Chereads / The Sovereign (DxD) / Chapter 24 - Hollowfication

Chapter 24 - Hollowfication

The very instant Akeno was pulled from her body, a trickle of memiries began to return to her.

It was early on in human civilization. Where humans fought with crude iron tools. Men and women in black robes were roaming the lands, killing any Hollows they encountered. Some Hollows were simply ravenous monsters who devoured human souls. But a handful retained their humanity. Not that it mattered to the ones in black robes.

Back then, Tir was one such Hollow. Keeping to himself, he stayed close to the mountains in Japan. It was the only place he found solace. Scenes of fighting against a man with a sword of flames flashed by. Then another memory flashes in her head.

Tir's death. The details of how he dies is obscured but following it, he finds his soul sinking into a void. As soon as he wakes, he finds himself drawn into a large, indescribable thing in the void. There are plenty of different ones like it, but as if gravity were drawing him in, he fell into it, finding himself in a similar yet different world than his.

Overcome with various emotions, he despaired. Knowing those who he knew bedore were lost, the process of becoming a Hollow was started. It took years but eventually, he could not hold on any longer.

Akeno blinked, the memories having been recalled in less than a second. Some of the mystery of her previous existence had been answered but the full picture was still out of her grasp.

She looked at Kokabiel, a savage glee rising up from within her, seeing as how her reiatsu was crushing him.

"I told you. This was a baaaad idea.." Her voice carried a hint of savagery within it, one that promised him an ungodly amount of pain.

Akeno was covered in white Hollow plates that thankfully covered her private areas. From the top, she had yellow scale and white plated wolf ears atop her head. Her loose hair possessed a dark violet tinge at the tips. The armor that formed around her hoisted up and covered most of her impressive bust and formed a white fur collar around it, only letting her ample cleavage be shown.The armor being scale-like in design, like a mix of a Dragon, Wolf and an Eel, she had a fin-like spine running up her back that also crackled with electricity. Covering her hands were reptilian looking plated claws with white fur coming out of the top of her forearms. Her legs and thighs were covered in both white plates, dark blue hide and yellow scales that resembled armored heeled boots. While a long coat made of black feathers, dark blue hide and white plates adorned her torso. There was also a long waistcloth around her hips made of the same blue hide and hollow plates. Lastly, faint light green glowing patterns that resembled lightning bolts could be seen up her legs, cheeks, arms and lower belly.

Kokabiel pulled his head up as Akeno's reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure) was pulled back. Seeing both the physical changes and the drastic increase of her power, he realized he made a grave mistake.

"VALPER! FUSE THE HOLY SWORDS!" Kokabiel shouted into a communication spell before he unleashed Cerberus, which he acquired from Hades.

The blazing three-headed Hellhound started to run straight toward the ORC. While Kokabiel used it as a distraction to try and gain some distance.

Akeno sighed and held her palm up, summoning a set of shortblades made of white hollow plates, light blue hide and yellow scales while light green electricity sparked from within the cores of the blade. She flipped one blade and threw it toward the charging Cerberus.


Like a bolt of lightning, one blade shot down and pierced through the head of the left head of Cerberus before coming out of its jaw and slamming into the ground. Cerberus whined as it tumbled to the ground, paralyzed by the lightning that was coursing through one of its mangled heads.

"Whew.." Akeno didn't want to risk their lives and run after Kokabiel. In her eyes, he was already a corpse. All she had to do was catch him. And a large storm was currently making its way over to him, intent on preventing his escape.

"Is everyone-!?" Akeno stopped in her tracks, seeing the state of the ORC.

That familiar white substance was materializing over their bodies, forming masks over their faces despite their attempts to stop them. It covered their mouths and eyes first, making it difficult to cry out.

"Shit.. Hold on." Akeno flew down to try and help, only to duck away from a wild swing from Koneko, who was almost overwhelmed by her Hollowfication.

She had no idea why or how this could even be happening to them. Her own Hollow abilities shouldn't have triggered or 'infected' them like this.

"Akeno-senpai... I can't..." Koneko tried her best to stop herself from lashing out, but this new instinct was overpowering her.

"What is this..?" Xenovia recoiled with Irina as the ORC began to take on more animalistic, savage appearances.

"Get away. Go.. look for Valper, quickly and eliminate him. I have to figure out a way to reverse this." Akeno grit her teeth, seeing Rias slowly raise her hand up.


A crimson Cero fired freely from her palm, annihilating the downed Cerberus and the manor Kokabiel had been staying at in one go.

"Un..Understood." Xenovia replied, shaken at the sudden increase of Rias' power. She quickly dragged a worried Irina along and ran in the direction Kokabiel fled.

Their transformations were unlike anything she had seen before. They didn't simply become Hollows, as she had. It felt more like a Hollow soul was within each of them. White armor covered them, giving them unique appearances.

Their sclera had turned black and each of them gained a mask with two curved horns on their foreheads. Rias had Crimson patterns all across her armor, Kiba's armor was adorned with several blades, Koneko's armor had comma symbols and her Nekoshou traits, Asia had a dark red halo above her mask along with dark red cross symbols lining her armor on her arms. Lastly was Issei, who had changed the most, the Hollow armor forming a pseudo scalemail look with the addition of horns, wings and a long tail. His Hollow armor was a mix of white and crimson.

