Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: The Ringmaster, Part 2

Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: The Ringmaster, Part 2

When the boys followed the Ringmaster, they would be able to see the production regarding the circus itself. Almost as if it was a tour, they would be able to see the performers, the props, and the very stunts that they wish to do for the main event. Their bodies would twirl and fling like they were mere projectiles, catching ahold and swinging across the scene, doing poses in mid-air to showcase such expertise, before catching themselves. The children were impressed, seeing their dedication and efficiency, watching them move fluently in their flips and spins, balancing themselves on a tightrope with no sign of difficulty. Others would be using hoops and trampolines to do their stunts, lighting such hoops on fire to make them riskier, yet such risk pays off when they go through it with pinpoint accuracy. It was like a parade, a grand event where everyone is at their peak. One detail that one of the children, Harvard, would notice, would be the masks again, gesturing the others to take notice. They all shared a similar mask to Jesta's, keeping its pristine smile. What was most peculiar, however, was that their real face are concealed, only allowing the mask to give their expressions. Such a real face was covered by a thin, black veil, mainly to cover their eyes from any light. Despite such a logical answer, the boy would ask anyway. "Hey, Mr. Spade? What's with the Masks? They look kinda like yours.."

"Hmm? Oh! That is our usual dress code! After all, you aren't performing if you aren't enjoying the act itself. That is what the point of the masks are, to express such joy without the need to smile yourself." Jesta would reply, before shortly reaching to his office, a door holding his name in red letters, with the door being of the same mahogany material as the other buildings. Opening the door and letting the children inside, they would be met with a bizarre set-up for a room. A room that still shared the same colors, yet now possessed a separate pattern of words and numbers: 3:19, 14:19, 9:21, 10:1, 3:33, 1:19, 4:20. Three of the boys would be confused regarding such numbers, as well as the words themselves, seemingly written in scribbles. Chicken Scratch, even. Solomon, however, was quick on his feet, checking through his book and was somewhat stunned at the answer. Such an answer would be reinforced when the Demon began to hum a familiar tune. A tune of holy scriptures known only as "Silent Night." His voice was calm and alluring, like honey, as he'd check through the steel cabinets beside him to gather some papers.

"Hold on a second....A Demon that believes in God....? I thought you guys-"

"Dislike him?" Jesta would interrupt Solomon's words, his mask changing itself, one of the slits that act as his eyes being raised as if he was raising an eyebrow. "Well of course! However, I won't lie when I say that such stories are a wonderful piece. A perfect inspiration, one may say. The very heavenly beings that fight for humanity, and the demons that demand the same treatment, forever a war that they will clash until the end of time. A Spectacular ending, above all else. Buuuuut enough about that! Come, Come! Look here for a moment." The demon would showcase an assortment of papers, each of which held a title and a set of words. The boys would notice such a title to be somewhat familiar, each of which being in bold letters: Hamlet, Othello, Midsummer's Night's Dream, Merchant of Venezia, Coriolanus. All of which being written by a mysterious man, William Shakespeare. The boys never heard of such a name, though Zazel and Solomon would be quick on investigating these works, each one holding a character's name and a performer, with Jesta being seen at the top.

The main actor regarding such works.

"So, these are things you do in your past time? Plays?" Zazel would ask. 

"Indeed, young devil. Works that hold a marvelous story, all being given a sound tragedy. I want to have my works be just like his, only less of a depressive ending, and more of a well-earned victory. An accomplishment that echo's across everywhere else. Unfortunately, I seemed to have misplaced such works somewhere else. I would try to get such works back, but I am afraid I have a show to perform. If Only I had such aspiring heroic legends to-" 

"Ok, Ok! We get it. We'll help you get your papers back." Zazel would interrupt the ringmaster, knowing full well what he was implying, rolling his eyes in the process, followed by Solomon sharing the same expression. Harvard would attempt to read more into such works, but was visibly confused with it all. Stolas, meanwhile, mainly focused on the walls, trying to get a better understanding of why such numbers were plastered in the first place.

"Wonderful~! Wonderful indeed! As a premature reward, I will let you four have the best seats in the house for my upcoming performance. I shall provide you monetary gain in the future if you bring them back to me before sunrise. As of now, enjoy the show, young one's! One last thing, Remember to Smile!" Jesta would state, having the children leave his office and get to their respective seats to watch the performance begin.

"Hey ever think that guy is sketchy?" Stolas would ask, as soon as Jesta was out of earshot.

"Sketchy?" Zazel would ask, to which Harvard would answer alongside.

"Now that you mention it, he does kinda come off as being a bit too excited about being a hero. Buuut I'm sure its because we both share the same idea of heroism!" The boy stated with a proud expression.

"Oh so whenever you're excited to play Good Guy, its fine. Anyone else, and its a problem." Solomon would berate, a cocky smirk on his face. Harvard would be annoyed at such an answer and almost reached out and gave the Biblical Sorcerer a noogie, before stopping himself as he sees the lights dim itself, the show beginning to start, a booming voice that rang true for everyone around.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! I AM PROUD TO PRESENT TO YOU, THE BLACK PARADE, AND ITS MIGHTY LEADER, JESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE!!!" With such an introduction, the troupe would perform. A Spectacle above all else, with their movements being fluid like water, yet vibrant like thunder. Flips and jumps that would be death-defying, grabbing ahold of one another as they swing across the scene with nary a worry or care. The very ringmaster joining in with a large staff, carrying the multiple participants over, spinning such a staff, letting them take an elegant pose as they continued such a marvel. Flaming hoops to jump through, vicious tigers to try and attack, before evading them with not a second sooner. A Wonder to the very eyes, before the top of the tent opened itself up, preparing for its grand finale: Fireworks that shoot out to the sky, exploding with wild tenacity, such colors glistening amidst the sea of stars amidst the sky. Cheers and hollers were heard as they continued such a performance, working their very heart out, with one last message to the audience by Jesta himself, being tossed high upon the air in a perfect synchronization with the biggest firework to launch and blow up. Such colors around him almost gives a heavenly feel, as the mask brims with joy.

"LIFE IS A CARNIVAL~~!!" He declared proudly.

And so, the boys continued to enjoy this circus throughout the very night. A Proper ending for the day