Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 190 - Chapter 190: Reaction Time

Chapter 190 - Chapter 190: Reaction Time

As the children led the group back towards the chambers, Stolas would immediately cast his magic, shooting up a large star in the middle of it all, with the area slowly enveloped under its warm light. Harvard would be the first to properly enter, with the rest holding back the adults and have him prepare, watching the Card Magician stretch and do small workout activities to prepare. "So...What exactly are you kids doing??" Fiona would ask, worried about their safety.

Stolas merely smirked as he'd explain. "Easy! We're gonna play a game! I was telling my friends that we need to improve our physical stuff, but there wasn't really anything much besides a training dummy. That's when Zazel and Harvard got a genius idea to use my stars for that game!" Fiona can feel a pit in her stomach once more when she heard it was a suggestion from the most chaotic child out of the bunch.

"The game...being?"

"It's like ah....shoot what's it called? Dodgeball? Yeah! Dodgeball! Only, instead of a ball, you have to dodge the star's rays! We keep it going until one of us hits a high score and try to beat it! Every dodge against the Sun's light is worth 1 point! I think that should be easy enough to get the gist of it!"

"YOU'RE FACING THE LITERAL SUN!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU KIDS!?" As soon as Fiona shouted, the star began to act up, her very voice acting as the trigger to begin the game. It was almost instantaneous at how it started, nearly hitting the child straight in his eyes, yet as it came down, the boy would move himself slightly to the left, allowing perfect evasion. Another came down, aiming for his leg, the reaction being the same. Then another, then another, then another. The more and more it fired, the faster and faster such speed was needed to dodge it. The Archer could barely see due to the sun's light, but what she could view would be astronomical. She couldn't believe it. He was actually dodging the beams of light. "How.....How long were you kids doing this for...?"

"Couple of minutes. We kinda had to change up the sun's rays though. It kept hurting like mad whenever it hits us." Just as Stolas would state such words, the Card Magician let out a grunt as he was struck down, landing into the earth and brushing at the wound with his hand. Smoke was visible around the wound, though the damages weren't problematic. "Yeah! Exactly like that!" Stolas would add, making his way towards the Card Magician and searching through his suit to find the Potion spell, casting it so that the wounds can be healed. "You know.....with the fact you're technically immortal and can change your anatomy up, you should probably find a way to turn off the nerves that are gonna hit you."

Harvard rolled his eyes as he gets up. "You don't think I know that?" The boy stated with a pout, with Stolas matching his expression with his cheeky grin. "Alright, I counted...fourteen? It's either fourteen or fifteen for me. Who's up next?" The boy would ask, with Solomon raising his hand to offer himself. Zazel merely watched on, writing the score down on the walls with his magic, a sigil made that seemingly stumped the Archer at first. 

"Uhm....Is that supposed to be something you had?" She would ask, yet as she gave such a question, the game began once more, with Solomon showing better results, dodging and weaving each beam with expert precision, quickly usurping Harvard's score with little issue.

Zazel nodded his head. "It's Sabnock! You ah....RIIIIIGHT! I never told you their names, didn't I? I'll teach you them if you need to. I might need to make more sigils, anyway, so its a win-win for me!"

"Sorry, More...Sigils?"

The other three children nodded. "We ain't gonna step into a warzone without getting more stuff under our belts, y'now? That's what training is for! We learn more Magic, We learn how it works with our stuff, and we add MORE of our stuff so we get more options to fight back! Simple as that! You probably need to do the same too, just in case!" Such words would somewhat stun her that their preparations were being so high and doing well with such responsibilities at such a young age. Her worries quickly shaped into actual praise in seeing how much they're willing to go. Just as she did, a Grunt was heard once more. Solomon was struck down, ending his streak.

"Alright! That's ahhh....what, sixteen? Fifteen?" Harvard would ask, to which Solomon would gain a smirk and showcased his tally through Shady himself.

"Twenty-seven" was the only response the Biblical Sorcerer needed to say.

"TWENTY-SEVEN!?" Just as Harvard questioned it, the second Solomon got himself outside of the room, Stolas immediately jumps in and starts it up. Because of such impatience, Zazel would scramble a bit in tallying the points and checking how much he was going, watching him matching the same speeds as Solomon. Harvard grew annoyed at the fact he was being usurped so easily, a determined look on his face. Fiona, seeing the children actually have fun with one another through this sport, despite being dangerous, would chuckle a bit.

"God...You kids are crazy...What the hell were your parents that made you like this...?" She would ask.

Zazel, surprisingly, would be the first to speak up. "I'm kinda amazed you're questioning this. After everything I've seen from you humans, I just learned to accept it. You guys got so much to do and can create so many things, I'd be shocked if you weren't getting a little greedy every now and then. Kinda makes me jealous, having all that freedom." His words were backed with his experience, reminiscing on the small missions he thought would've been basic, turned into a warzone within a flip of a coin.

Fiona would be confused, not speaking up due to Stolas getting hit and having a staggering rank of thirty, according to how much the Demon counted, watching Harvard try again with dodging the sun's rays. "You say that as if you never had that type of opportunity."

Zazel merely laughed a bit. " sounds like that, huh?" With that said, the boys, Zazel included, would play such a sport, with Pygmalis allowing Fiona to watch over while she makes some meals for the kids.