Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 207 - Chapter 207: Dead Man's Memories

Chapter 207 - Chapter 207: Dead Man's Memories

As the two plummeted towards the lava, the two would make preparations, with Zazel forced to make the first move if it meant being capable of surviving the drop. He recognized quickly that, despite him being somewhat resistant to such heat, the pain is more than potent enough to knock him unconscious through shock alone, resulting in a death while he is unable to react. To prepare for this, He would utilize the sigil of Kimaris, implanting it on himself so he can take its effects. His nerves would begin to slowly dim themselves, his sense of touch slowly removed from his body, effectively being a 'Corpse.' As he was doing this, he would notice that Publiq was already a step ahead and copied that very sigil from memory, doing the same thing that the Demon was doing, cutting off his own sense of touch to be immune to the pain coming soon. Just as Zazel was about to cast another sigil to try and disrupt him, they'd finally make it to the lava and sunk in it.

Nothing but red and orange was all they could see, though unexpectedly, they were still falling at the same pace, their momentum not disturbed through the density and force, making them almost like two torpedoes aiming their sights to strike down an enemy ship. Minutes would pass as the two shot down, their vision blurred, giving Zazel some time to think. "Ok, so from what I know..." he'd began, internally documenting his experiences. "This guy has the power to bring memories to life. He only needs to look at it once in order to understand what it looks like, how it works, and how it acts. He's so far got the Nuckelavee, Apep, Lamia, Inti, Quilla, and a weird gremlin thing. Furthermore, he's most likely got sights on the sigils of Kimaris, Eligos, Asmodeus and Sabnock. The more I let him live, the more he's gonna learn and can use it against me. Even further, Killing him is just as much an uphill battle since he can just have his memory heal his wounds. I don't know HOW that's possible, but that's a thing I need to look out for. Finally, he can fuse memories together to create a new creature, carrying its properties, and that's all in his normal self. If I was a betting man, he's most likely gonna try and follow it up with Inti and the Nuckelavee together, as well as possibly make a weapon with the same sun monster. He wants to make sure I cast as many sigils as I can in order to bank them in his brain and make him get more options. Can't get more reactionary than the literal sun coming down on you, So.....if I want to beat him..."

His thoughts came to a halt as he continued his free fall, finally escaping the liquid flames and into a new setting, one where he can see the Hat Man face to face, as well as what looked to be multiples of him. Despite the Demon bracing for them to invade, most of them were actually doing something else. Something that caught the original Hat Man's attention. Shifting his view to see what was going on, he'd be met with images and displays of studying. Displays of helping. Displays of showing appreciation to other lives. It clicked when he would see a perspective shot of the Hat Man, gazing towards the group in the plains of Pomelos

They were his own memories. Rather, the ones he most likely forgot about.

The Hat Man looked on towards his memoirs, watching him study and achieve his dream of helping the mentally disturbed, watching him heal those that are just like him. "It's wonderful....Emotions I never thought I have again. Guilt. Depression. Anger. Shock. Disturbed. Clarity. Emotions that I thought have felt before, until I finally see it again with my own eyes. What am I, really...?" He'd ask, having Zazel pay closer attention to recognize that the patients he worked with weren't from Synoni at all. 

In fact, they were from Salvandi and Oaking respectively, as well as other kingdoms he's never seen before, with one catching his eye. A Modern-like utopia atop a Scarab Beetle, rolling a metallic ball of electricity and coal. A Setting unlike any other, with lights dazzling the scenery, and the buildings reaching as high and made as much as possible on the insect's back. He could see the Hat Man slowly lose himself once he arrived in such locations, and the moment he was brought here, it would get worse. Tossed objects here, scratchy writing there, all contained by himself, never in public. His inner demons eating his mind whole. "You're...a Real person?" Zazel would ask back.

"It's a peculiar thing, no? You expect to be prepared with so much, to be given so many details to pay attention to. To figure out what makes the mind work, how it reacts to danger, how it reacts to stress. And yet, when you think you solved everything, there was a loose piece of the puzzle that changes everything you looked at, and it makes you start again. Some people find it annoying, others groan and move on, ignoring that piece. I, however, relish it. It means I can love what I do more whilst learning things I never thought were possible. The Human Mind is a perfect specimen to look at. To understand. I believe I once had this love.....before being who I am." The Hat Man would chuckle to himself at such a peculiar set of moving pictures, watching him slowly descend, feeling sorrow for himself.

"And there's no way to get it back, huh?"

"Boy....Let me tell you something. There are some moments...where someone has lost everything. Where someone has dove too deep, and there is no way to get back to the surface. The people who say that there is a chance you can come back are lying to you. The only way to come back is if you believe that chance is even possible. It requires effort. It requires will. It requires strength. That is what Hope really means. I've lost that now. Now all that remains...are my beautiful memories." The two would see a ground made for them, the floors rising and making irregular shapes, stretching outwards to catch them, letting them regain footing, staring at one another, their magic prepared once more. "So please....if you're going to put me down for good..."

"Please kill my Memories...."

"That is what he would've wanted, after all. He wouldn't feel right knowing the monster still lived on in spirit." The Hat Man's words were cold, his smile broken, now staring lifelessly to the Devil once more. He was ready, and he wasn't going to hold anything back.

The Demon would silently nod to his request. He shall put him to rest soon.