Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 278 - Chapter 278: Game Over

Chapter 278 - Chapter 278: Game Over

"Once more we sail the Northerly gale...!"

"Towards our Island home~♪!"

"Our whaling done, out mainmast sprung...!"

"And we ain't got far to roam~♪!"

"Our stans'l booms is carried away..."

"What care we for that sound~♪!"

"A living gale is after us....!"



The water quickly pierced through the island itself, the metal pooling outwards in reaction to the harsh waves, leaving no mercy for Calico's side. At the same time, lightning began to electrocute Harvard, wearing him down further and further. Despite such grievous injuries, despite their health bars now neck and neck, the two still stood their ground, their gaze locked onto one another. In one swift motion, both parties would split the large river made, the waters rising upwards, acting as walls to prevent people from advancing further. Harvard can see that his limbs were being faulty, assistance brought by Anne in order to ensure his fifth life is easier to handle. The boy recognized his opening, having the land try to consume him once more, before charging an attack, a ball of light formed on his very hands. Calico, in response, would set up another arrow, pumping as much energy as he could, nearly having his arm torn open the longer it charged. He'd smirk to himself at seeing such damages, realizing that such an attack would be his very last. As he'd see the waves float upwards to the clouds, seeing the ball of light, it'd prompt him to sing his last lines, ready to be accepted. As he closed his eyes once more, a voice echoed around him. A Familiar voice, one calm and condensed. His parchment was speaking to him. "Well now...this is to be your grand finale? What a horrible ending, in my personal opinion. You never even had a chance to rebel, never even had a chance to show how human you are. Bit of a let down, isn't it...?" It would state.

Calico funneled the electricity in his body, taking the electrolytes from the ocean and using it as further fuel for his power. "Now why would I's be doin' t'at? I's liv'd a good life, haven' I?" He'd remark.

"Well, yes...but this was suppose to be set up where you would defy me. That's what all the others do, once they try to reap the rewards for themselves. I would've even let you go on a monologue on how you're against me and state your love is stronger than anything else. Why are you so willing, all of a sudden? From a pirate, no less. It's totally unlike you.." The parchment laughed, teasing Calico as it, too, braced for the attack.

"If one be dyin', wha' poin' is it there t'ah figh' t'eh inevitable? It be death. It's what awaits us. It be life. T'ah rebel means we's be livin' on. There be no poin' livin' on when ye's got everythin' ye wanted, ain' i'h? T'at's what yous said, yeh?"

"I suppose so...But I can't lie when I say that I wanted a more fitting conclusion. It's a bit drab, letting yourself die and leaving them here to reflect on the island. Here...allow me to bend the rules in your favor, if anything than as thanks for following my contract, Mr. Jackawok." The parchment began to glow as the lands begin to quake, cracks being made across the board, the game coming to a halt, yet the attacks still remain charging. "There we go...Now, if you lose, you can save them. One last act of heroism, for the one that was forced to live a treacherous life. A Man content with life, now having a chance to prolong others to ensure they will never give. That feels more fitting, doesn't it? I will say this at least, you played your roll spectacularly, Mr. Jackawok."

Calico laughed a bit as he'd see the contract change the landscape. "Aye, I's be plannin' t'ah do tha' ahead o' time." He'd finish, before firing his arrow, a massive streak of yellow and white, a zig-zag line of light that attempts to cleave the boy in half, yet as he'd fire it, so too would the Card Magician, a beam much bigger than anything Jackawok would've made. A Beam of the very sun, snake-like fangs that dared to consume him whole, a set of hieroglyphs that depicts every god at once, rushing forward to push the beam along, their strength further fueling the destructive energy before Calico. It swallowed his attack whole and was ready to eradicate the pirate out of this world, letting him be cremated into a fine powder. Jackawok merely planted his legs and had the gold overwhelm his body, keeping it stable so that once the attack finished, they can safely leave. Anyone trapped within the island would be shot out, propelled back to the ship in order to save their lives. Such a beam would also carve the island enough to let such riches fall, in which Calico forced the riches to rain on the ship, their reward for conquering him in this game.

He embraced the inevitable that lies before him, his throat tearing itself further, as he'd bellowed out his last song, his regrets undone.

"How soft the breeze through the island trees..."

"Now the ice is far astern...♪"

"Them native maids... them tropical glades..."

"Is awaiting our return..~♪"

"Even now, their big, brown eyes look out.."

"Hoping some fine day to see...♪"

"Our baggy sails...running 'fore the gales.."

"Rolling down to Old Maui~♪!!"

"Rolling down to Old Maui, me boys!"

"Rolling down to Old Maui~♪!"

"We're homeward bound! From the Arctic Ground!"

"Rolling Old Maui~♪♫!"

"Rolling down to Old Maui, me boys!"

"Rolling down to Old Maui~♪!"

"We're homeward bound....!"

"From the Arctic Ground....!"

"ROLLING DOWN!!TO OLD MAUUUIIIIIIIII~♪♫!" His scream came and went as the light engulfed him, burning him down to ashes, his remains scattering into the wind, his voice echoes as the land gave way, forcing everyone to retreat back on the boat with their riches, cutting the ropes and sailing off across the sunset, finally free from their binds. His face would bore out a mask, letting it fly off to the King William's Revenge, letting it plant itself in its starboard. His smile never left him, his contract now burning up.

The island would sink alongside Jackawok, the Worst Pirate to have ever lived, the riches now nothing more than gravel and stone.