Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 279 - Chapter 279: Mask of Riches

Chapter 279 - Chapter 279: Mask of Riches

Cheers and screams of joy were heard across the ship, clanking and clattering of cups and mugs filled with the finest ale and rum around, as the group danced to their merry heart's content. Solomon and Stolas would help Harvard out in resting on a nearby crate, letting his energy come back slowly, the spells that were once on the island quickly regrouping back towards the users, his deck of cards now secured once more. As the three would take their breather, as well as the pirates reveled in their rewards, a few would be visible nearby the starboard.

Zazel would be seen with the mask that Calico left behind, the Mask of Riches. He'd check the inside of the mask, taking out what looked to be a book: The Ars Goetia. He'd open it, seeing that some of the pages were folded slightly, acting as a personal bookmark for the previous owner. Turning towards the pages would reveal the demons he would be granted, the recent renowned rulers from his own home: Bael, Belial, Ose, Gamagin, Barbatos, Raum, Andromalius. Such demons also seemed to have writing in them, writing with red ink that has a number for each one, as well as a number for the other demons he still possesses: 66, 85, 30, 72, 20, 60, 26, 26, 36. He'd utilize Sabnock to carve the numbers onto the mask, storing it for safekeeping, before looking towards the last page left, a message left behind by the wielder of the masks again.


"I am here to give my consolation and congratulate whomever assisted Ms. Anne and Mr. Teach. I am eternally thankful for letting them rekindle once again. He's told me so much on how he misses her, so I decided to provide him not only the mask, but also a method on regrouping each other. Writing such a letter was honestly heartwarming. It reminded me of the times when I would send letters to the many people whom needed my assistance from abroad. Such lovely times. Regardless, The book you're holding houses the abilities for each denizen that has once ruled the realm of Hell itself. Please, read to your heart's content, it's a lovely index as far as I've known it. My next Mask lies in unity. In binds. In Love. In Hate. A Mask befitting for the Tainted. Good luck!"

"- Your Friend <3"

"Hmm... That has to mean Solomon is up next." He'd wince a bit, looking back towards the Biblical Sorcerer, being reminded of what he was like. As he'd look back to the book to read on the demon's magic, he would notice a shadow nearby. Anne would be visible, looking on from starboard, her gaze locked towards the now sunk island. "You ok?" He would ask, somewhat snapping her out, yet she'd have a soft look on her face, petting Zazel's head, ruffling his hair a bit.

"Ye, ye, I'm good. Just... needin' a moment is all." She'd reply, shifting her focus back onto the land. Unbeknownst to her, Zazel would be by her side, looking out in the same way.

"What made you guys break up in the first place? You two seemed to really like each other a lot..."

"Aye...That be the issue. We did. One day, though, he disappeared. Vanished to God knows where, and never looked back. It hurts a bit, but... In the end, he never did it out of hatred or anythin'. He was often the kind o' guy to befriend anyone he gets to meet. He's like a lil' puppy if you think about it, a rascal in his own makin', but you can't hate 'im for bein' the way he is. Sometimes though... I do wonder why he wanted to stay as a pirate."

Zazel would sit in thought as he'd hear Anne's words, tilting his head, resting it on his arms. "Well he says he enjoys the sea a lot, right? My guess? It's the one thing he grew up with."

Anne would have her eyes widen a bit as she looked towards the demon. "But tha's everyone aboard! What kinda silly guess is that? Of course it'd be the one thing to grow up with." She'd chuckle as she heard such absurdity, yet Zazel continued.

"No, like. He GREW up with it. From what Harvard and Stolas told about you guys, it felt like an adrenaline rush. Something to excite you whenever you want, something to have fun without being tired. With him... it feels more like an embrace. I don't know how to really describe it-"

"Like a second family?"

Zazel's eyes would widen next upon hearing it. "Yeah. Yeah actually, just like that!"

"Heh, well he did told me most o' his life was with her, after all. Despite being the worst, he's also the closest pirate to the ocean. None o' us can even come close with that type of connection. I guess tha's why he stayed as a pirate." Anne would look down to see the Demon still pondering, watching the bubbles from the distant land start to settle, before providing him some advice. "Y'now. When I first laid eyes on ye, I didn' knew what you are at first. You don' seem to be as worked up as the two boys, yet you're not as reserved as the one in rags. You seem.....mature for ye age. Like a big brother. How come you don' speak as much?"

Zazel took a moment to think about such a question, closing his eyes, imagining his home again, the people in it, and the heat that came with. "Hell....can do a lot to a person. Especially if you're cooped up there for a long time. I unno. I guess I'm just more prepared than anything. Sometimes I get riled up, other times I try to keep it together."

"Except in t'eh heat of the moment, aye?"

"Hehe, Yeah. I guess so." The two would finish their conversation as the sun started to set, waving goodbye to the smiling face at the same time. As they waved, Teach would notice the two, smiling to himself, checking on his own wounds and at the gold they harvested, before finally looking at what was once the island.

"I's told ye...You's be a great cap'n, Anne." He'd mumble to himself.