Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 144 - Chapter 144: Sun and Moon

Chapter 144 - Chapter 144: Sun and Moon

The Silence was thick, the expressions of dread being ever present. Everyone involved, from his friends, to the adults, looked on in despair at the body. A. N. Noh would try to take a deep breath, making the bow and arrow disappear before them, calming himself, smiling, finally past the worst of it. "Dear God...he really was something special. I never thought I would meet someone like him, nor thought someone that young could be so.....strong-willed. He really sounded like he wanted to kill me." He'd mutter to himself, having the shadow-like monsters coil closer, as the Hat Man approached the group. As he'd came closer to direct the shadows once more, he would hear something faint close by. He'd turn his head, being met with the body once more, still laying down. The Hat Man, however, knew something was off. He'd approach the body and investigated it: Broken Glass across Harvard's skin, a clean wound made in his head. He'd reach his hand out and placed it on his chest, trying to see what else he missed.


The Hat Man's eyes widened when he felt it. It was a heart. As he'd try to get the bow and arrow, taking quick aim to try and shoot at him, the boy casted a spell to immediately cut the distance between himself and the Silhouette, having a wide smile at his face, his body coated in soil and dirt. "I warned you..." Harvard would state, before the beasts tried to assault the child directly, coming at the boy in multiple angles, ready to sink their teeth and inject him with such venom. Publiq reached out in an effort to stop them.

"WAIT! DON'T!! THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS!! DON'T GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS!!!" He'd scream, yet it was too late. Right as the monsters lunged forward, he'd cast his signature spell, the very seal that harbors the strength to summon his monsters. He'd angle the seal slightly atop of himself, maneuvering it so that he could have the creatures hit it instead, the seal quickly absorbing their being, sucking them in and trapping them within its magic. The boy would notice the sheer amount was high, and hypothesizing that they must've carried the same strength and abilities as his own. As a result, a wicked idea came to his head, casting another spell to multiply the seal, creating two in the process. The costs being provided by the beasts were more than enough, even angling it to take hold of the Chupacabra, yet the ashy creature quickly noticed and severed himself away from the seal, using its sharpened claws to cut off whatever was trapped in so as to prevent feeding further into his summoning. It shrieked as it escaped, his blood pooling out, yet Publiq was quick in creating a shadow appendage for the missing limb, its leg now shrouded in darkness. The boy smiled in glee as he would see the monsters being absorbed, sending two cards towards the sigil, letting them glow its eerie green light.

"You know...You're REALLY out of luck. Usually....whenever I fight someone....I could only muster up enough energy or resources or what have you for at least like...One of my friends. I'd have to work my butt off to get out a second one, especially since the first tends to be so taxing. This is different, however. This a lot! So many monsters, so much energy, so much being built in....That I think I can pull it off! Thanks, Hat Man...I'm gonna enjoy using this opportunity." The light blasted upwards to the very sky, splitting the clouds, the force pushing away both parties, with Harvard being still in mid-air as the monsters were summoned, with two creatures exiting out and carrying the child, before he began his chant. His friends watched on in awe, yet also in fear on how much he's going. The gleaming grin made on his face was prevalent. He was beginning to lose it. He intends to keep his end of the bargain.

"Ardeat.....Ure omnia.....Detrahe iram lucis his qui tegunt in tenebris.."

"Pallium.....Absconde illiausos dicere ad atra nocti.....nulla lux viva relinquatur.."

"Sol occurrat lunae.....Lunam sol occurrat.....Deus et diabolus nunc tradendo iudicio in hac die"

"Saltaremus tandem, meae potentissimae bestiae.....Diis Diei ac Noctis.....Oculi qui nos ex ulteriore speculantur...."

As the beams struck the very skies, taking swift aim, one of the people, Manipura, would notice the beam hitting right at the setting sun, another shooting to a far right, the Moon that resides in the near west. He may not be able to see the sun directly, but he was able to see the moon somehow moving faster than usual, the beams of light feeding into it, the positioning being prevalent in its side. "It can't be...The child isn't actually..." He held his tongue as he would see the moon began to shift. The sun was also getting dimmer, being given a more solid shape, yet still retaining its heat and might. The faces that were on the stellar objects began to crack, an eye peering from the broken pieces of such objects. ".....He is...He really is going to do it." Manipura watched in horror as the two objects converge, sprouting out a monster within them: A Dragon. Stolas would watch on in amazement as the two were capable of achieving such a state.

"Woooooooow...." Was all he could say, as the beast roared and blasted down an attack; A ray of heat and gravitation to cage the two fighters in. Solomon took notice and immediately casted a spell to create a barrier around the scene, rushing in while they were free from the shadow monster's grasp. He held a smirk as he'd look on towards the Card Magician, with Stolas noticing his expression. He gave a warm smile when he noticed he still cared for him, amidst his annoyance and grudge.

"ARAWAREU!!" The boy would cry, his puffy hair now splitting apart at the seams due to the excess of energy, letting his hair now flow freely with the wind. He still gave a wide smile as he'd watch his two friends descend from above. Harvard would even notice that Publiq was getting just as much excited.

"Dies judicii venerit..... Ora pro salute...."


The Dragon's heads quickly emerged, like that of a hydra, ripping through parts of the Sun and Moon to make space, roaring in pride as they stared down the Silhouetted man, the burning fire spreading across the barrier, a ring made specially for them. Harvard would set up one more spell, though it is reserved for a later use, watching Publiq directly. "Marvelous....Simply Marvelous..." He'd think to himself. "However....The boy must've known that it's foolish to summon something like this. I just need to get back and copy his monsters. I just need to swarm him with my very memories. I just need to summon them and use them against everyone....and I will win..." Right as he thought of such words, he'd laugh to himself. He'd hold onto his very face, stabbing his fingernails within his skin, leaking blood as a result, before cackling maniacally.


His voice echoed as he stated such words, ripping his own hands off of his face and yelled at the top of his lungs to the very beasts before him, stepping forward to make his decision clear. He shows no hesitation in facing them head-on "YES!! LETS DANCE INDEED!!! OUR OWN DANSE MACABRE!!! A DANCE FOR THE VERY DEAD!!! LET'S ENJOY OURSELVES TO THE FULLEST, UNTIL OUR VERY SOULS GET DRAGGED TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!"