Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 280 - Chapter 280: The Second Quest

Chapter 280 - Chapter 280: The Second Quest

"Tainted, huh? Real subtle way to call Shady a demon." Solomon would comment, once they returned ashore, prompting his shadow to retain a face once more and rise up, looming over his host.


Solomon was quick on grasping at the shadow and cut off the mouth, watching it flail around as muffled complaints came out. "Last time I checked, you were born from the book itself and didn't serve much else!" He'd yell, much to the amusement to the others, barely keeping a straight face as they stored up the gold they collected.

By mere chance, Shady was quick in regrowing its mouth and poking at Solomon's head. "Well EXCUSE ME For not being allowed to raise you guys! You kids kept rushing into danger after danger without giving me a chance to breathe! Not to mention the nausea I got on the trip...Bleh.."

". . . Hold on, Shadows can get sick?"

"THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!" The shadow sighed a bit as he'd make tears from his eyes. "When am I ever going to develop with you guys? It's been MISERABLE being just a little piece of equipment here!" He'd ask, to which Solomon rolled his eyes.

"Fiiiiiiiiiine. If it means you can calm down for a couple minutes, I'll let you lead the group along." Solomon's agreement would make the Shadow jump and dance in jubilation, acting like a worm throughout his whole body, hooting and hollering for others to see, while also accidentally dragging the Biblical Sorcerer away. The other children were quick on letting him get up and pick up the pace to go after the shadow, as they'd look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What? Am I wrong!? He's way too cheery in a public space-"

"Sounds like you're opening up, Solomon!" Harvard would tease, prompting a karate chop upside his head.

"YOU should not be talking! You're just as bad of an influence as he is!" Solomon would hiss, but Stolas would peer over with a smug expression.

"Is he? Is he REALLY?"

"YES!? He's a walking nuke that could-"


"....This is a losing argument, isn't it?" Zazel would reply to the Sorcerer's question with a nod, his hands up in the air to signal Solomon to drop it. "Damn you all. Truly....Damn you all." As he'd revel in realizing he was being played for a fool, the boys were quick on making their way back to the tavern, nabbing any and all meals that were still provided, somewhat surprised to see another large buffet, but would realize as to why such was the case when nearby soldiers were visible guarding the kitchen, assuming they were of high importance. The boys gathered a large plate of the finest foods, most of which were of stuffed bread with cooked meats and spinach, as well as smoked salmon with spices and herbs lathered amongst one another. Solomon would have one on his mouth as he'd go to the board and take a piece of paper, detailing the quests, marking off the one regarding the island. He'd snap his fingers to get their attention, showing the item in question, before chewing on the bread and swallowing it. "Oi, Oi. Look alive. Last one we got left is a wedding. Read the note again, Zazel." He'd demand.

Zazel would be quick on taking out the parchment, swallowing a piece of salmon first and foremost, drinking some water due to the spices kicking in early across his throat. "Gwah... Okay... 'My next lies in unity. In binds. In love. In hate.' I'm gonna take a wild guess in saying this MIGHT be related to the quest proposed?" He would ask, passing the note around so the other boys can read it.

"It's gotta be. Furthermore, it feels like these quests were set up by the same guy too, the one that keeps writing the notes and planting the masks on people. Bit shady if you ask me."

"What is the 'In hate' part though? I thought all humans love one another in terms of marriages..."

"Ooh! Ooh! I can answer this one!" Harvard would interrupt, his hands waved up in the air to grab their attention. "This is also a big lead up for another lesson: A Hero must always pay attention to the finer details! It may look normal NOW, but you got to pay REALLY close on what this means. Think about it, it's a quest in a wedding, and if the guy who's 99% keeps causing problems to the people....."

"Harvard, he's not gonna crash a wedding." Solomon raised an eyebrow at the idea, though does take his words into consideration and thinks about it. "Although... It could be an ARRANGED one."

"Arranged? How?? This is a world of magic! Why would someone be forced into a marriage?" Stolas would ask, his head tilting as he drank some water.

"Not really in THAT sense, Stolas. Think of it more like...'Planned', if anything. Something to ensure both sides can be secure and stuff. I've read up on a book regarding two adults that did it to at least provide an heir and monetary gain, but both actively despised one another. It's not that one is forced, it's that there's no other real option besides it."

"Ohhhhh...Like a partnership essentially! Glad I ain't having to worry about that stuff." Harvard and Zazel nearly burst out in laughter at the thought of such a thing, alongside Solomon rolling his eyes once more, though he does have a smile on his face when hearing such words.

"Stolas, You're OUR age. Not only that, I'm pretty sure you'd be the first to punch the guy who'd ever give such an idea."

"Damn right I would've! Would've hit with the one and a two and a three and a four!" Stolas would get up from his seat, demonstrating such prowess as he'd throw his punches in mid-air, though as the boys would see such a display, someone would quickly tap on Solomon's shoulders, prompting the Sorcerer to look over, his eyes somewhat widened when he recognized her.

The Princess of Salvandi, somehow still alive, having a large cloak to cover her identity. "E-Excuse me....are you...The boy that tried to help me before? I was overhearing a bit about you guys taking up the quest I sent...are you guys gonna help me out again?"