Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 264 - Chapter 264: Turn 3

Chapter 264 - Chapter 264: Turn 3

"...Why is he standing there? Zazel?? ZAZEL!!" Harvard would cry, watching his friend behave like an inanimate object, simply aimlessly staring, barely budging an inch, no matter how much he can try. Solomon and Stolas were just as confused and as concerned, though a hearty laugh from Calico, as well as a metallic ding from his hook, would catch their attention.

"Aye, you boys nev'r 'eard of Kagome Kagome? Yous be missin' ou' a lot 'en! Hav'n such wondahs be hidden away from e'ryone around!" He'd yell, a hearty smile as he'd prepare his defenses, his words serving as a hint. Solomon would try to take his time in learning about such a phrase, yet before he would have the chance, both Anne and Teach would take their respective turns.



The two would run off, nodding towards one another and splitting up, with Anne halting herself after spending ten paces. She'd look around in desperation of where can she summon a monster, prompting Harvard to look around and see what other monsters are available, sucking up his own pride and realizing that if they can bring forth such beasts, it would stack the odds more and more against Calico's favor. He would quickly find one such monster and would yell as loud as he can to call her attention, pointing at a space that keeps her both far away from danger and would be able to summon something new, if anything than to learn more about his own deck: Marianna. Anne would nod in assurance as she'd spent her remaining paces to that space, grabbing ahold of the card which held such a beast, and used the sigil to summon such a beast: A Two headed sea serpent monstrosity of white and blue, with a gaping maw but no eyes to properly see, their throats preparing a chilled breath and a scalding spit, taking aim once more towards Calico to deal some heavy damage. A beam of frozen air and scalding water crossed, ensuring no escape, forcing the Pirate to survive the blows of both fire and ice. Furthermore, Teach would land his own space, but won't grab his spell yet, rather taking the time to properly aim and fire the cannon straight at Calico, exploding him in a vast explosion of stars and heat, watching as his health plummets down to where the green becomes a mere sliver of itself.

Dust and debris scattered as the Pirate would be standing, although extremely worse for wear, losing one of his arms to the explosion, and most of his entire body would be scarred by the two blasts, save for instance the small parts of his skull that were covered by his hat. His legs wobbled to and fro as he tries to keep himself up, breathing heavily as his vision started to get more and more impaired. Stolas, seeing this, would simply roll his die and finish him off, a confident smile on his beak that such a figure was bested.


Once more, the Avian circled around Jackawok, acting like a vulture as he lands on a space, a spell unfamiliar to Stolas, or anyone else for that matter. A Spell that depicts a gesture between a fist, two fingers that makes a V, and an open palm. He'd be confused on what such a spell meant, doing the gesture to himself with both hands, before it all clicked. "Wait, is it seriously..." He'd mumble to himself, before choosing to cast the spell towards Jackawok, throwing his hand out once, twice, then thrice, the third being the two fingers. All Calico could do was raise his hand up, serving as Stolas' win.


Bisected. Slashed to two. Calico's top would fall over, the blood spilling out afterwards, acting as his death. "...It actually was Rock, Paper, Scissors." He couldn't believe it. One of the spells he integrated within the spaces was a mere children's game. Everyone swiftly gave a sigh of relief, however, as he was finally put down, though the others were still attached to the spaces. Teach would analyze his space and attain his spell, that being the Sigil of Stolas again, which he'd store just in case. Harvard and Solomon would do their own rolls to see if they can get close to Zazel, at the very least seeing if they can snap out of his trance.



A High and a low. Solomon would be forced to take the one, though he does store up a new spell, one depicting of two children rolling down a hill, whilst Harvard would go the extra mile and reach his friend through his paces, snagging a spell in the form of a scythe. As he'd try to tap the demon by the shoulders, however...



Something moved. Something slashed him in the back. Someone has taken a spell to wield a blade and cut across Harvard's back, nearly exposing his spine. A scream of pain and anguish befell on him as he'd fall forwards, struggling to get up, looking to his side to see who was responsible. His eyes widened in horror as he'd saw Calico somehow not only alive, but with a full health bar as a result. "Wha-....How...- Ghhk!" He'd vomit out blood and bile as he'd struggle to keep himself steady, wiping his mouth as he'd try to turn his body around, seeing a claw-like hand that now took the hook's place.

"Me Final Gambit, Landlubber! Raid Boss! In simple terms, me boy, Raider accommodates me in compar'son to yous. T'eh mor' play'rs be involved in me game, t'eh more....'Lives' as I's be callin' it...I has! I's say, tho', you folks 're t'eh first people I've seen in me life that killed me that quickly. Was expectin' me first life to survive 'til turn six or so, not on three! Hehe!" He'd snap his fingers as he'd display the hidden information, now that his surprise was exposed. Such lives were displayed in the form of his silhouette, one of them being X'd out, five more still standing. "So, which one of you's is next?"