Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: The Manuscript

Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: The Manuscript

The Next Day, after such a beautiful night, after doing their morning routines to be prepared, the four would set out for the supposed paperwork that the masked man wanted. A List was provided to the children regarding four certain books: Winter's Tale, Tempest, Much Ado, and King Lear. All still written by the mysterious author. Such a name would be passed around the people in Salvandi, from the very castle that housed such royalty, to the commonfolk that have such penchants for such a literal work. To their dismay, not even they recognize such names. They would try to check such schools that they assumed once more they housed the knowledge available to get a solid lead. Alas, they came out empty handed. It quickly went from confusion and disappointment to annoyance and questioning if such works even exist in the first place. "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....We've looked EVERYWHERE! The heck does this 'Shakespeare' guy do anyway? Hide away until he decides to write a book whenever he felt like it!? Top to bottom, checking every resident, looking at every nook and cranny, and not ONE knows anything about these stupid plays!" Harvard would state, being somewhat bitter and almost trying to rip the paper in half. The boys would sigh, seeing the Card Magician's frustration.

"Yeah, you'd think the guy would be easier to figure out, huh? It's like he adamantly chooses to drop off the face of the earth until it was time to write." Stolas would add, supporting such complaints with his own.

"What's worse, nobody in Salvandi even has a clue as to what that joker was going on about. Are we sure Shakespeare is even a real guy? Could be a pen name or something." Solomon would question, looking back at the names, as well as the supposed details of what such a man was like.

"I don't think it is a pen name. From what Mr. Spade said, the guy genuinely went by that name, as in, its his birth name. What kind of adult even chooses that as a last name, anyway?" Zazel would answer, to which the four would slump themselves amidst the wooden doors from the stone structures, trying to reach out to some nearby taverns to grab them a few snacks: Cookies for Harvard, Trail Mix for Stolas, Chips for Solomon, and small Devil Cakes for Zazel, relaxing themselves amidst the entrance as they'd think of where they haven't looked. That was when the Demon had an realization, looking towards the group. "Say, Harvard, remember when we first flew in here and we saw a busted up shack? We haven't checked there, have we?" He would ask, to which Harvard would stop himself and be granted the same understanding.


"The Old Library? That place hasn't been open for centuries! Why the heck would the books be there??" Solomon intervened, to which Harvard would quickly respond.

"Well think about it, we're dealing with an old writer that disappeared from existence until he decides he wants to write something, right? What place you think houses this type of spectral stuff? In my books, it's always gotta do with something old and probably haunted!" The boys logic was sound, though it was enough to make Solomon raise an eyebrow regarding such logic, as it seemed to rely on a storybeat rather than actual facts. Yet, Stolas and Zazel would agree with such a theory.

"Plus, Nobody's actually visited that place. Remember, Solomon? They just didn't bother with actually getting in the shack at all! If we're dealing with something foreign, it's gotta be in a place no one expects." Stolas would state, to which the Biblical Sorcerer would comply.

"Fine, Fine....We'll go there. Just don't expect us to get it immediately." Solomon would state. Carrying their snacks, they quickly made their way to the supposed location, being far enough away to not be spotted by any of the residents. The boys would be met with the rickety shack, embroidered in sand and debris, eroding the already broken stone and shattered wood. Being careful, the boys would try to find an open spot to enter inside, keeping an eye out for the place if it decides to crumble down. Exploring the inside of the shack would have them be met with more age in its walls. Shelves and seats coated in a thick veil of dust, making it hard to breathe properly. Webbing was made amidst the ceiling, as well as any windows that exist to peer light inside it. The books were written in many languages, some even unfamiliar to them, due to the letters looking like they were from another era. The four would begin their search in this place, with Solomon investigating the shelves, whilst Zazel and Harvard investigated the tables and desks that was once used for check-out. Stolas simply kept an eye on the area as a whole to ensure it doesn't crumble. Each book they check would have to be thoroughly cleaned, whether by magical means or by practical. Many titles would show up that became more and more unfamiliar with them, until suddenly, one of them caught the Sorcerer's eyes. "HEY! I FOUND ONE!!" he would scream, letting his shadow extend and try to capture their attention.

Face to face when they met up was a book by the very writer himself: Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare. The boys rejoiced in excitement as they found one of them, with one of the children trying to grab the book. Due to the way it was placed, it was somewhat stuck, forcing the others to help in pulling it out. When they did, however, they made sure it was as intact as possible. The children would try to spread out to find more of such books, before Harvard would stop himself as he recognizes a certain title. "NO FREAKING WAY!! THEY HAD THIS BOOK!?!?" The boy stated, pulling it out and showcasing it to his friends. The cover displayed a man with a cape, wearing a barbarian's garbs, having long, flowing hair and the muscles that could rip apart an army with one punch.

"The Legend of GWOG the Gallant, Chapter 51: Tales of Synoni"

 Zazel and Stolas were confused somewhat, having separate reasons as to why, whilst Solomon would stare at the cover as if it was a crime, dumbfounded that it held such an image. "Harvard. What am I looking at?"

"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you haven't heard of the GREATEST WARRIOR OF GALILE, The GWOG himself! Everyone knows him!" Harvard would answer, though such an answer would make Solomon do a double take.

"I'm sorry...'GREATEST WARRIOR OF GALILE'....??? Is that like an Acronym or something??"

"Mhm! Strange it says its Chapter 51....I thought they discontinued it after 50." Harvard would share such an expression, yet such knowledge would have Stolas tempt the boy.

"Well, what are you waiting for!? Open it! Let's see what they were making up! Maybe it's an epilogue thing after he beaten the Devil's Hand." Stolas would state, provoking a strong reaction to Harvard.


"Well yeah! Granted its only a few books, but I read 'em!"

"OH-HO-HO, AWESOME!! I need to take you guys to Oaking one day. My mama has a whole shelf FULL of these books."

As the two began to gush regarding such a hero, Zazel would investigate the book itself, noticing something was off regarding the cover. It looked as if it was changing shape, the lands giving a different color whenever applicable. "Hey ah...guys? Do books usually act on their own?" The Demon would ask, before opening the pages. Without warning, however, something would emerge from the pages: Hands. Limbs that stretched out and grappled the Demon, and before the other three knew it, they too would be snatched away. They were barely able to set up a spell to counter the hands, being dragged into its contents, sealed away within the book itself.

The front cover changed once more, now possessing the children to be in the front, instead of the barbaric warrior standing proudly.