Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 206 - Chapter 206: Prince of Hell

Chapter 206 - Chapter 206: Prince of Hell

Meanwhile, as the two were dealing with the likes of the Yokai, Zazel would sprint across the area, sigils in tow, marking himself with Aym in order to get across the land easier. The moment that any soldiers tried to sneak an attack on him, they would be met with the Sigil of Misfortune, forcing their weapons to instead accidentally strike down their own allies, injuring them in the process. He made a second one and used both sigils to lace around his new leather jacket, one for each side, lifting up such a coating in order to make it act as a defense, before being met with something familiar.

A Monster. A Serpent.

Zazel recognized it immediately and went on the defense, waiting for the serpent to strike. A Sigil of Eligos in hand, the Demon would be having the snake strike at it directly, parrying its fangs and began to scale upward. Further and further he went, the Demon kept a close eye towards the serpent, watching it coil itself so it can have a easier aim to strike from their side, with him forced to recoil and parry as a defense. Despite such setbacks, he was quick in arriving to the top, using its coiling as a shortcut to get up faster, landing himself on the side of the serpent and jumping off of it into a higher spot. As soon as the makeshift Apep recognized such a stunt, it lunged forward once more, its mouth open wide in order to consume the Man whole. Zazel, once more, would have his jacket taken off and used as the bait, making it bite into the sigil of Aym, causing its fangs to break by sheer luck. Just as the Demon began to smile, he'd see from the distance of the Monster's throat bubbling up. Something was coming out. Something black and gold, with a wide grin on his face.


On instinct, the Demon raised up his Eligos sigil, pre-emptively parrying a strike caused by the figure, The Hat Man. He was shocked to see such gold embroidered on his body, a sword on its hand, clashing and creating sparks once it connected with the seal. Because of the attack, however, the momentum was enough to throw both off, with Publiq reaching out towards the Man and grab him by the neck. "Well, Well, Well~! For my first opponent, I get the Antichrist! I never expect my first dance with such new eyes to be you again..." He would comment, clearly giving praise towards Zazel.

He would simply smirk back as he'd grab the Hat Man's arms with his other arm, holding onto him without having a chance to make him back out. "Well, it's also gonna be your last dance, so you better enjoy this while you can!" Zazel quipped, a smirk gained while they freefall to the ground.

"Oh trust me, boy, I will..." A. N. Noh would be quick on casting a spell directly to the fields, having it be given a marking across such grass and dirt. Without any hesitation, Zazel dived headfirst towards it, spinning the two around and putting Publiq in a position where he would grab him by the throat as well, making him take the first hit towards the fall.


The land below cracked open like glass, with Zazel being all alone, doing a roll as he dropped down and ran towards a door in the darkness. He knows exactly where he is, yet he can tell it was significantly altered. No monsters are chasing after him, no spiders are gnawing at his body. His mind was clear, and one goal was made above all else. As he barged through the door, he'd be met with two long bridges, both of them standing atop an endless pit. Monorails were made on the side of such bridges, and pillars were made to hold it steady, blocking Zazel's view due to them being tall and wide. As soon as he passed the first pillar, he'd notice Publiq was on the second bridge, matching in the same speed as the Demon. "So, have you told them yet?" The Hat Man asked.

"Told them what?" Zazel would brandish a weapon through another sigil, Sabnock, its marking glowing to pierce through the darkness, a Sword made as the Demon prepare to lunge himself at the figure.

"That you're of Royal blood?"

The Demon quickly scoffed at such a notion. "I don't even need to. They're smart. They've probably figured it out by now."

"But are they aware at what it means to be a Royal descent? In our time together at Pomelos, I've been looking a bit into your mind. Secrets that shouldn't be revealed, tales that-" Publiq's words were cut when he'd see Zazel leap forward, using the monorail as a foothold to boost himself farther, aiming towards the Man's neck. He would raise his own weapon, a blade with the same properties as Zazel's, sparks flying once more, giving light to the barren land, the Devil's eyes illuminating a crimson red.

"Like I said, they're smart. I don't care if they learn it or not. If they wanna ask, I'll tell them even. Don't try to pull this gaslighting on me, Hat Man." His words were profound, carving away the new sword and trying to create a flurry of slashes towards him, the Royal Demon staring down at the Hat Man with conviction, so much so that the lands began to turn to something else, the deep chasm slowly glowing and revealing lava at its bottom, a ceiling being made with jagged rocks, magma dripping down from the newly made stalactites. Shadowy figures made on new walls from their sides, one depicting of angels, another of demons, all collectively cheering and chanting for their performance. The two exchanged blows between one another, using their swords to the upmost peak, parries and riposte's to ensure one loses their arms so they can push for a lethal strike, before being met with a style that stops them. For Publiq's, it was Zazel's Sigils to serve as a shield while he prepares a new sigil. For Zazel, the land itself curving to throw him off balance, allowing Publiq to make a new blade from his memories.

The metal singed to one another in their piercing sounds, both parties moving across the two tunnels with such finesse, trying to close in one another and go for a strike, yet the other would ensure they parry the strike and riposte with their own. A Dance between them indeed, until Publiq would try and pull a fast one by grabbing ahold of the Demon's neck, throwing himself and Zazel off of the bridges, tumbling them down towards the lava. Despite such a horrific conclusion before one another...

Neither were scared. Both were still focused on striking down one another