Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 196 - Chapter 196: The Statue of Synoni

Chapter 196 - Chapter 196: The Statue of Synoni

Few hours began to pass. Fiona was slowly getting more accustomed to the magic before her. Vial would make demonstrations with his energy, materializing a thread thin enough to slip under one's fingernails. He would have Fiona try to imagine that thread across her arrow's tips, letting them serve as the needle, even poking a tiny hole into its upper point in order to fit such a thread in. Trial and error was made as the Archer attempted to learn such magic, slowly but surely being able to thin her energy enough to let it slip through the tiny hole. Her practice would continue further in utilizing the arrow to "sew" whatever she desires, with Vial using ruined clothes as an example, drawing the vitals that one can target when she uses such techniques. Her first attempt, however, was an absolute failure, as one shot would cause her to expel such energy, she ended up sewing the foot of many people into the floor itself, preventing them from being unable to move. Such energy was vast once the arrow fired, keeping them firmly in place. Despite such a blunder, she was still given praise. Fiona was somewhat skeptical of such words.

Meanwhile, the Boys continued their own training, after such a blunder. Stolas would be utilizing his stars along with his newfound energy through physical training, fighting against Harvard and mastering his own Final Gambit through the constellations. Harvard, alongside with him, was learning the in's and out's of his own cards. He quickly learned that the lock was used to disable spells upon contact, the Iron Maiden used as an absolute defense at the cost of being unable to cast magic, using it at Stolas in multiple occasions once he realized that fact, and the two boxes serve as a long range teleportation spell, containing two separate targets and swapping places with one another. The Boy was quick in utilizing traps such as the Crystal Skull with his spells and Knives scattering around in order to strike at Stolas mid-teleportation, but because of how much they spent dodging the star's light, they would have just the perfect time to react and dodge such attacks. He would also try to modify Lemegeton in taking a different shape when used to fuse with other monsters instead of firing the monster directly. The results made while doing such progress in learning his magic was absolute chaos, all contained within the room that has just enough wide open space to try and slaughter each other.

Zazel and Solomon would study more of such magic, with the Demon trying to master a secondary style of magic, having the Biblical Sorcerer assist him. Such a style of magic would start itself when he uses the sigils on himself, allowing it to expand and materialize on his body, slowly encasing him in an iron metal, a suit of armor. The boys worked themselves to test this style, being called "Armor Magic", allowing his demons to be bonded with such armor. As everyone was being busy with such training, with Pygmalis watching over everyone, offering assistance whenever she could, everyone would stop themselves once they'd hear strong footsteps from outside. "Heck was that?" Zazel asked, to which Harvard would be the first in finding out the sound.

"Whatever it is, it's outside! C'mon! Let's see it!" He'd demand. Much to the behest, the boys would follow, alongside the Elders, Pria, and Fiona. When they made their way to the outside of the cavern, they would recognize two things before them: The First was the camps, seeing people off into the far distance preparing themselves, making use of their own weapons, magic, and personal forces. They would notice that multiple was set up, with one being close by, but abandoned, the new one now being far, far away. Whatever they saw must've made them retreat and prepare elsewhere. The second, however, was what was close by, with the boys having a shocked expression. " IT REALLY!? IT IS!! IT IS!!! IT IS, IT IS, IT IS, IT IS!!!" Harvard would be ecstatic as he approached it, with everyone but Pygmalis staring in awe.

"You're KIDDING me....THAT CAME HERE!?" Solomon would state, rejecting such a thought of it being brought here as a coincidence. What was before them was the statue of GWOG, The Barbarian Hero himself. Harvard ran circles around the construct, hugging it on all sides, cherishing it still stood, before feeling a strong energy emerging around it. Solomon was quick on analyzing it, having Shady take on a physical form and examine the body. When the Shadow interacted with it, it was able to reflect six to seven lights, all with different colors, all with different symbols. "Ok, Either someone is messing with us, or someone gave us a magically powered golem as a literal tank." He would infer, allowing the symbols to be seen by everyone once he moved the shadow away.

The Symbols themselves had characters of different Chakras. Each character representing a specific part of the body. It was Manipura's magic, given physical form.

The boys realized that Manipura wasn't here. They grew worried, thinking to each other in what happened. Fiona herself didn't knew what to say, but Pygmalis would pat her disciple on their shoulder to relax, before speaking up herself. "Bless him well, my dears. I can tell exactly what you boys are thinking. I can tell even what you're going to say. 'He's gone for good', that's your thought process, right?" She'd began. The boys looked amongst one another, their thoughts being more and more readable. She was spot on with her assumption. "Hohoho~! I figured you'd be thinking of that! Do not fret, my dears. He's not fully gone. No one is. As long as they carry their will, their soul, their spirit, no one goes away. No one disappears and will be forgotten within a few days tops. He still lives on in heart." As she continued, the Statue would begin to twitch, catching everyone off guard on its movements. She'd made her way towards the construct, turning her back on it, before continuing her words. "...And as long as that heart beats, as long as that soul breathes, He will never stay dead. That, I can assure you! Bless his soul indeed, because he's going to help us against this hell that they made themselves in. He's going to make sure that the spirits of the damned get buried back under, and that we still watch on in celebration! Do not cry for him. Do not feel sorrow. He would've wanted you boys to keep going, no matter if you succeed or fail. Only when it is over, will we be allowed to cry. Only when it is over, will we be allowed to mourn for the fallen."

"Grieve now, and give your peace. He wants you to remain strong, and he wouldn't forgive himself if we can't stand on our own after all this time..."

Her speech would impact their very core, and as she gave it, a crack was made on the statue. A Smile was made on its face. It was becoming alive.