rias kindly informed, feeling Risette shift uncomfortably.

"Now now. You could have ended up worse than this, little Risette." Akeno, capitalizing on her bitterness, stated with a somewhat sadistic smile on her face.

"Y-Yes..! Don't mind me." Risette coughed, hoping the attention moves away from her.

Rias smirked and continued, "With that said, if you don't have any new Contracts or regulars requesting you, do as you wish."

"Actually, Issei and I were about to head into town." Kiba stated, sharing a look with Issei.

Rias tilted her head in mild confusion. She had no idea they had become close, but she wouldn't complain. Akeno, though, seemed to understand what was going on.

"As long as nobody's by themselves. Rias and I are taking a short trip to Grigori. We'll be back in an hour or two. Just don't go too crazy, 'kay?" Akeno remarked, seeing Kiba nod slowly in understanding.

"Oh, Koneko. How about we get some crepes at the store by the school? I always wanted to try them." Asia asked, instantly getting the attention of the hungry Nekoshou.

"You had me at crepes.." Koneko nodded and took the ex-nun's hand, quickly walking out with her.

"Ah. I'll go shop online. I think Buchou needs more shelves for her anime figurines.." Gasper muttered, retreating to his secret room.

"Perfect- except for that last part anyway- call us if something comes up or I lose the bet about Issei forming a bromance with Kiba." Akeno smiled, activating a teleportation circle that covered both her and Rias.

"WOAH WHAT!?" Issei, about to leave, cried out in shock.

But Akeno and Rias had already left when he looked back.

-Grigori HQ, Underworld-

Apoearing within a white room, Akeno looked a nearby Fallen, whose job it was to be monitoring the teleportation room. Anyone who tried to teleport in and out of Grigori either needed to step outside its walls, or use this room since there was spatial magic protecting the entire base.

"You're good. Welcome back, Lady Akeno." The Fallen man nodded, pulling out his cellphone again.

Akeno nodded back at him, unfurling her twelve black wings while Rias hugged her arm.

"You know, I was expecting some kind of castle or something.." Rias muttered as they stepped out into the pristine white hallway.

"Thousands of years ago, yeah. But Azazel loves to keep up with technology. So the whole base looks like some sort of top secret facility. Speaking of, let's go see him first. Got my report and check-up to get out of the way." Akeno pat Rias' hand and walked down the halls, toward Azazel's lab.

Some passerby Fallen nodded respectfully at Akeno as they walked by. Rias was pleasantly surprised. Most pure blood Devils rarely respected Devils with diluted bloodlines or reincarnated pieces. It seemed Fallen Angels were very different. That, and Akeno being an Ultimate Class Fallen likely made antagonizing her a stupid idea.

Upon arriving at his lab, Rias made to open it via button on the side of the door when Akeno stopped her.

"Ah-ah.. Hold on." Akeno put her ear up to the door.

"Aahn~ Aah! Don't stop, Daddy~" A distinctly mature female voice moaned on the other side of the door.

"Of course.. He's dicking down Penemue again huh? No surprise there." Akeno rolled her eyes and sat on one of the seats placed outside his door exactly for this reason.

"Wait.. what? Isn't she his secretary?" Rias' jaw dropped as she listened in next, her face reddening.

"Yeah? So?" Akeno replied, an incredulous and confused expression on her face.

Rias had no idea how to retort, shaking her head ruefully and sitting next to her Lover.

"You forget what most Fallen fell for. They're all horny, Rias. All of us." Akeno snickered.

"You have.. remarkable control over it though." Rias muttered as she leaned over and rested her head on Akeno's thighs.

Akeno gave her a look and nodded with a light snort. As if Rias hadn't been testing her willpower daily for the past few years. Sleeping naked together, showering, light petting and various other scenarios had forged an iron will. It only made releasing all that built up lust on Rias that much more satisfying.

"You certainly helped with that. Now, you on the other hand..." Akeno felt a small pinch on her inner thigh. Seeing Rias leave a small bite mark and give her a seductive grin shortly after.

"You love it." Rias stated, sticking her tongue out teasingly.

Akeno was about to retort when she heard footsteps approach them. A silver haired teen had taken notice and set his sights on Akeno specifically. He tilted his head at Rias' posture, but ignored it.

"Yo, Vali. How's it going? Still on good terms with Albion?" Akeno asked, running her hand through Rias' hair.

"Yeah, we're good. You finally back? 'Cause I've been itching to go another round. Pretty sure I can win this time." Vali smirked confidently.

"I'm sure you could. I've been stuck at Ultimate class for a while now. But raw power isn't all I got. I won all those fights without breaking out my weapons. Also I'm only here to speak to Azazel and my parents, then I'm out." Akeno replied.

