Chereads / Sheathed / Chapter 5 - The Greatest Thief: Hari Ashikaga

Chapter 5 - The Greatest Thief: Hari Ashikaga

"Wait, YOUR HIM?!", said Katsu.

"Yeah, I wouldn't say that if I wasn't, anyway I'm here to help.", said Hari.

"Wait, why are are you helping me?", asked Katsu.

"You owe me something that you took from me.", said Hari.

"I have never met you a day in my life.", said Katsu.

"Yeah you did but I will explain later.", said Hari.

Hari then takes up a sword the guard had with him and walked close to Katsu.

"Hold still.", said Hari.

"What, why?", asked Katsu with curiosity.

"I'm going attempt to break the shackles with the sword.", said Hari.


"I won't unless you keep moving around so much.", said Hari as he raises the sword.

Hari raises the sword and swings it as fast as he can.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!", screamed Katsu with horror.


The sword was swung and smashed the shackles.

"There we go! That wasn't so bad, wasn't it?", said Hari.

"IT WAS VERY BAD!!", shouted Katsu.

"What? I got your hands out.", said Hari helping Katsu off the ground.

"Well yeah, but why didn't you use the keys?", asked Katsu.


"Anyway, we need to go now, we don't have as much time.".

"Wait, where are we going?!", asked Katsu.

"Uh, out of this prison?", said Hari with sarcasm.

Katsu rolled his eyes and followed Hari into a large corridor.


A large group of guards are marching down the hallway.

"Ah, this could be a problem.", said Hari.

"Why? Can't you just turn us invisible or something?", said Katsu.

"I used too much energy today by turning myself invisible, made an illusion of a window breaking, and making myself look like an old man.", Hari says.

"Oh, I see...wait a minute.", Katsu says.

Katsu slowly looks at Hari with a confused look.

"What-?", Hari says until:

"YOU WERE THE OLD MAN?!?". shouted Katsu.

"SHHHHH, QUIET DOWN!!", shouted Hari in a whispering tone.

"I can't believe I helped you!!", said Katsu whispering.

"Not the first time I've heard that,....", said Hari with annoyance.

"...But right now we need to figure out how to deal with the situation.", Hari said trying to think of a plan.

Katsu's eyes widen.

"I have a question, has anyone seen your face?", asked Katsu.

"Well, a few people did including you, but what's your point?", asked Hari in response.

"Well I have an idea and I think it might work.", said Katsu with a smirk.

"Well I hope this is a good plan.", said Hari with uncertainty.

Few moments later, Katsu and Hari walks out, but Hari is wearing the dead guard's uniform and Katsu has shackles and Hari used whatever energy he had left in his illusion magic to make Katsu look like he has bruises and scars all over.

As they both walk past the guards, one of them yelled:


"Where are you taking the prisoner?", the guard asked.

Katsu is sweating buckets in hopes of them not getting caught.

Hari did a salute and said, " SIR, I am transferring Hari Ashikaga to a more secure holding cell, the General demanded that I should take responsibility in taking him in as I am a new recruit , SIR!".

The guard is staring at Hari and Katsu, squinting their eyes.

Katsu is sweating even harder than before.

"Understood, it's good to know that the General puts his trust in the new recruits that are willing to take large responsibilities without the need of others, at ease." the guard then salutes and marches away.

Katsu is left jaw-dropped and surprise.


"Well, when you're on the run for 10 years, you can pick up conversations, and speech patterns of whoever you trying to get away from.", said Hari as he takes the shackles off Katsu.

As they both are running around, they eventually found the exit to the prison, as they peak around corner:

"Okay, the coast is clear.", said Hari whispering.

They started running to the exit until, Katsu suddenly stopped.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, THE EXIT IS RIGHT HERE!?!?", shouted Hari in a whispering tone.

"I see the room where my sword was taken, I need to get it.", Katsu said.

"ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM, FOR A F*CKING SWORD?!?!", shouted Hari as quiet as he could.

"I will buy you a new one, LET'S GO!".

"NO, I need to get it!", shouted Katsu whispering.

"If you're going to get yourself killed, be my guess I'm not coming back for you.", said Hari.

"Well, I guess I will just die trying.", Katsu says before running in the direction to the room.

Hari is left standing.

"I always hate when people do things without thinking.", Hari says before turning around, tipped his hat and walked away.

Katsu head towards the room and snuck inside.

"Ok, now where is it?", Katsu said to himself as he's looking through shelves and cabinets.

"Come on, come on, where is it-?", he says with frustration, until.


The door opened and the sound of feet can be heard walking around, Katsu hearing this at once hides.

"Was I being too loud, did they hear me when I was pushing stuff out of the way?!", Katsu thought to himself.

"Okay, where did I put Hari's sword?", said a familiar voice.

"I know that annoying voice from anywhere!", Katsu thought.

Katsu peaks around the corner and sees a blonde haired man in a suit of armor looking around the room.

"OF COURSE, IT'S MATSUMURA, WHY WOULDN'T IT BE HIM?!", he thought to himself.

"AH-HA, I FOUND YOU!!", Matsumura shouts.

Katsu gulped so hard, his heart is racing, and his breathing went heavy until:



"What was that!?", Katsu thought to himself.

He peaks around the corner to find Matsumura on the ground surrounded by glass, and a person looms over him.

The man seemed to have noticed Katsu.

The man started walking in Katsu's direction.

Katsu, freaked out, grabs an object and positioned himself to attack.

As the person walked around the corner:


"OW, SON OF A B*TCH!!", Hari says as he grabs the back his head.

"OH, I am so sorry, I didn't know it was you!", said Katsu freaked out.

"If this is you treat people after saving you, I'm not going to help you next time.", Hari says rubbing the back of his head.

"I SAID I WAS SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW!!", shouted Katsu.

"I thought you weren't coming back for me?", asked Katsu

"Well, you know on my way out I remembered that this place had a lot of stuff to steal, so I came back for that and coincidentally it's in the same room your in.", said Hari.

"Well, that's really interesting, but now tell me actual reason for coming back.", said Katsu with a smirk.

"*GROOOOOOAAAAAN! * FINE, I came back to help because I saw blondie here walked in.", said Hari avoiding eye-contact.

"AWW, you were worried about me, I knew you were a big softie.", said Katsu with large grin.

"I could kill you right now if I wanted to, and I will do it without hesitation.", said Hari with a menacing look.

"Right, noted.", said Katsu who is now intimidated.

"Speaking about killing, is he dead?", Katsu asked.

Hari looks at Matsumura's body and shrugs.

"Well, whatever, let's get out of here!", Katsu says.

Katsu grabs the sword and follows Hari out the door and they start running into town.


"Forgive me father, I will try to do a better performance next time I find them.", said Matsumura with bandages around his head.

"You must, I will not have my son or anyone as the future general fail at accomplishing their goal, to capture and contain dangerous people and defending the peace,...", said General Takahashi.

"....And I will not have any restraint from executing anyone, even if it were any of my children.".

"We cannot let these men get away.".

"Understood, I'll do whatever I can to handle the situation.", said Matsumura with a salute and leaves the room.

"Hari Ashikaga, when I get my hands on you, I will make you pay for what you've done.", said General Takahashi.


Hari means "Lion; One who forgives all sins.", and Ashikaga means "Place of reeds", meaning "Foot" or "Advantage".