Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 226 - Chapter 226: Man with No Name

Chapter 226 - Chapter 226: Man with No Name

"One day. That was all it took for it to get out of hand. Ever since it was caught wind you kids disappeared, a fire quickly broke out and started to engulf the entire desert. Whoever was involved was also making sure the fire kept burning. They were increasing its length, its heat, hell, even its reach. The Ringleader was trying to rescue some folk, but the only survivors we have now are merely a few townsfolk, the King, and the Queen." Officials would state, allowing the group to explore such a mirror-like wasteland, with Stolas and Solomon looking on to see the town they grew up in become a glass grave. The former started to develop tears in his eyes, unable to understand what was going on. Harvard and Zazel both came to comfort their Avian friend, remaining speechless as they kept walking. Vial would notice where his shop used to be, now nothing more than ash and sharp glass sticking out, as if an explosion took place and caught the last moment. He can see statues of people trying to leave, now serving as its memorabilia.

"Fire, you say....Yous at least saw whodunnit? Or at least gots any evidence regardin' em??" Vial would ask, being met with a solemn shake from one of the Griffin riders.

"That's the part we're here for. We're currently under investigation to find the perpetrator, but so far, nothing. I would ask you kids to see if you have any information, but I will still let you grieve if you-"

"What happened to Papa?" Stolas would interrupt. The officials quieted themselves, looking amongst one another. The Avian grew scared when silence is all he got. "Well? What happened to him? You said there were survivors, right? Surely, he's gonna be ok..." His desperation was audible in his voice, yet another of the officials would answer, as calmly as they could.

"We.....don't know what happened to him. The last found sighting was....well...There." They'd point towards a small area, serving as the Tavern, with an article of clothing still attached. Stolas rushed towards the area as fast as his little legs can, with his friends following close beside him. Vial covered his mouth, unable to break down what needs to be said, yet a third of the officials, a man, patted him on the shoulder, understanding his emotion.

As the kids arrived, all they could see was his hat, still intact, yet now empty. "No.....No.....He can't be-. . .He can't..." Tears started to come harder to Stolas' eyes, holding the hat close to him. Solomon and Zazel both gave their silent peace, yet off the corner of their eyes, they could see Harvard seething in anger, confused at why such fury was made. They could see him balling up his fist, taking a deep breath, before speaking up.

"They're not getting away with this." The Card Magician stated. Everyone's attention was grabbed at his words, yet he continued. "Whoever it is....whoever they are....They're a Monster. Scratch that, they're worse than a Monster. To call them that means I'm at the same footing as the freak show that did...That did....ALL THIS! It's unforgivable! It's Hell! It's something that makes EVERYONE SICK! So many lives lost, and I'm probably gonna bet its for their own sick amusement, too!"

"Harvard...?" Stolas would ask, looking up, seeing tears coming down at the Magician's face. As Harvard turned around, they would see him crying, yet he still held on his face of pure, visceral disgust. A hatred very familiar to them, but one with promise.

"We're gonna find them. I don't care who it is, I don't care what's their reasoning for all this, WE WILL FIND THEM! And when we do....WE ARE NOT LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS! THIS IS YOUR HOME, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I AM NOT LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH MASSACARING YOUR HOME! YOU HEAR ME!?" Harvard's words were violent, yet in a way, it reached to the Avian. Stolas would get up, a smile on his face, tears still coming down. The two would grip each other's hands, a handshake that acknowledges one another. Solomon and Zazel, despite remaining quiet, joined in, a quadruple vow for them all.

"Let's do it! We aren't gonna stop until we get them, and send them to hell where they Belong!" Zazel would add.

"I'm in. They're going to pay in blood for what's happened." Solomon concluded.

Stolas would give them a hug as a response. "You guys really are good friends, you know that?....Yeah. Let's get this bastard. For Papa's sake!" He would shout, being sparked with such vigor through his small speech.


The structure came down, pushing them away. Something was in the middle of the building, something perfectly intact. The Griffins utilized their large wings to blow away the dust, and Vial served to cover for the children in case any would clog at their lungs. As the dust settled however, they are met with a sight that makes them nearly vomit.

A Glassed Ennio Morrwood, his last act in being a wall to protect a Mother and Daughter, his mask and scarf still intact.

Silence befell onto them once more, Harvard tried to hide his mouth, preventing him from spewing. Zazel couldn't help but stare lifelessly at the statue, horrified of it. Solomon couldn't bear to look at it, tears beginning to swell. Stolas, however, was the most reactive. He began to sob uncontrollably as he ran towards his father's body, with Officials trying to prevent him in fear that he's too sharp to touch, yet the Avian could care less. "PAPA!!! PAPAAAAAA!!! PAPA, PLEASE!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....PAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" He'd scream, his voice echoing across the glassy desert, hugging and squeezing at the Statue, crying uncontrollably, unable to hold it in anymore. He'd sink down, grasping at his leg, trying to deny his death was present. Despite wanting Stolas to be safe, all of them allowed him to grieve for his loss, giving their prayers to the fallen Sheriff. As the group began to depart, with Stolas still sobbing, his friends joining in and comforting their distraught ally, silently crying and keeping their sounds to a minimum as they rode away, Le'Vial would use his Textile Magic and converted Ennio from Glass, to Stone, with words encrypted in it.

'Ennio Morrwood'

'Sheriff of Salvandi. The Man who won't Die.'

'Rest in Peace.'