"Tch. Who's this? Girlfriend?" Vali directed his eyes to Rias.

Rias simply waved at him, not wanting to part her head from Akeno's thighs.

"Yup. Nice to meet you." She greeted curtly.

Vali blinked a few times and looked at Akeno with a mildly amused smirk.

"Don't mind her. She's a lazy Princess sometimes." Vali raised his brow, clearly able to see the pure bliss on the redhead's face.

"Riiight.. Guess I'll hit you up some other time then. Old man should be done soon. I saw Penemue go in about three hours ago." Vali added before walking off in another direction.

He was right too, as after ten more minutes, a clean and tidy Penemue stepped out of his lab, carrying a certain after-sex glow with her.

"Sorry for taking so long. Head on in." She smiled apologetically.

"No problem. Working when horny is hard." Akeno shrugged, helping Rias up and walking into Azazel's lab.

The Fallen Governor himself was fixing his hair and shirt, motionlessly waving as soon as they walked in. Thankfully, there was no awful smell in the room, but Penemue's arousal made for a pretty potent aphrodesiac. Which Azazel seemed to be gathering into some sort of test tube for later use.

"Sorry about that. Time flies by when you're having fun." Azazel grinned.

"I'm well aware." Akeno responded with a glimmer in her eye.

Azazel's grin widened as he looked at Rias, then back at Akeno.

"I'm proud of ya. Now, what's up? You only come around to see your parents." Azazel pat Akeno's shoulder and leaned back on one of his testing tables.

"Here for my check-up and report." Akeno replied.

"Cool. Just give it to me while I look you over." Azazel cracked his knuckles and pulled out a device from one of his many drawers.

"Kokabiel's lurking around Kuoh. Using Valper and his Holy Sword research too, for some reason." Akeno began her report while Azazel used his device to scan Akeno's body slowly.

"Yeah, he hasn't been back in a while. Holy Swords though? Heh.." Azazel smirked, a particularly mocking one.

"What's so funny?" Akeno inquired.

"I think it's funny. Considering who he lost to during World War Two. A Holy Sword user." Azazel informed.

Rias' eyes lit up, "Oh! Vasco Strada, right?"

"Exactly. His impression of Vasco must be pretty strong, if he's going after Holy Swords. But.. this could also be a way to draw in members of the Church. High ranking ones." Azazel muttered as he looked at his device's readings.

"Dunno if I'd call those two girls 'High Ranking'" Akeno muttered in doubt.

In her mind, they were too inexperienced. What was the Church thinking, putting them out in Kuoh to comr after Kokabiel? With Excalibur pieces as well.


Azazel grunted and set the device down with a small frown.

"Well, I trust you to handle him if he acts up. Let's talk about your condition." That instantly got Rias' attention, giving her a worried expression.

"It's not as bad as he's making it out to be, Rias." Akeno immediately placated her with a wry smile.

Azazel scratched the back of his head, "Your soul's been pushing your body to evolve. I've never seen this kinda thing before. It still isn't strong enough to bear the weight of your soul too. Seraphs are the top of the top, regarding Angels. And while your soul is way beyond Ultimate Class, your body isn't. I'd be very careful with how much power you release. Otherwise, your body might break down."

"That certainly sounds worrying!" Rias gave Akeno an accusatory, yet worried glare.

Akeno smiled helplessly and held her hands up.

"It'll be fine. I don't really need to use above Ultimate Class power. Even Kokabiel's just a high class. Relax. I'll be fine.." Akeno assured.

Azazel tapped his foot thoughtfully. A question ringing in his mind as Akeno calmed Rias down.

'What'd happen if her soul left her body? Back then, its mere presence changed the environment. Would she go to the Underworld..? Or is the body simply acting as a container?' Azazel couldn't help but speculate.

"Maybe.. I can start working on an artificial Sacred Gear. You may be able to essentially 'share the weight' with something like that. Look at Divine Dividing and Boosted Gear. They can hold the souls of Dragon Emperors." Azazel's words seemed to calm Rias down even more.

"Please. I don't know what I'd do if Akeno.." Rias bowed her head.

Azazel looked at Akeno with a small smile.

"I'm glad you found someone this caring. Alright, I'll get to work. Just don't go using above Ultimate Class power. Oh and if Kokabiel does something stupid, send him back to me. I'll hock him in Cocytus and put his energy to better use." Azazel chuckled and pat Akeno's shoulder assuringly.

"Thanks, Old Man. I'll grab you something nice when I come back." Akeno replied, turning back with Rias and leaving a thoughtful Azazel behind to think in his lab.

[AN: And that's 3 this week. Let's GO! I'll either try to update Medaka or Lucoa this weekend. Depending on how Rey and Lil feel. Thanks for reading!]