In the World of Ellides, a horrific occurrence has caused monsters to proliferate at an alarming rate throughout the nation. Humanity is on the verge of extinction as these horrifying creatures multiply and become more powerful. Only one remaining bastion remains as humanity's last hope after ongoing clashes with the monsters caused extensive destruction and fatalities.
This final fortress, appropriately called "Last Hope," stands as a beacon of defiance against the overwhelming forces of the monsters. It's a fortified city with high walls around it. The last of the human race has congregated within its walls, seeking safety from the unrelenting assault.
The protagonist of this story, Eric Meryl, is a little child who, although living in poverty, wants to be an adventure. He is aware of life's challenges because he comes from a modest, impoverished family, but he still has dreams of adventure and travel. Eric finds comfort in myths and legends about intrepid explorers who traverse the unknown in search of riches and answers outside the confines of his realm.
He is likable to people around him because of his good temperament and a dash of naivete. Eric maintains optimism and hope despite the hard reality of his life, believing that even the most difficult circumstances may lead to greatness. He thinks he can overcome his challenges and achieve a happy ending by being brave and determined.