Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 191 - Chapter 191: A New Deck

Chapter 191 - Chapter 191: A New Deck

The hours went by, and the sun began to set. Pygmalis would be quick on creating a suitable feast, starting with a few skewers to stab into some meats and having one of her constructs slice some pineapples to add to such a spike. As the children continued their games, the four of them somehow reaching to the fifties and sixties, they would take a breather and relax, having them rest around the hammock and comforting pillows, letting the cool winds blow off the sweat pouring down their foreheads. As they did so, a Thought came towards Harvard's mind. He'd check through his deck and scattered his cards all over the floor, placing them in a neat pattern while looking at its contents. Despite it being a formidable weapon, he noticed quite clearly the cards didn't had a true strategy in mind. Solomon took notice in Harvard's actions and would sit himself up. "What are you doing?" He would ask.

"I kinda realized something. I'm probably gonna need to make these cards better if I'm gonna deal with someone that kicked my butt before, huh?" The boy would answer, catching the attention of the other two, looking towards one another in confusion.

"Probably. Either that or have faster reaction time to deal with his Spiral shenanigans."

"Well, yeah, but that's the thing. If I'm gonna improve myself, even with the whole Monster Magic stuff I have, I feel like my deck may need to improve just as much if I wanna catch up. Y'now, set up an actual gameplan so that I can beat them up easier."

The others looked amongst one another as he said his words. "Are you saying....You want us to help fix your deck?" Zazel would ask, being the first to speak up. He couldn't imagine what to do if even given the chance. Harvard would nod as his answer, making the others puzzled on what to even add for the time being, with Harvard quickly making his way to certain cards that seemingly doesn't have a use. Cards that looked more like party gimmicks due to its artwork, though he does save a few to keep, such as one depicting a lock, one depicting two boxes with a question mark plastered on all its sides, and another with an iron maiden-like prison. Zazel would be deep in thought, recalling his strategy revolving around summoning his monsters through the usage of energy. "Well, What about something to cheat out your friends easier? Stuff like say, a spell that takes your damage as a cost? You're already immortal, you can probably stall them with those spells to get the strength. Stronger Monsters wouldn't be a hassle anymore, right?" He would ask.

"Actually.....That's a good point. How come I haven't thought of that?" Just as Harvard would comply with such a choice, some of the cards around him would begin to shift and morph. Complying with Harvard's desire, the cards take on a new appearance, with four more spells as a result: One that depicts a ritual taking place, one with a Talisman encompassed in flames, and two that depicts departed souls as the cost instead, one of which being from the living, and another from the deceased. Furthermore, more monsters were created, though they, like his friend, had demonic-like appearances, with their names stunning the group: Beelzebub, Satan, Bahamut, and Mephisto. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Not only did such cards molded into Zazel's recommendation, but also having monsters taken from his influence. Ooh's and Ahh's were made across the group, before Solomon pitches his idea.

"Okay, okay, Hold on. If that's seriously gonna be our gameplan, we're gonna also need some harder spells to hit just the same. Harvard, try to think up stronger spells to hit the opponent back, like what you did with the whole Lightning and Fire stuff. Think you can do that?" Solomon's question was met with a nod, as Harvard tried to channel his energy through to change the cards once more. More of them began to morph, though as they did, they seemingly took a different approach to such a direction. Spells upon spells would instead be about casting Illusions, something that would hit hard in a mental sense: A Kaleidoscope, a Clock lagging itself, a Solar Eclipse over a desert, and a Jewel that can seemingly house such illusions within them. The Monsters that would be made were the one's upon Solomon's request: Angels of their respective element of Water, Earth, Wind, and Lightning. Gabriel, Zadkiel, Haniel, and Sandalphon.

Harvard would think about this. The cards themselves did followed his direction, but not in a way they wanted to. He was curious as to why the spells were more illusion-based than his usual elementals. He slowly pieced together that, since it was his own deck, it manifests better under how the wielder casts it, what strategies they take, what moves they make, what they do with the cards to better reflect the caster. Because of him trying to outsmart his opponent and using spells in methods without rhyme or reason, he realized this was the theme he was building around: Trickery over Power. Strategy over Strength. With this knowledge in mind, he'd pick up one spell: Fusion. "Ok, Let's see if I can do this. Cards, I want to have some spells that best reflects this one. I want this to be like....I 'unno, the last resort everyone is doing nowadays. Give me some cards that best works with this one." He'd declare. A Third time, the cards changed. Cards that were random weapons and items now modified to become tools synergizing with Fusion: A Sword that can fuse with the monster to gain its traits and strength, Claws which do a similar structure, A wall of stars that depicts a monster being split in half and lessened to smaller monsters, and a new seal that is imprinted in one's hand, allowing them to absorb the spell itself and use it as a cost. More Monsters were made to supplement the third card created, lesser monsters that can be summoned at a lower cost, but more importantly, act as a catalyst further to such fusionism. Mostly of smaller beasts with winds circling around them: A Crow, a Cat, a Fox, and an Orthrus

Stolas would be the last to pitch his idea, recognizing the synergy behind his spells. "Ohhhhh, WAIT WAIT WAIT! Harvard! Try to go for more monsters to work with that card." The Stellar Magician asked, which would serve confusion to the entire group. Stolas rolled his eyes and explained further. "You said you want cards to work best with Fusion, right? Why not have Monsters that do the same thing? Have some utility further than mere weapons. Go for cards that can be useful both as summons AND as Fusion Materials! You can probably even go for cards that boost your monsters further with those weapons as well." Hearing this reasoning, Harvard would recognize his choice. It was no doubt the smartest ones out of the four, and his very smile is what triggered the cards to mold to his wishes. Four more spells made to support the inverse of the child's wishes: Two Scopes worn on a face, one on the left and another on the right, a toy with psychedelic eyes imprinted on its head, and a Set of arms depicted in pure stone, with spiritual apparitions being seen underneath such rock. Monsters made would support the theory further, being monsters that work best as fusion material for his creations: Miyashi, a Skeletal swordsman, Aiwass, a being out of solid steel and with a paradoxical shape, Gaimond, a Warrior with gems embedded in its blade, and Eurodux, a being out of stone and red hot magma, also in a bizarre shape.

The Card Magician's deck was set. He collected all the cards and stored them all at once under his sleeves, hiding them away from sight. "Thanks a Lot, Guys! I think with these new cards, I can beat the HELL outta that crooked king! This is-. . . .Wait, am I gonna get in trouble if I said Hell?" He'd ask, a bit worried, before his friends would begin to laugh, comforting him that it is merely a word anyone can say. Pygmalis would be finished with her Shish Kebabs of varying foods, letting the boys dine as they spent the night in glee, satisfied in making his deck a true, living weapon.