Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 228 - Chapter 228: The Walking City

Chapter 228 - Chapter 228: The Walking City

As they flew across the empty skies, with Harvard merging his arms into his wings to increase its span and provide more surface area to grab onto, they would be scouting the lands to see where the very city resided in. Solomon and Zazel held on to such wings, with Shady being used as makeshift seats, sinking their lower halves and letting them hold on against its harsh winds. Stolas would hold onto Harvard's legs, with one arm wrapped around, the other serving to block the smiling sun's light when it cracks dawn. Harvard maintained his focus forward, shifting his body around to try and explore more of the open, enlarged world they live on. "Since we're alone now.." Solomon would start, noticing the sun's face was approaching and prepared to copy the same move Stolas was doing. "..What makes you think they'd land on Khepros? Furthermore, how did you even came to that conclusion?"

The Magician went a bit quiet, thinking about what to say. He's been with his friends through thick and thin, and he was told that all three of such kinds were enacting justice. He'd nod to himself in deciding to tell the truth. "Someone actually told me this. An Angel. I don't really know what he is, or what's his deal, but he told me the person we're looking for has to be in Khepros." Harvard would explain, bringing shock to his friends.

"Hang on, An Angel? How did you even talk with someone like that?"

"It actually happened the first time when I was unconscious. Y'now, the whole forest monster stuff? He came to me while I was sleeping. Had chains all over my body and was being told Demons were being a problem. I...honestly don't know what to say to that." As Harvard continued his confession, Stolas and Zazel looked to one another in concern. They understood what he was saying. Zazel would take a deep breath and tried to answer back at it.

"Well...he's not....INHERENTLY wrong-"

"EH!?" Harvard nearly stopped himself and caused someone to fall off from such abrupt flight, with Solomon using Shady to hold down everyone firm with the shift, before the boy recognized his mistake and kept himself even, flying across the sky. "What do you mean!? You guys are nice, though! I can't be mean to a demon if I have you guys!"

Zazel can't help but sigh at this. "Yeah well....that's kinda the point. It's....really weird to explain. Not ALL demons are going to be inherently trying to kill you, far from it, but not ALL Demons are also gonna be nice like us....Y'now what I mean?" Harvard's heart sunk when he recognized that such behaviors are similar to humans, and by assumption, possibly the Angels as well. He'd groan when he came upon such an answer.

"It DOES pose something though." Stolas would add, as he continued searching. "You said that he came to you the first time. That must mean they're actually watching over you....and by extension...watching over us, right? Who do you think he's calling as a problem, Harvard?"

"I mean, process of elimination says it has to be one of you guys. The only other one we know was Mr. Jesta, and he died off in the Fire. It has to be someone else, but we don't know who that someone else IS." Harvard would answer, making Stolas be deep in thought. When he did answer it, however, he does recall the hint and explains further. "The Angel DID said that it was a Demon that's caused the fire! We can start with that once we get to the big city! My guess is that it has to involve the contracts, like the one we saw with the Author guy..."

"And by extension, possibly having more innocents being hurt in the process.."

Harvard took a deep breath in containing his rage when Stolas brought up such a point. "Yeah, It's not gonna be just Salvandi anymore. Whoever it is, they got to go now." He'd finish, a cold conviction within his voice.

As he gave such words, Solomon took notice on his eastern side and tapped Harvard on his head. "THREE O' CLOCK! I FOUND IT! RIGHT THERE!" He'd shout, pointing at a creature larger than the very continents that housed more of such kingdoms. A Scarab Beetle, trekking across the oceans, rolling up a ball of dirt. A ball of dirt that, whenever it rolled, visibly showed such lightning empowering the city. Such a city paled in comparison to the others that any of the children have visited: A City of solid steel, flashing lights with skyscrapers that reached as high as they could. Park rides by the dozen, steel walls given murals to protect their shimmering landscape. Billboards and movies being played across its framework, and most importantly of all, so many people. Some standing at the buildings rooftops, some walking in its streets, some even flying around Khepros, taking notice of the newcomers and waving them as a greeting.

It was magnificent.

Harvard, without any hesitation, shifted his body to the right, slowly flying downwards and meeting with the very location, the markings beginning to glow as a sign of his approach. He was starting to handle the feeling of Fusion, with such monsters embedded into his body. As he floated downwards, he would get a better glimpse of the finer details within Khepros: The streets being spick and span, and a specific artifact being used to serve as transportation: A Small, Silver orb that, when used, would create a beast or vehicle to let them traverse anywhere, even utilizing the buildings as footholds to walk across. Such an artifact must've been extremely popular, because once he got close to such cities, he noticed there was extra parts stretching out, allowing the usage of walking, climbing, scaling, or even jumping from one to another. A race was being held just under the four, with one making their ride of choice being a slim Dragon, and another being of wheels attached to their feet, letting them skate across the streets fast. Soon enough, they'd come across an extravagant tavern, a fresh smell of smoked ham escaping from the windows, and collective cheering and laughter heard from within.

A Festival was being held. Food, Entertainment, and possibly even a place to sleep. They were getting tired of the same mesh of beans in the few days, anyway. Harvard swooped down and made his landing, gathering the supplies he gathered, and had them all enter inside.