Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 145 - Chapter 145: Danse Macabre, Part 1

Chapter 145 - Chapter 145: Danse Macabre, Part 1

The Dragons immediately made their mark, with Inti taking initiative by charging its attack and shooting down in spurts towards Publiq. Rays of light that would burn down the very grass beneath them, scarring a hole deep in its earth, penetrating anything before it. A. N. Noh would be forced to push himself back, using the shadow resting below him to summon a silhouette and grab him, dragging him out of the area, a memory of himself hidden within the darkness, to help him evade from the incoming assault, letting it act faster and stronger than himself, all for the sake of dodging. He'd notice that, because the sun is close by and is shining down directly below the two fighters, he cannot directly copy Inti itself. The brightness was too much, acting like a permanent flashbang to prevent further knowledge being given, apart from the size and shape of the beasts. Furthermore, Even if he were to create such copies, he would have to create them in a point where he was able to do such creations, unable to be occupied by either Inti, Quilla, or Harvard directly. As soon as he'd thought of such, Harvard would close in and cut the distance once more, appearing right behind the Hat Man, sending a roundhouse kick directly to his teeth and sending him directly to Inti, where it would blast down another ray of light to scorch him alive.

Publiq, using Quilla, as well as his own Memory of himself, would adapt to the situation, having the arm's length extend and angle himself near the Moon, being hit with its own ability: Intense Gravity. Anything underneath the Moon would be met with the gravitational force equivalent to the Earth's very Core, or alternatively, would be weightless, unable to maneuver properly and be a free target to shoot. Because of Quilla focusing on support, it wasn't expecting A. N. Noh to try and use the spell as a saving grace, immediately dropping him off into the ground before the beam of light was able to curve itself and snipe the Hat Man. the Moon immediately turned it off, quickly trying to suck in the Silhouette before leaving him within that weightless state, where Publiq would take advantage and send out a horde of beasts, ranging from people, to insects, to snakes, to even another Apep to try and swarm the creature, before Inti reacted and launched a laser to exterminate all of them. Harvard would set up a large amount of chains to bind and snare the Hat Man's neck and arms, throwing him straight back into the ground and within close range, aiming for a hook, to an elbow right at his neck, to a knee straight up, forcing A. N. Noh to look at the Sun directly, feeling his eyes begin to take damage by such light. No matter how much he tried to look away, Harvard continued his onslaught, constantly attempting to try and force him to look at Inti's radiance, trying to blind him and fight him while his vision is severed. A. N. Noh would be forced to send a swarm of humanoid forms tackle the Child and pin him in one of the walls around the barrier, where Harvard countered by grabbing the chain tightly and pulling him directly to that spot, a perfect target for Inti, as it charges its beam of light and fires it at point blank range.

As the figures disintegrated, Publiq would once again drag himself out of the radius, barely grazing the light, watching a small piece of his hat incinerate into dust. He'd look at the Child, assuming he would be eradicated by his own beast, yet Harvard would be seen taking in the blast for himself, using a different spell to cause such absorption, his arm being damaged however, due to the amount and size he took in, physical tears being seen across his forearm and wrist. Publiq couldn't even believe it. Without a second to spare, Quilla would try to intervene at A. N. Noh's distraction, creating the section around him weightless, before slamming such heads down into the ground, pounding at his black body nonstop, bludgeoning him in any way it could. The lands rip themselves apart before the Moon, with even some bites being made to rip into his dark flesh, having Publiq fight back by creating Lamia to try and strike at the heads, resulting in Quilla reeling back before using the Moon's mass itself as means of an offense, forcing the Lamia to hold it up high. Harvard and Inti would sweep into the side, taking a clean aim between the two, with Harvard aiming his hand and releasing the seal that caught the beam, while Inti would set up a second one, putting Publiq into a position where he cannot dodge, nor can he block properly with the weight and pressure of the Moon. 

Using his hand signs again, he'd attempt to use his Last Resort for a small duration, holding his breath as the attacks fired off on both sides. "Memory Magic.....Mandela.." Within such a short duration, the shadows would come at all sides, forced to act as a wall for the twin pillars that singed the lands, burning down the memories into nothing but dust and ash, with A. N. Noh successfully escaping from such reach, maneuvering himself around with his memory of himself to elude from the crossfire. All that laid before him was nothing but a ruined farm, with the barrier forced to be pierced through due to its intensity. The Hat Man couldn't help but give a warm smile at that, trying to focus on summoning the two monsters that were giving him such a hard time.


A Voice rang behind Publiq. A Voice of pure dread. He'd look behind to see that it was Harvard, once again with his damaged arm, and the same seal once more. It was the same seal that absorbed the very sun before, now aimed at a point blank range, right where his stomach is. He wouldn't be given a chance to react as the attack was unloaded, blasting through his stomach and eradicating half of his body with such a maneuver. "How did you...." Was his only set of words before the beam struck, a guttural roar from the Card Magician as he blasted down the Hat Man with all his might, a second hole made within the barrier.