Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 197 - Chapter 197: Break the Seal, Part 1

Chapter 197 - Chapter 197: Break the Seal, Part 1

The Statue would crack more and more after Pygmalis' speech. Marks made across its arms, chest, and even some parts of its face. Anguish was plastered on it, its soul yearning to be released. Harvard would see this firsthand, and would nod in compliance. The others looked at him in confusion, before the Card Magician backed away, taking a stance, staring at the statue with newfound conviction. "He wants to be let out. I can see it in his eyes. I'm not gonna let a friend like that suffer in such rock." He'd state. The boys were confused by his words, yet Fiona would explain himself when she saw such fire in his eyes.

"So....Don't kill me for this....When we were tasked to take out the Barbarian.....We Might've had to use a spell from Pria's side in order to incapacitate it. It was a Stone Spell that Malak was able to find, though I'm not sure exactly where-" She stopped herself when she saw Solomon's irked expression, being in utter disbelief.

"You mean to tell us that Pria had a spell to petrify someone....AND NEVER THOUGHT TO USE IT ON THE DAMN KING!?" He'd yell, absolutely angered that there was a perfect solution they wasted before having to deal with everything else.

"I-I-I-IN ALL FAIRNESS, IT WAS A ONE TIME USE, SO-" Fiona's words were cut off again by the Biblical Sorcerer, though Stolas and Zazel started to piece together what really happened. Much like how the narrative changed for Malak to return, it also changed in the methods to deal with GWOG himself. They'd allow Solomon to rant, though, since it was somewhat funny to see him logic his opponent out.


"Would you guys keep it down? I wanna have a cool moment here!" Harvard would state, with him and the Statue turning their heads to the commotion. Solomon would halt himself, though his anger was still visible, trying to calm himself with Shady and a few spells to distract his rage. "Thank you....Now then." The Card Magician takes the first move, lunging forward to the Statue with two spells in hand, creating the appendages once more, allowing him to deliver a hook and a gut punch to the construct. The statue, however, would swiftly dodge out the way and began to utilize the Chakra's across its stonework, with Manipura coating its body in order to block off the appendages, as well as aiming for a direct punch and an elbow to follow up once he knocks the boy's mouth nearly clean off. The Boy merely regenerated his mouth and triggered his second spell, attempting to have it infused with the arms in order to increase its damage: Knives. Such blades began to poke out underneath its skin, taking advantage of the weakness behind Manipura and stab directly into the Statue, having the arms grab ahold so that he could get closer. In retaliation, the Statue would follow up with a knee, followed by a sucker punch towards his right. The boy was forced to tank the attack, but raised his arms up and casted one of his new spells to protect himself: Stone Arms. Such arms would be used to block the sucker punch, allowing him to grab ahold and push further.

When he got close, he would use three spells in order to create his new combo: His hands molding into a solid metal with sharpened nails, akin to a dragons, while using Fusion to enhance and infuse such hands with the might of his monsters. Stolas recognized the Monster once he saw the hands slowly illuminate a solid, white light, with the claws becoming Talons and the markings being visible. It was Rasca. The boy took swift aim towards the Statue's face, balling up his hand into a fist, before lunging forward. "GOTCHA!!" He'd scream, before throwing a solid straight right to its cranium. Because of his training with the very sun, as well as fighting back while under such training, his energy output increased tenfold with the exercise in tow. His body was practically like an unstable engine, ready to explode and destroy everything around him. As a result, he condensed this energy to his very hands and had the explosion be made right into impact, the damaged being traced directly into the Statue's very soul.


As the attack connected, the Petrified Barbarian took so much, it was pushed back and bounced off the earth like he was a ball, flinging him upwards above the cave itself. The Statue was quick in shifting its body and landing feet first directly onto the grassy terrain. The mark Harvard left behind was visible for everyone to see, the Chakra of Ajna shattering alongside the very head, cracking and breaking apart. His very flesh was finally being seen, his hair able to escape from the crack, his one eye visible and able to see what was going on. The Card Magician smiled as he'd see at least a part of his face for the first time. He'd maintain his focus, not holding anything back, having him cast four more spells through each one of the arms: Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Darkness, slowly having each arm encompass that specific element. He can notice that the Stone Arms were getting more frail because of the spell being used to buff it, being under the assumption that it would hold more power, but with less durability, a one hit technique. The Magician charged forward, with his arms lunging the man directly towards the statue. The Statue, meanwhile, braced for the Card Magician, stomping its foot down on the ground, triggering Muladhara to maintain its grip on the earth. It'd then prepare its arm, allowing Vishuddha to envelop it. The Magician recognized what it was trying to do, and yet, he charged forward with even more speed.

His smile was even more wide. He was having the time of his life.