Jack looked at me and said that don't explain how you got past owr barriers.
I told him that I didn't see and and that I was walk for down the street. And that's when I noticed the building was blocked up I figured I had found a safe place to rest for a little and wanted to go around back to look for a entrance and for a way to get in thats when everything happened and I ended up here.
At this time Jack picked me and the chair of the floor and asked if I would like some water.
I said yes and is it ok if I get rid of the restraints.
Jack looked at me curious for a second and seid sure motioning for his wife mary to back up that's when I tried to snap the rope that was tied my hand together and it worked. Both Mary and Jack was surprised about that.
Mary asked if I could do that he whole time.
I said I didn't think I actually could do it and just wanted to try I left the one on my legs and stayed sitting in the chair
Jack asked why I didn't remove the other ones.
I told him it was more from his comfort and his wife's I also told Mary that she had put the gun on safety.
Mary said she knew that and that she was only going to kill me if he had to or if I was a child pervert. With venom in her tone
The aura she gave off made me shiver but I was happy that she went back to her happy mode quickly after. That's when Jack moved into the darkness and came back with two chair's. he set one down for his wife and sat down in the other one and started to chat.
Jack asked me where I had been staying atand I told him and mary of how I woke up and what happened. So your staying in the hospital Mary asked. I said yes and that there was running water still there but I'm pretty sure that it's running off the back up generator so it won't last for long time. That's why I was looking for tarps and other things.
That's when I asked how things where here and they said that thing where not good and that they where low on food and even lower on drinkable water. That's when Mary said that she was sorry because when she nocked me out a bag of chips and a soda fell from my bag and her daughter took it and ran inside before I could stop her
I laughed and told her it was alright and that I had a proposal for them I asked them if they would like to help me out with clearing out the Parking area of the hospital they told me to let them think about it I told them that I had nothing but time since I was in there basement or celler which ever it was that's when it I asked how long I was out for
Mary told me I was out for 5 hours long enough for her husband to get back and whach me while she went through my things and layed them on the table
I said ok. That's when the got up to leave to think about my offer they came back 45 minutes to and hour later with there daughter and said that they have a condition for helping me and it was that they wanted to live in the hospital with me .
I told them that the more the merrier and told them I was removing the my leg restraints Jack said it was fine. I stood up and united them and they asked why didn't I brake them like the last one. I told them that I couldn't untie the ones around my wrist.