They ventured north into the desert. There were small shacks and villages scattered
about randomly. The people did not talk to the Incas. They just stared at them as they walked
by. They looked angry though. Then the guide led them into a large hut. The people inside
were all singing, laughing and talking loudly. This seemed very strange to the Incas. As they
began to talk with them though, the people shared a drink with them called "tequila." The
Incas did not like the bitter taste, but after a few moments they felt its effects and soon they
too were singing and laughing.
The rest of the day was spent in this hut, but as night came the party went outside.
They walked out into the desert and their new friends told them that they had another gift for
them. They all sat down in a circle and a bag was handed around. Inside were small clumps of
cactus. They were told it was called "peyote" and that they were to eat it. Everyone had some
and the people told them to look up at the stars. It was beautiful. They then told them they
would be taking a spirit walk. They all got up and walked slowly through the desert. In the
darkness, they saw things. Things that weren't there, things that frightened them and things
that made them smile. The night went on like this for hours, but after a while they all lied down
in the sand and went to sleep.
In the morning they were all very tired and thirsty. They went back to village and got
some water. Then the people told them that they were very close to the next great city. So
they quickly grabbed their belongings and got on their way.
It was midday when they first set their eyes on the Aztec civilization. It was a huge city
surrounded completely by water, except for a bridge which they were approaching. Then, they
heard yelling and saw an army of men running straight towards them. They froze. They were still very mellowed out from the night before and they had no idea what was going on. The
men approached them with spears and arrows drawn. Their guide stood with his arms raised
high in the air so the Incas did the same. The guide talked to the Aztec warriors and explained
that they come in peace and that they were here for trade. The Aztec warriors slowly lowered
their weapons and allowed the men to proceed across the bridge.
They entered the city amazed. There were many people and much business taking
place. The people all stared at them, whispering to one another. The Inca were led straight to
the heart of the city to a giant palace. They were led up a huge set of stairs and when they
finally reached the top, they could see for miles around. Then they were led inside.
The inside of this palace was very spacious. It was also decorated lavishly, with some of
the finest artwork and jewelry the Incas had ever seen. They walked to the other side of the
room where they saw a group of men. There, in the middle of them, was a very large man
sitting upon a thrown. He began to speak.
Their guide explained to the man why they were there. He signaled for them to come
forward. The guide gave a large bag of merryone to the man, then he pulled out a pipe and
they began to smoke. The large man laughed loudly. He said his name was Montezuma and
that he was the King of the Aztecs. He was pleased with the merryone and very interested in
He stood and walked over to a large pool that was filled with a brown liquid. He
grabbed a chalice and dipped it into the pool. He took a sip and said it was called"chocolate."
He then passed the cup around. It was the best thing any of them had ever tasted and they
quickly agreed to the trade. While they were passing the chalice around and conversing
however, Dready got impatient. He cupped his hands and reached into the pool. Montezuma
yelled! He was furious. The guards came running over with spears drawn. Montezuma told
them to put their weapons down. He said that this was his private pool. He also said that what
Dready had just done was very disrespectful. They all apologized. Montezuma then called on
one of his servants to drain the pool for he said it was now tainted. He told the Incas that he
would still agree to the trade, but that he wanted them to leave his kingdom immediately.