The story begins with Katsu waking up and doing his regular routine of getting dressed, making his favorite breakfast, and watching the news on the tv.
"We report of the many robberies at local shops and stores, including the many fatal accidents caused by this man for the past month and the police has report to be careful walking home tonight until getting chance to put Takumi Sato behind bars, I'm your local news reporter, Hakkari Miyamoto, and stay tuned for more information, back to you Akio.".
"Jeez for an entire month, I couldn't even do that for a week." said Katsu to himself, his phone alarm rings, and he then puts on his backpack, grabbed his umbrella, pray to the shrine, and left to go to school on his bike.
As he reaches to school, he realized that he was about to be late and only had 5 minutes to make it to homeroom.
"OH SH*T, I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!", he parked and chained his bike, and ran as fast as he could, and as he headed upstairs and was about to enter the room, ...
The bell rang and as he sits down at his desk, the homeroom teacher walks in, scanning the room with a glare and then started gazing towards Katsu, who is sweating from all the running (and nervousness), Katsu trying to look away as to avoid any eye-contact in hopes he won't be noticed.
"Mr. Fukuhara, may you come to my desk immediately?", said Mr. Hiroshi with a slightly pissed off tone in voice.
All students look at Katsu, some are chatting, some are snickering, and the rest are sitting down quiet as to avoid any punishment from Mr. Hiroshi. As Katsu stood in front of Mr. Hiroshi's desk, Katsu was then questioned by him:
"What excuse do you have this time for being late for my class?"
"It's not like those other times, I actually did make it in time, it's just that I had to run since I only had only a few minutes get here.", said Katsu with a slightly guilty tone.
"Yeah sure, is it going to be like that one time when you 'almost' didn't make it to class because you were-"
"Well, if you're not going to be coming early to school, like the others, don't even come at all." said Mr. Hiroshi with a serious look.
Mr. Hiroshi for years has been always trying to find a way to get Katsu expelled due to the many trouble-making, problems, mischief and very stupid actions that were performed, and Mr. Hiroshi is usually the victim because of him constantly trying to get Katsu expelled from the school so that throughout the day, he doesn't have to deal with him.
"Fine.... I will come early next time for sure." said Katsu while mumbling cusses under his breath while walking back to his seat.
The rest of the day continues up till the end and he rides his bike home, he goes in and into his living room, dropped his backpack, flopped on the couch, and he then gets a message and a picture on his phone from his mom and dad, who lives in the other side the country, telling him that they're having a great time on vacation, and hopes to visit when coming back.
Katsu gives off a soft smile and typed:
"That would be nice, see you soon.", he then turns off the phone and headed straight to the kitchen to make dinner, only find out that he has nothing to make, he then groans in annoyance, grabs his jacket and left to go to the store downtown.
He enters the store and starts looking for the ingredients needed for dinner, as he walks down to the back of the shelves...
The store bell made, as a large man wearing a large coat walk in, he then puts his hand in coat pocket and pulls out a gun and pointed it at the female store clerk.
Katsu peeks around the shelf and sees the man and realized it was the same one that was on the news this morning, freaked out he tries to find an exit without being noticed but to his luck, there is an emergency exit, as he was about leave, he stopped in his tracks, he felt guilty to leave the store clerk, he tries to brush it off and said to himself he will call the cops when he is outside, but he then worries that they might not make it until then. He lets go of the handle and started sneaking behind the shelves so he wouldn't be noticed, he tries to find a blunt object that may be useful for protection.
Without being able to find anything hefty enough to hurt him, Katsu then slowly and quietly as he could try to get as close as he could to try to jump him.
As he got a foot behind him, he then karate chops the back of Takumi's neck, and he at once turns around with a confused expression, the clerk also looks at him with confusion, Katsu thought to himself in embarrassment:
"I don't even know what to expect, it's a karate chop and this isn't like some kind of action movie and knocks the guy out with one hit".
Katsu then took this chance and tries to take the gun away and now he and Takumi are fighting for the gun.
"You have no chance of beating me so, GIVE UP!!", Takumi groans trying to get hold of the gun.
"I know I don't, but I can't just walk away, and something ends up happening to this woman, I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH MYSELF!!", Katsu says almost losing his grip.
Katsu struggling to grip on the gun, he didn't notice that his finger was edging to the trigger and then...
The gun fired, and everything went silent until...
"AAAHHHHH, OH MY GOD!!!", the clerk screams.
There was blood covering the floor, walls, the clerk and Katsu.
As Katsu look at the ground and gazed at the lifeless body, it snapped him back to his senses and the realization kicked in that he just shot the robber.
"O-oh my god... I-I killed him.", says Katsu, frozen in his place.
He then bolted out the store and is running down the street, people screaming seeing him covered in blood, he kept running, and many thoughts came to his head:
"I didn't mean to, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!"
"I was trying to protect the woman and myself, I'M NOT A KILLER I SWEAR!!"
Dozens of things were happening, and he couldn't think straight, so he stops to catch his breath, but without realizing he was in the middle of the road.
"HOOOOOOOOONNK!!!", a loud truck made.
The moment he realized, time seemed too almost slow down.
"Am I going to die? Is this... the end?", he thought to himself as his life flashed before his eyes.
"I may not be a good person, a perfect son, or even a decent human, I always lie, cheat, always running from my problems and now I'm going to be known for being a murderer. But at least that woman will be safe, less of a worry for my parents, and no longer being a nuisance on this world."
"You're Welcome....", Katsu says before closing his eyes and accepting fate.
Katsu then wakes up in field that is covered in grass and flowers, the sound of chirping birds and the feeling of the gentle warmth of the sun on his skin.
He looked around every direction.
"W-where am I?".
Katsu's name means "Victory", the name Katsu is strongly associated with heroism and masculinity, and Fukuhara means "Field of Fortune", "Field of Blessings", or "Lucky Field" (Very Ironic).