Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: The Plains of Pomelos

Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: The Plains of Pomelos

Venturing through the grassy terrain, the group would talk amongst one another in regards to further context. The children would tell to them about the fight they went through, alongside the possibility that it may possess the ground itself if left untreated, which would naturally bring worry to the others. The Adventurers and the Pastor would retell to them about their chosen quest to do, sharing the same location as the one the children are going in regards to attaining such an artifact. "To put it simply...there has been tellings of a beast lurking within those plains. They mainly inhabit farms and other rural areas, primarily to engorge themselves on the animals. This is simply our test to see if we can defeat such a hellish force and cease its actions." Manipura would say, which would somewhat give such children concern regarding the mission. They looked onto one another to try and solve such an answer, before Pria would speak up once again.

"I'm a....little bit worried about this. P-people were going on saying there was a scary monster there....I don't know if I'm gonna be much help here..." As she spoke such words, Harvard would immediately instigate the woman, casting a spell to create metallic arms to raise the child up to her height, staring directly at her as the arms would walk, with the other children following.

"Well, What magic do you do then? If it's that bad, then it should be fine, right?" Harvard would state.

"U-Uhm....I guess some Healing Magic bu-"

"HEALING!? Lady, You're FIIIIINE then! That's quite literally nothing to worry about!"

"B-b-But what if I-"

"But NOTHING! You're LITERALLY Fine! That style of Magic means you can patch up wounds and even use it as an offense! Guys, Back me up here!" Harvard would cast another spell to create more iron appendages, trying to raise them up so that they could be within eyeshot, as Harvard would continue to explain his argument. "I could already think of a big use you can do with that! Say, for example, a big monster is gonna come attack you-"

"Please don't put that image in my head..." Pria would sound worried, yet Harvard dismissed it.

"It's a Hypothetical, BUT if that moment does come, then obviously you'd heal yourself up! Better yet, You do it WHILE being hit so you can trap that part of the body! From there, you can go all out in an offense without the Big, Scary monster trying to hit you back, since he's in a position where he can't move right!" By hearing this logic, Harvard's friends would quickly pitch in.

"Plus, Since we're in a group, you'd basically be a walking trap that they can't do against since you're holding him down!" Zazel would state, as Solomon would have Shady make such an illustration to show such an argument, with the Shadow itself acting as Pria and holding the strike down.

"OOH! OOH! You can probably even hit someone and heal them ON that wound, too! You'd sink your hands deep in their body and, while impractical, can even hit some vitals! Your magic is sick, Miss!" Stolas would preach, to which the others nodded in agreement. Pria would somewhat be overwhelmed by such positivity, while Fiona looked on in surprise that such options were available at all. Manipura simply smiled at seeing the children trying to find usage on a skill so simple.

"Guys.....Y-you can't really be serious like that, right...?" Pria would state, still worrisome, yet somewhat flustered at such praise, to which Stolas would interject.

"I've literally seen a guy that's whole gimmick is teleporting stuff, and he NEARLY killed my Pops off! If THAT guy can pull off cool stuff, You can too! Don't beat yourself down because its just Healing!" As soon as Stolas said such words, they'd finally arrive to the location, right as the sun was setting. The area was a lush farm, with acres upon acres of a fruit not known elsewhere but within the books. Three buildings were standing tall alongside the acres, one of which being a silo to hold their grain and feed. Another was of a Barn that housed the animals, from pigs to horses to cows to chickens, all of which were minding their own business. The last was of a house out of brick and steel, with an iron, barbed wire strung around the premises. The children were enamored at the animals, starting their investigation at the barn, Manipura went to the house, using his Magic to veil him in a thin armor to explore the location. Fiona simply stood watch as a ranger, her bow ready to fire, allowing Pria to investigate the Silo.

She turned her gaze towards her friend, to which Fiona simply gave a small laugh. "Sheesh, the heck did you do to gain their respect?" She would ask.

Pria, nervously, smiled at such a compliment. She herself doesn't know either. She'd quickly made her way towards the Silo, investigating its steel structure. As she brushed her hands against such metal, measuring its size and finding its entrance to explore further, she would be hearing something. A Growl. One close by to her ear. Turning her head to the sound, she would see a pair of eyes staring down at her, peeking out from the side of the Silo. Red like Rubies, being held upon a green, scaly body. Rigid nails that were stained in dirt and grains scratched at the steel, creating an eerie screeching sound. A Low growl was made at it approached the Mage on all fours, its scales glistening within the setting sun, as if it bathed in a pool of ice cold water. Pria could barely move a muscle, watching in horror at such a beast, staring back at such a creature that held nothing but malice. She quickly tried to turn and run, screaming her lungs out to alert the others. "GUYS!! GUYS!! THERE'S A MONSTER!! A MON-"


The beast was quick in its assault, grabbing her by the head and slamming her at the silo, making a large dent on it. She was left unconscious, her head bleeding from the wound, staining her clothes, her eyes dazed as she struggles to stand. The scaly creature merely looked at her, watching her eyes finally close to ensure she couldn't respond further, before slowly crawling across the terrain to apprehend the next person. It stared blankly at Fiona next, ready to knock her unconscious so it would be detected less. It veered its eyes towards the Barn, specifically towards its cows and Goats, licking its lips and sharpened fangs before seeing the children that were investigating such a place. It smiled in glee as it takes in such imagination of its internal desire.

A new meal fit for a Monster.

Just as it tried to crawl towards Fiona's spot with its crusty, talon-like fingers, the beast heard a noise from behind him. A sound of metal being dragged across, and turning over, he could see the Mage rising herself, struggling to maintain her breath. The beast grunted, annoyed that she was able to sustain herself after such a brutal smack, and would try to approach her to knock her out again. Something was different, however, the more it got closer.

Her eyes were still dazed, yet it wasn't lifeless. It was in boredom, as if she has seen wars played before her. She isn't showing any sign of fear, merely looking at the creature with no sign of mercy.