Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 265 - Chapter 265: Turn 4

Chapter 265 - Chapter 265: Turn 4

To say the damage was severe is an understatement, especially considering that his Monster Magic was gone, making the boy forget how much pain someone can feel if struck at a weak point. Anne and Teach would look around once more, trying to see what to do in order to ease Harvard's wound that nearly splayed his back open. Marianna would take notice of such harm and would charge up one of its heads, creating a air-like sphere of frost, looking down upon the Female Pirate, using its other head to thrust forward, as if to tell her something. Anne would look up at the reaction it was giving, trying to remember the last time she was in a game such as this, recalling such moments that were once lost to her.

A Voyage regarding a Kingdom of Ice, where she and others were severely underpowered against an reindeer-like creature, its body crooked, as if it was trying to impersonate a human. Such a beast would have its eyes and mouth sideways, and it was just about to lunge and bite into Anne's throat, had it not been for Calico's Magic. She can recall a space that allowed her to summon a monster within Calico's spells, wanting it to come closer in order to distract the monster so that she can come in for a clean kill. Once she remembered, all she did was roll the die and hoped to land something higher than a ten, the die clacking along the golden tiles, staring down at the result.


Perfect. She'd snap her fingers and would direct Marianna towards the child, letting the summoned adversary take up the spaces she would've used, showcasing to the children that monsters and participants within the game can move separately. With the gap closing, Marianna would lower her head and use her breath to freeze at the wound, sealing it properly, healing the child and letting him take a breather, most likely him needing to skip a turn in order to recover. "Th....anks....." He'd mumble weakly towards the First Mate, which she'd reply by a thumbs up, acknowledging his statement. Teach would take initiative just as much, rolling his die and observing his surroundings to find a spell that was used against him, one that he hopes would catch Calico completely off guard.


Not enough. The pirate grunted as he'd take his paces, arriving at a spell that depicts a talisman, pure white with red ink to serve as its writing. He was a bit curious as to what this was, but he'd store it just in case. Stolas and Solomon, meanwhile, would roll their dice, looking amongst one another. "This is going to result in one of us kicking the bucket, huh?" Stolas would ask.

Solomon merely did a nod before responding to his question. "So far, the game itself is being one big limitation on our end. We can't simply just win with brute force or strategic thinking. We need people to take the big hits for us if we want to keep pushing."

"Who do you think should be the one to deal the blow then? I'm halfway already, no thanks to the Angel, which mind you, is probably gonna be free in the next turn. Zazel's in a mental prison with that 'Kagome' game, and Harvard's got his back torn in half." As Stolas would explain the conditions of his friends, Solomon would be deep in thought, trying to figure out what to even do in such a situation. Never in his life would he be in a predicament where most of his friends are completely incapacitated without the proper usage of magic on his side. He'd recall back to his time in Sindria, where he was facing Adel on his own, the amount of stress in trying to complete the fight before the toxins got any worse. 

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, we focus on dealing as much damage as possible. Gather as many spells as you can find, and don't think about what kind of price we need to deal with." The clattering of dice would signal the end of their conversation, breaking away in order to cover more ground.



Solomon would be the first to be around Harvard's vicinity, landing himself on a space with one of Zazel's sigils: Kimaris, promptly summoning it in order to serve as an extra body to traverse around, due to the limit of spells he can hold being three. A thought came to his mind as he looked down towards the Card Magician, coming up with an idea on how to bring him back on his feet. Stolas, meanwhile, would be a few paces behind Teach, nabbing himself what looked to be a set of bullets, said set being that of ice. His eyes widened a bit as he saw such ammunition, looking towards Anne and recognizing that she must've taken a page out of his father's book. He can't help but smile to himself, seeing someone else is cherishing his memory. "Aye, tha' all? Well, I's suppose such be the case, actually. Af'er all, One's stunned, anothah's crippled! Can' make much a response wi'h t'at, aye?" Calico would state, as he'd try to roll his dice, looking towards the barrier around Gabriel beginning to break, finally having a chance to equal the playing field. All he needs to do is attack Fibonacci and Marianna with the Angel of Yesod, and from then on, keep them away from summoning another beast at their side. Before he had a chance, however...

Clank! Clank! Clank!


Calico would stop himself as he'd hear grunts made in front of him. Almost everyone within the area would look on at seeing Harvard trying to get up, his hands on his knees, trying to push himself. He'd even grab ahold of Zazel's shoulder to make sure he stands, yet even when he did, it would hurt like hell when maintaining such a posture, much less trying to walk. Every step he took would agonize him, nearly having him stumble over onto the floor, yet he didn't stop. He took 7 paces before landing on his desired space, his hand connecting to the tile, giving him the spell he needed most:


" Fine- GHHK!" He'd spew out more blood from his mouth, nearly vomiting it out of his system, yet he merely wiped the mess away with his arm, staring down at Calico, the latter of which was stunned he was willing to take such measures. " fine. I...can keep playing. Nothing else matters....than to see you disappear." He'd state, a confident smile on his face, as he'd reveal his attack, the person behind him, the Demon, beginning to twitch his fingers.

He is about to announce who was behind him.