Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 104 - Chapter 104: A New Story

Chapter 104 - Chapter 104: A New Story


Pitch black. 

No sounds being heard as they were transported. No aromas being smelled amidst the movement. No objects to truly touch as they made their descent, taken into another location. Another point in time. It was as if the world blitzed across time by a millennia, taking up a few seconds for each century it wished to cross. The only thing they could feel was the harsh wind as they flew from their own home to somewhere else. Was it ever going to end? Was it ever going to stop? Or was it going to continue forever until the heat death of the very universe. This was the thought process for the affected children as they took upon that book, before being met with their answer.


A Strong slam into the ground, their bodies being somewhat damaged. When they stopped, one of them, the child with a suit, was able to open his eyes, seeing his friends being just as injured, though thankfully weren't dead. The boy, Harvard Helsing, quickly tried to get up, adjusting his blue bowtie and dusting off the debris he took in, running close to everyone. "Guys..?? You ok there??" He would ask, his voice filled with worry. His first was of Zazel, the demon, dusting his jacket and helping him get up, letting him cough and hack his lungs, most likely filled with debris. The next was for Stolas, a bird-like boy with a count's clothing and bandages around his feathered hands and arms, letting him take a deep breath and regain his footing, his head somewhat dizzy after such an abrupt ending. Lastly was of Solomon, wearing nothing but red and orange rags, acting as robes, his silvery white hair being dirtied as he took the most out of the fall. Harvard would notice when the Biblical Sorcerer get up that his forehead was bleeding heavily, showcased that he hit a rock amidst the fall. He quickly casted a spell to create a potion to heal the head injury, trying to recollect what has happened. The two that already recovered themselves looked around, stunned to say the least. Nothing more than a field of grass and rock, outside a village nonetheless.

"Where exactly....ARE we?" Zazel would ask, rubbing his head and his body for any wounds, walking off some parts of the pain.

"Well we CLEARLY got stolen into a book. That enough of an answer?" Stolas would state, being somewhat annoyed, as he'd check and see his bandages being ripped apart, forcing the avian child to throw them away into the earth. Doing so would have him take notice that the land felt fake to an extent. Artificial even. He looked up to the sky and noticed the same thing. The clouds looked as if they were drawn by a crayon, and the sun's face was nothing more than chicken scratch. The very setting acted as if it was a mere coloring book.

"No, yeah, that's what I mean. We're in a book, but WHICH one. Something about GWOG, right? Harvard, You should know this since you seem to be a fan of it, yeah?" Zazel would add, looking towards the Card Magician. Harvard would try to answer such a question, before quickly being interrupted by fanfare from within the city. ".....Never mind. We can get our answer over there." The Demon would try to follow the source of the sound, with Harvard catching up, even going further, sparking a bit of a competitive edge between the two, trying to outpace one another as they'd enter the village. Stolas and Solomon merely followed in the back, with Stolas cheering for Harvard, whilst Solomon did the same for Zazel. When the four arrived at the fanfare, however, they'd be met with a traditional sight: A full-blown parade with standard houses, a standard castle to act as the very heart of the kingdom, and a standard town square. They somehow still carried the same coloring book aesthetic between the sky and the earth, with the stone walls being colored over the lines, and the people seemingly being the one that holds a clear design. A whole band would perform and many of its civilians would line up amidst one another, watching what seems to be a parade go in full swing, with the main attraction being of a selection of knights, as well as a supposed float. A Float of a barbarian, toned muscles, long, flowing hair, and a chiseled chin. The very Barbarian himself, GWOG.

Once more, Solomon was flabbergasted at his appearance. "I STILL do not believe that's real" He would state, yet meanwhile, Harvard would be smiling brightly as he quickly recalled what happened, with Stolas and Zazel looking at the float with no understanding to why. The Card Magician would gleefully hop all over the place, even breakdancing a bit, as he'd scream in joy and excitement, much like the other residents that shared such an interest. "Harvard....Please don't tell me you grew up with.....THAT.....right??"

"OF COURSE I FREAKING DID!! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WOULDN'T!? HE'S ONE OF THE MANY, MANY IDOLS I LOOK UP TO!" Harvard would shout back, barely holding his excitement, while Solomon looked at him in disgust.

"SERIOUSLY!? That guy??? He looks like he lives off of five dozen eggs and some meat on the side. How is THAT your idol??"

"Ahem...ONE of my Idols. Plus, the guy goes through so much! He has to face off against evil Vampires, Skeletons, Pirates, Samurai, Ninjas, Mummies, THE WHOLE SHA-BANG! He's like...THE guy who'll face off against any evil, no matter HOW great it is! Even when things are dire, he never, and I mean NEVER gives up." The boy gushed more and more as he'd try to scale up the civilians, trying to get a better view of the scene.

"So THAT'S where you learned the Pirate stuff. Let me guess, he's one of the many reasons why you're playing Hero?" Stolas would add, recalling the boys previous knowledge and quickly putting two and two together.

"Mhm! That and a few others, but MAN, Its gonna be so cool to finally see him in pe-" He paused himself, his bright and joyful smile disappearing, being replaced with confusion. The three looked up towards the boy in a similar expression to what happened, before Harvard would look down on the three. "I'm....a bit lost here. You guys might wanna come up for this." He'd explain, casting a spell to create iron arms to act as a platform, raising the three up to see the problem.

The legendary warrior was nowhere to be seen. Rather, it looked more as if he was being replaced, as the float was in actuality a statue, carted away, and in the statue's place was of four more warriors: A Knight, a Mage, a Spearman, and an Archer.