Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Reaching the Distance

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Reaching the Distance

After some time, the duo was able to reach towards the supposed location. It was far off from Salvandi, the canals being seen structured with a more solid state than the brisk sand that encompassed the city itself. The two made sure to keep a close eye on the water for any signs, assuming that is where the beast lied in, with Harvard even taking an extra precaution to attempt a spell, but Solomon simply stopped him, still acting as the child's restraint. Before long, they'd reach the supposed source, a cave system with a jagged, toothy entrance. The very maw looked like it was ready to consume, with Solomon feeling the earth and garnering debris on his fingers. "Yep, this looks like the place alright. Cave that looks like a mouth. We should make sure to see how big the beast is by-. . .Harvard?" The biblical sorcerer stopped himself as he'd realize the child was not nearby. Instead, Harvard was in front of the cave, his hand sticking out into the maw.

It felt warm, moist even. Its humidity was almost visible with water droplets being made on the child's skin and fingertips. There was also a peculiar stench that took the child aback, a foul odor that only exists within the maw itself. He'd leave the mouth and got himself fresh air as he'd go to Solomon's side. "Yeah, No, I think the old guy meant that mouth thing literally. It reeks of Fish and Dead Animals there, Jeez..." Harvard's complaint over the stench intrigued Solomon. Quick as he could, he too would investigate, sticking out his own hand to feel the same humidity. Looking within the cave, he would notice the stone being aligned in a crisscross formation, as if it stitched itself like wool. This new knowledge took the sorcerer aback as well, albeit for a separate reason. He'd have his Shadow move up across the side, measuring its height, while having the shadow try to convey gestures in the form of numbers to count how much there were.





It looked never-ending. The more its height was being measured, the less shadow that it was capable of providing. Harvard noticed this and casted a spell to create a fire source behind Shady, allowing it to extend the shadow's length and let it move upwards even more.





21 Meters Was the maximum it can measure. a Few meters were still visible, allowing Solomon to count up in his head to measure the size of it. 4 separate meters it would've taken, comparing the size of the shadow with the cave itself "Dear god....that's 25 meter's tall. This thing's enormous..." Solomon was stunned at such a height. To think it was hiding here all this time, without anyone even noticing it until recently. Harvard would later add on as he'd stop casting the spell.

"Now imagine how LONG it would be. That think can probably wrap around whole cities with its length! No wonder its called 'The Moon Eater!' " Harvard would joke, laughing to himself about it, hoping to lighten the mood, yet it proved fruitless, as Solomon was still trying to comprehend its size and trying to figure out exactly how to beat such a thing. Above all else, however, he was right.

"Harvard, you DO have a Monster for this, right?"

"Well yeah, but YOU said that you're being my restraint!" The boy said, having a smug expression, though still looked through his deck for a solution. Solomon rolled his eyes at his own words being used against him, before continuing.

"Well, we just need a rather large monster, one even bigger than whatever THIS is. Alternatively, we could use a smaller monster that has some sort of virus implemented to kill it from the inside out. Alternative ALTERNATIVE-"

"Solomon, You realize just sicking a monster at something isn't gonna be fun, yeah?"

"And?? You LITERALLY have a giant set of weapons at your disposal. Life isn't all fun and games Har-"

"See, now I'm gonna do the complete opposite, thanks to you saying that." As Harvard said those words, before Solomon would try to question exactly as to why, the Boy would throw himself within the maw, allowing himself to be swallowed by the beast, shocking the Biblical Sorcerer.

"HARVARD, YOU ABSOLUTE JERK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He would yell, with his voice being somewhat enough to cause the sand to jerk and shake itself. Realizing the beast would be awakened by any noises, as well as sucking up any and all amounts of reason, solely because of such a rash decision, the Sorcerer would leap in and try to rescue the child, hoping to get them out of such a disastrous decision. The boy would almost be sliding downward, the water being its bridge, being too dark to see, and forcing Solomon to cast a spell in the form of a humanoid light source, letting them scatter and walk across the chasms. When he did lit his way, he would notice that the more he went down, the less the cave became rocky, and instead was more of flesh. It was living, pulsating, and reacting. As the boy slid down further and further downwards, he would inevitably see the Card Magician venturing further within the creature, having himself lodge his book within the muscular structure of the monster's throat, expanding the Book's size so as to prevent being pushed downwards, allowing Solomon to scale up and follow him. "ARE YOU STUPID!? WHY DID YOU LET YOURSELF GET GOBBLED UP!? THIS COULD'VE LITERALLY BEEN SOLVED BY-"

"Easy! I wanna make this fun! If you're just gonna make things boring, then why do I have to listen? If a Hero's journey is just nothing but small fetch quests, then what's the point of the journey if its just the same boring thing over and over?"

"Harvard, This is NOT the time to play Hero-" As Solomon said those words, however, Harvard simply wandered forward into the beast. Solomon would try to cast a spell, having a structure made around the child, yet the boy simply casted his own spell to cut the distance, letting him go through the structure being built. Solomon simply stopped his casting. "Seriously, Why the HELL would you wanna play hero NOW?! You're making the most irrational-"

"Because that's how my Mama and Papa raised me! How would you feel if you were raised in being an endless cycle of pure nothing?" Harvard held a firm expression, but it wasn't hatred, nor was it malice. When he said those words, it was out of pure excitement. He would notice Solomon silencing himself when he was told such, lowering his expression. Harvard simply got close and looked at him. "C'mon! Lemme show you what a REAL adventure is! No restraints, No limits, No nothin'!"

Solomon simply looked at the child in pure defeat. His words rang hard upon his soul, realizing what he was doing. With a deep breath, the boy looked at Harvard with a small smile. "Fine....we'll do things your way. I'm.....sorry, by the way-"

"Apology Accepted! Now c'mon!" Harvard would interrupt, grabbing Solomon by the arm and dragging him across the uncharted terrain that was the insides of the Bakunawa.