Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: A New Dawn

Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: A New Dawn

As dawn quickly broke into the scene, the smiling sun beginning its observation up high, the children would be still soundly sleeping. Their dreams would be an odd mishmash between one another, rolling around in the covers, before quickly, the lights came on. Such a jolt of light struck them hard, with Stolas being the only one unaffected negatively, recognizing the light source and waking up peacefully, the others being mildly agitated. "Rise and Shine everyone. Got a big day today, as well as a surprise for you all." Such a voice was from Ennio, making breakfast to settle the kids down.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.....Why so early though?" Harvard stated, having his head under the pillows, being just barely open so as to see the light easier.

"Well he IS a Sherrif, Harvard. You don't wanna sleep on a job like that, y'now? Not with whole crooks and creeps being possible." Stolas would answer, getting off of his bed and swapped his clothes almost instantly.

"Yeah well, you mind having your dad try to wait 5 or 10 minutes? A Hero needs a good rest, after-"

"Oh quit whining and get up already." Solomon would rub his eyes, having him grab a nearby pillow and smacking the Card Magician upside the head with it.

"HEY!!!" Harvard would retort, following by his own pillow trying to smack Solomon back. The two quickly got into a pillow fight, keeping at each other's length so as to not be struck. Zazel, the last of the children awakening, would see this behavior and simply laugh to himself a bit. "Oh you think its funny, eh?" Harvard would state, a smug on his face as he attempts to sneak attack Zazel. The Demon simply dodged and left his bed, following Stolas to get ready. Harvard, due to failing to hit his shot, sadly fell on himself. "Wh- OH C'MON!" Harvard was muffled underneath the pillows, with Solomon throwing one more atop of the Card Magician before leaving. The Card Magician was the last to leave, taking in the wafting air that resonated in the house.

Good old fashion Bacon and toast, with a side of Orange Juice. As everyone quickly had their fill, Ennio would quickly notice what was going on outside: A supposed circus being set up, with workers trying to ensure it is as secured as possible. What is most peculiar was that these people are ones wearing what looked to be masks. Porcelain masks resembling ones used for comedy, alongside red suits, all done in an efficient and formal manner. The children quickly took notice of his expression and looked onwards, seeing the men work like they were automated robots. "What the heck are those guys?" Harvard would ask.

"Most likely the performers for Jesta's main event." Ennio would answer.

"Je-who what?"

"Jesta Spade. Well-known ringleader. Nothing much needs to be said, though its kinda odd why he wanted to do one here instead of somewhere more popular...." Ennio looked on outside, questions buzzing in his mind, confused by the situation. Harvard was easily able to spot such confusion and concern, even when his expressions are hidden under his hat and mask. Shrugging, however, he'd choose to not involve himself any further with it.

"Well, in the meantime! Let's see what else needs to be done today!" Harvard quickly casted a spell, creating a comically large hand with a spring-like arm, letting it extend itself to reach and grab a nearby piece of paper. One left specifically at the living room, recoiling it back, and checking what missions were left: The supposed "gang", and the local disturbance. Admittedly, the boy realized he could've quickly solved that issue when dealing with the pirates, but it paid no matter. "Alright, All that's left are the bad guys and the docks. I call dibs on the docks with Sto-" Harvard would announce, to which Solomon quickly intervened.

"OHHHHHH no, no, no, no. I'M Teaming up with you. Stolas teams up with Zazel regarding the outside threats."

"Eh?? Why not me and Stolas? We were great when we were together!"

"Oh gee, I dunno, maybe the fact you NUKED it all the last time!?" Stolas and Harvard would look at each other, laughing nervously to themselves as they forgot about such encounters. Solomon was clearly displeased with what occurred yesterday. "Let it be known this, I'm making sure to keep an eye on you so you don't do any funny business. Think of me as your RESTRAINT to make sure you have some resemblance of humanity left."

"Oh c'mon! What if I wanna do something cool though?" Harvard would plead as he'd see Solomon leaving the office, following in tow.

"You'll do it WHEN it is the right time to do it. We're not gonna recreate what killed the Dinosaurs over here, Harvard. Seriously...." The Shadow that loomed under the Biblical magician would rise up, giving their own piece.

"You DO realize you're soundin' like a hypocrite, yeah? Didn't you went all out on-"

"The DIFFERENCE there, Shady, is that it was an empty place. Do I seriously have to tell the whole story again to you guys??"

". . .I mean you still decided to obliterate half of the school-"

"Oh my god, you're insufferable.." Solomon buried his face under his palm as they'd leave. Stolas, hearing the whole discussion, looked onwards to Zazel.

"You're not gonna restrain me like that, right?" He asked.

Zazel merely chuckled a bit, setting aside the Stellar Magician's fears. "Nah, I won't. I'd give it 10 minutes at most for Solomon to break when he sees what Harvard is capable of." The Demons quickly got out of their seats and made their way to the supposed destination of the crooks, with Ennio following them. "Hmm? Something up Mr. Morrwood?" Zazel would ask, noticing his movements.

"Well, as luck would have it, I also have some business with those invaders. King's orders too, so it must be an important one." Ennio replied, providing such jubilation to Stolas.

"REALLY!? AWESOME!! Ok, Zazel. Looks like you're gonna be seeing firsthand how Dad does his job! Lucky you, huh?" Stolas' excitement was apparent with his voice, possibly even sprinting out to reach there as a whole. Zazel simply smiled as he'd follow in pursuit. Lucky indeed..