I couldn't brake my promise with you Mia. I said while picking her up. I have something I need to tell y'all but first it's time to up grade the base. What do you mean. Jack said.
Look at the hospital. Everyone looked at the hospital and I said complete quest. The hospital shimmered and shined with a bright and blinding light that we had to look away
When the light faded away. we all looked at the hospital that had repaired all the damage it had received. The few small holes in the outer wall had been repaired. the front of the hospital that had massive windows where now fortified with sinderblox and sand bags.
Mia, Jake and Mary looked dume found, confused and shocked all at once
Do to finally getting a bace you have unlocked a new shop (blueprint shop)
You have unlocked a title ( lord )
You have shown the system to people that don't have it you can choose to give them a lesser version of the system to these people.
(The system that they will reserve will only allow the to see the state of items they find and there own stats they can level up and increase there own stats through training or the ues of there skills.)
(Now that you have a base of operation people will start to come to you for help in this time of need.)
As I was starting at the system my three companions where looking at me. A few minutes past when I finally noticed them looking. I will tell you all tomorrow it's time to sleep I'm very tired. I put Mia down she went over to her mother and bowed and said good night. Looking over the horizon I seen the small specks of light showing. Looking at my watch I seen the time was 5:58 am. Saying good night to Mia and her family I went to my room and fell asleep befor I my head touched the pillow.
Waking up I did my morning routine. I washed my face and arms and headed out sid. looking at my watch and seen it was 3pm on the dot. On my way out I was looking at both the skill shop and blueprint shop. The blueprint has all sorts of different items that could be bought and built such as buildings,weapons, ammo,and armor.
The skill shop had a lot of skills of different types there where strength type, agility type, health type stamina type, magic type space type, and mechanic type. But they both shops used the same type of currenty
Zombie crystals. I shifted through what memories trying to figure out what this currency is but I couldn't figure out.
I finally made it out side and I closed the system looking around I seen Jack was at the main gate holding off a group of 5 people from coming in the front parking area. Mia and Mary where cleaning up zombie corpses and dragging them to a pile over in the corner of the area. Mia seen me and waved. I waved back and moved towards Jack and asked what the problem was. He said that nothing was the problem but these people wanted to stay with us and help.
I looked at the people and seen that that there clothes where taterd and dirty. But they had back packs that had supplies .I thought for a second then one of the people in the group shouted at me and asked why was I making the decision. I told Mary to come over. As she was she drew he gun and walked up beside Jack. I told him to let them in. I asked them to line up shoulder to shoulder. Three did as I asked the ones that didnt was the man who shouted at us and what looked like to be a slightly smaller version of him which I assumed was his son.