Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 73 - Chapter 73: The Moon Eater

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73: The Moon Eater

As Solomon and Harvard made their way to the docks, they would quickly notice the workers building tirelessly at the repairs for any damages made. Harvard would try to ignore such damages, yet Solomon was quick with his answer. "See, that right there is what's gonna get folks killed. You can't simply just ignore something like THIS, now can yah?" He'd state.

"Oh C'mon, you're seriously still uppity about this?? Besides, I wasn't the only one doing the destruction. Remember, We were up against PIRATES, Solomon. No good, very bad, super crooks that wanted to rob riches! If you've seen them you'd ABSOLUTELY would've done the same" Harvard would retort.

"I don't care what you were up against. You could've been up against Satan himself, for all I care. It's called having restraint on yourself, and THAT is what we're gonna be learning today." 



And so, the two boys would argue among one another, as they'd head towards the port, the supposed source for whomever was hosting such a quest. They did quiet down when entering inside, with Harvard being the first to take in the new sight before him. It was old, yet it still stayed firm. Almost as if it outlived every single human being on Earth, with the creaky wood being an example, and the rickety roof being another. It stood strong, yet it didn't showcased any other details, other than its age and its foundation. Despite such age, it was still a common sight to behold such people that exchanged the riches and the fish they'd capture to sell and to cook respectively. It was almost like a second tavern, in a weird way. Stools were set up around the counter that sells such fished objects, and such were what the boys sat on, with one being quick to notice a snack nearby them: A Jar of cookies. Harvard quickly snagged the cookies and snacked on them, while Solomon went into questioning. "Oi oi. Mr. You mind if we ask what this is about?" The boy asked, showcasing the paper to what he believed was the owner of the port.

He was lean built, as if he hasn't eaten in days, his ribcage showing, yet no other signs of health problems. He was breathing fine, and his teeth were sparkling like they were made of steel. He had a scraggily beard, and his hair was an absolute mess, yet he didn't seem to mind it much. "Aye..." He'd start, his voice being somewhat earthy, as if his throat was made up of rocks. "That there's the beast's doin', no doubt about it."

"A Beast?" 

"An ol' one, he is. Long'ah than the river itself, Strong'ah than the moon, A Bottomless well that only desires consumption. A Bottomless beast that always feasts. A Beast that cares not for what it is, or who it is, but rather of how much it fills it."

Solomon would be deep in thought, understanding the small story being told, piecing together what kind of creature would it even be. Harvard, after eating around two cookies, would put his own say on the matter. "Well its clearly a Sea Monster, and if its supposedly long as the river itself, It might be a snake one."

"Yeah.....there's three that come to mind exactly which one it is, dunno if its the correct one." Solomon would answer back.

"Well, what type of Sea Monsters are a bottomless well, then?"

"If I have to guess....It could be that one snake creature that can eat the moon. Bakunawa is its name, I believe.."


The Biblical sorcerer snapped his fingers, allowing Shady to awaken itself, taking in the orders given to Solomon, quickly shapeshifting itself into the supposed creature. A Legendary Sea Serpent with the body that reaches miles across an ocean. A Legend has once told that such a creature was forever hungry, cursed by God as such because of such a tendency to feed off of its creation. As a result, the creature would attempt to consume what it favored was its most delicious delicacy: the Moon. Every Century, the serpent would attempt to consume the moon, being in battle against God once more, and while it lost, it always took a slight portion of the moon, savoring its ethereal-like taste. Those that come face-to-face with the Bakunawa are destined to be consumed, unable to escape its maw. It was dubbed as "The Moon Eater" because of such a legendary feat. As the tale was being told in the form of such Shadow Puppetry, Harvard couldn't help but be confused. "Wait a second. So if this thing is a supposed "Moon Eater", why is it making a disturbance here? What's the point if all it wants is the Moon?"

"Gee, I dunno, Einstein. Let's think on that: Why would a hungry monster, want with food here??"

"I-. . .Ok, now I see the issue." He'd chow down on another cookie, realizing his mistake.

"Oh DO yah now??" Solomon would be somewhat annoyed, but brushes it off. "In any case, we have our objective. We go up against this creature, murder it, and make sure it's not causing any further disturbances." He'd get off of the stool and turned towards the owner. "Any idea where we can spot it?"

"Aye....You'd find the wicked beast amidst the riverbanks. Far 'nough to where you can see its mouth as a cave. Be safe out there, young ones.." The owner would reply. Harvard would follow suit, attempting to return the cookies, yet the owner simply pushes them back towards the boy. "Keep 'em. I has more in store." A Warm smile was made on the owner, shared by the child when he walks out of the location. Solomon would notice this happiness and sigh to himself, smiling as well. Despite being hard on the child, he isn't afraid to show that he can have some enjoyment. The shadow that lives around Solomon would share the same reaction.

"Nice kid." The Shadow would say, with Solomon nodding to reaffirm his opinion. Swiftly, the children set out to find this supposed monster.