"Val..per." Kiba growled out, his mask splitting at the jaw as he turned in the direction Xenovia and Irina had run to.

"Great.. You're acting out on instinct now." Akeno seemed to calm down a little. They wouldn't go rampage unless provoked. What really troubled her, was thinking if they would feel the same hunger as Hollows do and run off to devour souls.

"Kiba, no.." Akeno grabbed Kiba before he could run off to murder Valper.


Which he promptly responded to with forming several blades in the air and swinging them at Akeno, who used Sonido to get behind him.

I'll have to wrangle you up the hard way then. Now, I'll try not to be too rou-Hm..?" Akeno prepared to floor Kiba when she sensed something. A connection between the two of them.

"Of course.. The Evil Pieces. They must have triggered this." Akeno stated while blocking Kiba's erratic sword swinging and Koneko's enhanced claws with both of her shortblades.

Years ago, Rias had tried to save her with a Queen piece, not knowing she would eventually have healed on her own. Akeno's soul had rejected the piece and mutated it. It then made its way into Rias and a King piece emerged and entered Akeno. Just this was enough of a mystery because, Rias had not recieved a King piece.

King pieces were discontinued by Ajuka himself and only very few Devils even possessed one anymore.

The matter of Akeno's King piece was kept secret between the Gremory family, Akeno's family, Azazel and Ajuka. It had been artificially created but didn't possess any of the abilities of the King pieces Ajuka had created.

Instead, it acted as a sort of 'Commander' piece and a way to hold Akeno's Hollow power. Of course, the Queen wasn't the only piece that mutated like that. All of Rias' pieces had changed in the same way.

Over the years, a lot of research was put into these pieces but they were determined to be harmless. Until now.

"B...." Issei grasped his head, grunting.

"Let me help you. I think I can through my piece.." Akeno looked inward and pulled on the core of her Hollow powers, where her King piece was located.


"Agh!! That damned monster!" Kokabiel shouted as fierce winds and lightning battered him out of the sky.

He made a rather graceless landing outside Kuoh Academy, where Valper was setting up the fusion of the Holy swords he managed to take. The fat man was indeed there, holding up a fused sword made of four Excalibur pieces. He joyfully looked to Kokabiel, who walked over to him with a scowl.

"Lord Kokabiel, how was the-" "Shut up. We'll kill the Sitri brat with the sword and leave. Where is she? All this commotion outside her territory.. You'd think she would care." Kokabiel spat, looking within the school for Sona and her peerage.

Only, they weren't there.

"WHERE... THE FUCK... IS SHE!?" Kokabiel roared, his red eyes glowing in anger.

"I-I don't know! I swear to you! I've been here but nobody has come out..." Valper whimpered.

"Valper! Kokabiel!" Xenovia shouted as both her and Irina arrived.

Kokabiel was almost startled, until he noticed the absence of Akeno and internally sighed in relief.

"Your existence is an affront to God! Today, we will purge you and bring back the Holy Sword!" Irina declared, though looked uneasy facing the Cadre.

"Hah..! God, you say? That's amusing. Want to hear something interesting? The fact that God..-" "Ara ara~ No spoilers!" Akeno cut him off before a dozen swords impaled Valper's arms, legs, crotch and feet.

"IEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Unimaginable agony overcame Valper as he was pinned to the ground like an insect. His face paling at the sight of his own penis landing next to his head. He nearly fainted then and there until a pale hand grabbed him by the face, fingers digging under his skin as easily as if grabbing a plastic mask.

Kiba loomed over him with a mask covering his lower face. A sadistic grin plastered on his face as he watched the fat man suffer. Though he was still Hollowfied, he looked far more in control than before.


"Sorry about your conspirator there. These powers are new to them after all. You get it, right?" Akeno stated, the forceful pat she was inflicting on Kokabiel's shoulder breaking his arm.

He quickly reacted, stabbing forward with the biggest light spear he can muster.


Only for his jaw to drop when Akeno caught it with her hand. The light twisted as she clenched her fist, detonating it and sending Kokabiel flying into the ground, where several bones were broken.

"Aaah... Keuk..! You.. how is this sort of power.." A gentle light covered him as he tried to stand, healing all of his injuries in an instant.

Kokabiel was confused, until he saw Asia, holding her hands out. Her mask only covering the part of her left eye.

"Thank you, Asia dear." Akeno smiled and pat the blonde's head.

"Oh! No problem at all, Akeno-senpai." Asia smiled back.

"Heal him as much as you can! After all, if he dies too quickly, you guys won't have the perfect test dummy to get used to your new power." Akeno stated, making Kokabiel's eyes widen in horror.

Issei landed in front of him and cracked his knuckles, his mask covering his eyes. Rias appeared behind Kokabiel, her mask becoming a headband with the crimson horns peeking out from her forehead. Koneko walked out to his left, the only remains of her mask being the plated cat ears on her head.

"Now~ Let's begin. Since Kiba is busy, we'll start with.. Issei!" Akeno announced.

"Hell yeah!" The Red Dragon Emperor grinned, his clawed fists clenching before he charged right at the flabberghasted and horrified Kokabiel.