Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: The Farmhouse of Pamelos

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: The Farmhouse of Pamelos

"So.....what exactly happened here??" One of the children, Stolas, would ask. Before him and the others were a large crater-like dent across the silo, as well as the pool of blood that splattered all over the place, staining the dirt around it. Solomon would approach and try to investigate the splatters, whilst Stolas used his stars to act as a barricade to prevent others from entering, mainly to preserve the evidence. "All I got was a scream, a bunch of sounds, and some whimpering. You don't think one of the animals escaped, right?" He would ask, turning towards the Biblical Sorcerer, watching him get up as he noticed the blood's color.

"If it was, it's a messed up animal. The hue is weird, the strikes look like it came from a human, and weirdest of all, it backed itself away to there." Solomon would point at the shrubbery beside the group, most likely being where the creature left. "If anything, I'm pretty sure it's not even something here at all. It's a separate creature entirely. A Monster.."

Stolas widened his eyes at the answer, looking at the shrubbery, trying to approach it with a cluster of stars at the ready, trying to aim to where he theorized the creature is. "ALRIGHT! JIG'S UP! GET OUT OF THERE AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!! DON'T PLAY DUMB OUT THERE!!" He'd shout, acting almost like his own father, keeping a keen eye to the area. Solomon, snapping his fingers, would issue an indirect order for Fiona and Manipura, one that they do not need to ask for any context. It was a simple order that any logical person would make: Keep an eye on whoever's out there, Be on the lookout for any activity that may be a threat. With that direction in mind, and the tension starting to build, Solomon would make his way to the house.

In said house, Pria would desperately be searching for any spare clothing to wear for herself in a small bedroom, hearing footsteps coming up. In a panic, she quickly grabbed ahold of some blankets to conceal herself like a cocoon, at least somewhat comforting her that she isn't being as revealing as she was previously. Opening the door slightly, Harvard and Zazel would be somewhat visible, not wanting to enter in the room for the sake of privacy. "You alright there..?" Harvard would ask, a bit concerned for her safety.

"Yeah! Yeah....I'm alright. Just ah....Got my clothes somewhat torn in the bushes! Silly me, hehe...." Pria would state, quickly finding a shirt and some overalls to wear as a substitution, tightening them to ensure they wouldn't fall out.

".....Riiight. Well, letting you know, we're gonna be checking the Attic! Call us if you need anything!"

"T-The Attic?"

"According to everyone, the entire place is spotless. It's like one giant exhibit in a museum; Barely anything worth noting here, so me and Zazel are gonna check the Attic for any clues. We'll check the Basement as well if there's nothing up there, either." Within a few moments, the children dashed their way up, with sounds of a staircase unfolding itself and an open door to signify the existence of such a place, puzzling Pria even more. Being properly dressed, she would try to follow them in such an investigation, remaining out of sight to not catch their eyes. As the children explored the attic, they would feel a cold breeze coming from the entrance, as well as being met with pitch black nothingness. Zazel would be casting Asmodeus to be used as a light, where upon illuminating, would show to them multiple antiques left under cobwebs and dust. Some in crates which were filled to the brim with a silk-like cloth wrapped around. Some left upon the shelves and planks within the walls, collecting debris and fading their color away. Some even stored in small compartments, barricaded by splinters and steel. The Children continued their search, with Harvard using a spell to duplicate the sigil to act as his own light source, exploring their respective side for an answer. Much like the house and the Barn, no true sign of anything out of the ordinary was present. Despite the Debris and dust, it was still empty.

Being quick on his feet, Harvard would investigate the boxes next, casting another spell to create arm-like appendages, ones out of solid iron, to pry them open and sift through their contents. Zazel would take notice of such an approach and would do a similar act, using a different sigil, one that, when Harvard glanced at his friends direction, realized it was one he hasn't seen in a while. "Ronove..." The Demon declared to which it was implanted within the crates. Once done, the Demon simply waited, having the box began to thump and bump itself, creating all sorts of muffled sounds from within the containment. Such sounds piled themselves more and more, before it quickly opened the crates, a conclave of grunts, groans, and roars blaring from the box, with Zazel lowering its volume after the process was over. He quickly noticed that Harvard was watching and laughed to himself nervously about the ordeal. "Sorry about that....Ronove tends to be ah..."

"Noisy?" Harvard would ask, a smirk and a raised eyebrow resting on his face.

"Pretty much. It REALLY doesn't like small spaces, though the volume more than enough makes up for it."

"I've honestly never seen that one in a while. How come you never used it? There was a LOT of things that could be solved with him alone."

"How come you don't use the Same monster over and over?" From such a statement Harvard would brush it off, with the two laughing as they'd bond somewhat. Their aloofness was endearing, yet a crippling trait, and they both knew that. Still, it would be a trait they adored nonetheless, even if it ruins them. As they explored more and more of the boxes, The Card Magician would find something solid from within the crates. He reached out to go deep into the object to pull it out, with Zazel taking notice and helping him get it. Pria, still observing, would see the boys struggle, trying to work together to get such an item. It somewhat warmed her heart, believing they were almost the same person. When they finally pulled it out and brushed off the debris to see what it was, a Voice called out to them.

"OI! HARVARD! ZAZEL! GET OVER HERE! WE FOUND SOMETHING!" A Familiar Voice, one that belonged to the Biblical Mage. Harvard would store the item in his suit, before leaving, making Pria get out of the staircase earlier than usual. What they met downstairs however, once all three climbed down, was just the same as the Attic.

Pitch Black Nothingness. As the two tried to light up their surroundings, the fire wasn't cooperating. Something was wrong.