Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: A Second Nature

Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: A Second Nature

The Beast would be somewhat nervous, staring down such a woman with no fear within her face. It maintained its composure as it cracked its knuckles, straightening his fingers so as to try to perform a direct stab into the woman's stomach. Pria merely stared down as the monster tried to issue such an attack, not bothering to give a reaction, even pushing herself forward slightly to let it connect. Such pieces were falling into place and it immediately starts to be a warning for the monster. A Sign that this is not a battle it is prepared for.


The attack connected, but instead of the desired effect, the monster's fingers were all broken, bent out of shape and fractured at mere contact of her stomach, as if it hit a very strong wall. The beast bellowed in pain as it pulled itself back, trying to fix such broken fingers by snapping them in place, before seeing the dent that it tried to make: Barely a scratch, only tearing at the cloth she was wearing. Pria looked down upon such a marking and showed a visible sign of disgust. " ruined my clothes. That is not good....How else am I supposed to walk around without feeling like I'm naked? By the way....what even are you supposed to be?" She asked tiredly, her eyes somewhat glazed over in boredom. The monster attempts to launch another strike, trying to recall the weak points of the human body. It recalls quickly the second it looked upon her neck and chest, assuming it is where the important veins and the heart are located respectively. Once it fixed its fingers, it lunged itself forward to try and stab into the woman's chest, hoping such a chest isn't as hardened as her abdomen. The Mage merely swerved herself to dodge the strike, watching its movements. When the Beast landed, it used its arms to try and push himself backward, launching a kick directly towards her neck, hoping to snap such a bone and put her down for good.


The result, however, was of its own broken leg, as Pria would have her neck and chin catch the ankle, raising up one arm and punching the appendage with enough force to snap it in half, its bone physically visible as it stabbed outwards from its skin. Once again, the Beast howled in pain, to which it caught the groups attention, looking over to the Silo. "Oh goodie, look at that....You made everyone know your hurt..." Pria would state again, showing such apathy as she raised up her hand, talking in her usual, nervous voice. "It's ok guys! I tripped over something! Don't mind me!" She'd yell, allowing it to serve as an excuse to make them not worry so much towards the Mage. The Monster would struggle itself as it tried to reattach its broken femur, yet it was no use. The Beast merely looked up as it would see the Mage regaining her focus, taking the collar of her robe in the process with her bare hands. "Y'now what....I like you. I'm gonna have a little fun with you....If you don't mind....."


Her robes were ripped off by her bare hands, showcasing an almost staggering build that the Monster was afraid of. At a first glance, she was built to be a timid, scared woman with no confidence. Underneath such cloth, however, was a fighter. An Amazon-like build with a six-pack, toned muscles across her body and arms, as well as a breastplate covering her upper body, possessing no sleeves to ensure maximum movement for her arms. She got herself within a stance, her hands being open and ready to grapple and snap whatever comes in contact. The Beast desperately tries to get up and run, ready to drag its broken leg across the area and pray for its survival, yet the woman simply approached the beast in a calm manner. "Here...Let me help you...." She spoke coldly, before grabbing ahold of the fractured bone that stabbed outwards of the Beast's leg. Using her Healing Magic, the bone would slowly but surely recover, bonding itself together and mending the flesh that was once ripped. As the beast would try to take a deep breath, however, thinking this is a perfect opportunity to run, Pria merely grabbed the Monster by the neck and struck its face with a hard knee, breaking its nose and spilling blood over her pants.


More of such strikes came, with Pria grabbing the Monster by the arm and pulling it closer, delivering a left hook straight across its face, sending a heavy low blow to its solar plexus next, followed by a karate chop to the Monster's spine, then a kick directly across its face to slam it into the Silo, not only making a loud sound, but also an even bigger dent than the one the beast suffered. Blood was spilling out from such wounds, staining the Silo and the ground as a result. Bones were being damaged left and right, even snapping in certain places, as it struggled to get up, its voice whimpering as a way to beg for its life. Pria merely approached the beast in a Calm manner, staring down at the threat when she arrived, before throwing the beast upward lightly, forcing it to stand. She took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders to loosen up, before delivering a horrible barrage that the Beast will forever remember. Lefts and Rights all across the monsters being, hooks and uppercuts, chops to keep the beast down so that such an onslaught continued, all done while her bored expression stared down at the state, being once benevolent eyes that wished to care for everyone, now being nothing but a husk, mocking such life that dared try to pose a threat. By the end of such a barrage, the beast was nothing but a beaten pile of mush, before she grabbed the Monster by the neck and tossed him out of the woods, taking a deep breath and relaxing herself in the process. When she got back her senses, she quickly realized that her body was exposed, being somewhat embarrassed as she looked around in fear of someone spotting her. Being thankful no such eyes were noticing, she'd quickly grabbed the rags and ran around to the house, hoping nobody noticed such a change.

The Beast, meanwhile, whimpered in pain and in pleas, dragging its beaten body across the ground, desperately looking for an answer. It gave a small smile when it found someone, a shadowy figure, which approached the monster, petting its rough, wounded head gently, using some vials to heal its wounds. "So.....She's here, isn't she? I knew she was playing that dumb 'nice girl' gimmick. Not to mention she's along with the kids too. We take care of them all, there won't be anyone else to oppose the problem. I'm sorry, by the way, for sending you out as a spy there...Chupa." The figure would state, to which Chupa would lick at its fingers like it was a dog. The figure simply hugged the monster, before standing up, staring down at the group, evaluating his decisions.

"This is going to take a while..." He thought to himself.