Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 227 - Chapter 227: Day to Night

Chapter 227 - Chapter 227: Day to Night

A Small campsite, nestled between a riverbank and the dunes that remained untouched from the Massacre. Civilians united together in passing supplies and shelter in any way they can within the few days they lived here. Food, Water, Clothes, even entertainment options such as small toys and books to read, as well as some metal and horseshoes in order to play a game with them. Many would mourn their losses, some silently crying to themselves, others cursing whoever was responsible for the disaster, all of them taking such pain to heart. In one of the tents lies the children, with Harvard, dusting off the sands from his suit, getting to work on packing his things. Zazel, fixing his leather jacket with the sewing materials and actions he took from the Archer in the book, would look on at seeing his vigilant friend preparing to find the person. Solomon, still in rags, simply read through the many books available, allowing his Shadow Familiar to help Harvard, keeping to himself throughout it all.

The last of the children, Stolas, felt defeated for the first time. He has his count-like clothes cover his body, his bandages taken off so he can rest on a pillow, using his outfit as a blanket to try and calm himself, taking deep breaths to ease his mental anguish. When he hears the officials preparing for food, he would be the first to go and get them so he can serve it to his friends, trying to keep interactions to a minimum. His face was still ripe with grief, his dejected eyes only looking at the mesh of beans to serve as his meal. "Hey.....Harvard. Where do you think....we should go next?" Stolas would ask.

Harvard would stop his actions as he turned his head towards his friend. "What do you mean?"

"Well....You said earlier that we were gonna hunt down whoever did this...right? Where exactly do we go next? This world's way too big to....y'now...get a clear answer in." The question posed to the Magician would halt him for a minute, thinking calmly about the matter at hand.

"Let me see if there's a map here. S'cuse me!" Harvard would leave the responsibilities to Shady, having him grow arms in order to speed up the process. When the Magician left, however, as he began his search through the campsites for a physical map and a compass, he could hear something in his head. A Soft sound wafting in his ear. A Sound he recognized, having a contempt look on his face. "You again??" he'd think to himself.

The soft sound began to speak, a voice that Harvard was quick to be annoyed with. "Do not worry. I am merely here to congratulate you in overcoming the odds-"

"Yeah, Yeah. Listen, I don't care what you're gonna say. Unless you're either gonna tell me Stolas' father is alive in your pearly gates or you're gonna help me, I don't want to hear you say that Demons are bad again."

"Actually...that's precisely what I was going to do."

Harvard grew quiet, shocked at how blunt it was, yet just as shocked he was willing to help. He turned towards the voice, a light that only he can see. Bystanders would notice him staring in mid-air and went about their way, concerned if the child was lost. "Explain." He'd demand.

"Quite simple, Creation of God. Ask yourself this: What location have you recalled seeing or hearing before?" As soon as he posed this question, Harvard immediately ran towards the map, looking across the different kingdoms in its region. The chasms that housed two opposing kingdoms, with the flags being familiar, one being a Black Ant, and another of a White, Four-pointed star. He knew quickly they wouldn't be the case, so he searched some more. A Kingdom residing in a garden-like region with a Lotus as its national flower, a bustling city of industrialization, with a flag that bears the colors of black and white, a symbol of a triangle with a skull on each of its points, and even a small island with gold and jewelry across its land and near its waters, though no flag was ever present, only the small circle. None of the lands were anything he recalled, making him struggle a bit and get angrier, until he saw something in the middle. A City located entirely on a Scarab Beetle's back, rolling up a large mound of dirt, powering its towering buildings and amusement parks. A City that constantly travels around the entire world. A City sought by many, simply for its beauty and extravagance.


"There you have it. Your answer." The Angel would state, yet Harvard would be curious as to his intentions.

"Why are you helping us though? I thought you said to never trust Demons." He would ask.

"True, that is the case. It is still the case now. However, that pales in comparison to what you're feeling. Your emotions, and the Demons' emotions, are exactly the same as ours. Justice must be paid, and because of your words, we decided you shall be the ones to enact it. This is simply my apology, and my hope that you still come with us to his light. Demons are causing your suffering to unfold, possibly even more coming soon. I don't want my Lord's Sculptures to cry, nor to wail at the losses. Of course, I will not force you. That is a decision you shall make on your own."

Harvard gained back his contempt when he heard about the angel's pleas, but does pause himself and think on his words. Realization came as swift as the angel making his peace and leaving, not saying another word, entrusting the Magician in applying such punishment to his enemy: It was a Demon. It's a clue to who was behind it all. Given this context, Harvard quickly swiped the map and compass, casting two spells on himself: Fusion, and a Monster, hard summoning it with his raw energy alone. His body quickly began to change and take a more stone-like appearance, his wings of bone hardening into the rock, lines glowing across his entire body, his hands and feet being talons of a bird. His friends would notice the direct shift from afar and tried to ask some questions, yet Harvard was quick in answering Stolas' first. "Khepros! That's our next stop! It's big, it's popular, and it's probably a blatant hiding place for the murderer! C'mon, Let's not waste any time here!" 

Such a location prompted even more questions, with Zazel and Solomon attempting to stop him and get such answers made, yet Stolas was quick on jumping in, shoving the two atop the boy's back and hanging onto his talons, using the stars to act as a bind to encase their belongings. Residents nearby noticed what was going on and began to panic, the King and Queen especially, ordering their guards to try and protect the people, whilst keeping an eye on Harvard if he intends to do any harm. What they saw, however, was the four quickly flying off, giving their farewells to the people, heading southeast in their location. Something about this journey has sparked a fire within Stolas' soul. Despite knowing fully well he should take the time to grieve...

He would rather get to the bottom of the situation. Not for his own sake, but for everyone else's.