Chereads / DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 60 - Chapter 58: My Sister Beat a Devil, now I have a Devil Maid

Chapter 60 - Chapter 58: My Sister Beat a Devil, now I have a Devil Maid


After incapacitating Katerea, Mordred sent her to the others and he met up with Yasaka and Amaterasu. Though he was displeased with his companion; Azazel.


"Why do you have to go with me?" Mordred raised a brow and Azazel sighed.


"This was a mess that was caused by one of my cadres... Satanael, that little prick gave them the know-how of making an artificial sacred gear you see." Azazel frowned.


"Hmph, you should have a tighter grip on your subordinates. But it is no surprise, they are your ilk after all." Mordred huffed and Azazel had a wry smile on his face.


"I already told you, I was having a stroll and I felt Vali's weak magic signature. We just spotted her at the same time and I got there first." Azazel explained.


"Is that true?" Mordred raised a brow and he tried to smell for lies.


"Swear to God." Azazel thought that was ironic and he chuckled a bit. Mordred didn't smell any lies and he nodded slowly.


"Okay... But I still don't trust you. My mom is beautiful, you might try to sexually harass her." Mordred squinted his eyes.


"Aye, I will stay away from her. I might have fallen due to a human woman. But I'm not always thinking about boobs, kid." Azazel chortled.


"I see... And what is this I feel? You loved that woman, didn't you?" Mordred could feel Azazel's emotions and it was like his affection towards his servants, master, and mother.


Azazel looked at him while blinking, but he didn't reply. "Sorry, that was rather insensitive of me." Mordred apologized and Azazel was surprised.


"Heh, so you're pretty considerate eh? Smart too, what a terrifying kid. It's fine... She had to go, a mortal lives like a raging fire. They would eventually weaken and turn into ash." Azazel looked at the skies.


Mordred felt his heart ache and he understood how hard it probably was to love a mortal while he was a long lived fallen. Practically immortal to humans who only live for a couple of decades.


"She must be a great woman. My mom is still the greatest though." Mordred broke the ice and Azazel nodded with a laugh.


"Yeah, made one hell of an impact on me... That's why I don't want to be too strict on my subordinates. I want them to live just like her. Free, happy, and had all the creative freedom." Azazel smiled softly.


"I see, it is still foolish though. Your lover isn't your subordinates. Supernatural beings think differently from humans." Mordred reminded him and he sighed.


"Are we really? In the end, we're all living beings that are just roaming around until we die. Even we can't live forever. Except dragons that can reach the apex. Just like how Albion and Ddraig came to be the heavenly dragons.


Because they have broke through the limits of their mortal bodies and were comparable to father in strength. And that's when they were always fighting. Bastard dragons, you guys are packing some hax. Imagine those two growing some more." Azazel laughed.


"It is true, but we are all different. Just like how my sister desired the throne of Camelot. Enough to believe all the lies of her mother. While I could care less, even though I am the true heir of England. It is ironic really." Mordred thought that humans are irrational.


"Humans are unique, some thrive, some just scrape by to survive. But there is one thing that I believe that will always make them the most interesting beings on the world." Mordred smiled.


"Hoh? It must be pretty amazing huh? What is it? Their potential that father saw in them?" Azazel guessed and Mordred shook his head.


"No, it's their will to live. The world is cruel, filled with strife and grief. History has already proven that. Wars, hatred, and grudges were too common. It even polluted the Earth's natural energy." Mordred sighed at that.


"Ahhh, yeah. Humans are pretty intense." Azazel remembered the bloody conflicts of humans. To be honest, devils don't have anything on the most cruel humans. While there are some that are even purer than the seraphs.


"Disasters also struck them aplenty, but they still manage to create culture. Learn and fail with their short lives. Leading to where they are today. They are dynamic, changing every generation. Unlike the three great factions." Mordred sighed and Azazel also followed suit.


"Right in one, the devils are still clinging to their traditions. Grigori still has the most impulsive members due to us being fallen angels. And heaven just observes, abandoning their true purpose." Azazel listed out.


"Correct, the supernatural population is stagnant. Never changing, I already helped Serafall talk with heaven. But I am still creating a faction to take in humans as much as possible." Mordred thought that a true alliance with the three great factions will bring great changes.


And that humans will be swept up by it. So he would rather burden himself as their de facto protector. He's already keeping back the evil dragons. Why not overachieve and guide humanity to a better tomorrow as well.


"Hahaha, you dream big, kid. That's one thorny path you got yourself into." Azazel thought he had balls.


"Humanity dreamed of flying in the sky. It was thought to be impossible, yet they did. They wanted to explore the stars. Which they achieved, I will do what is thought to be impossible and unite humanity." Mordred was determined.


"Whew boy, that is pretty hard. Harder than their greatest feats even. Humans are divided after all." Azazel laughed.


"It won't be a grand endeavor if it was that easy." Mordred shrugged and they arrived at Yasaka's place.


"Yasaka-chan, I'm back." Mordred let himself in and the guards bowed at them, thinking that Azazel was a guest too.


"Mo-kun, we received your report. The old Satan faction attacked as well? This is a mess and a half." Yasaka sighed and she craned her neck towards the other person there.


"Azazel... Why are you here?" Yasaka squinted her eyes. The reports that they received had information that Grigori had a hand on how the Utsusemi agency was able to create artificial sacred gears.


And that didn't sit well with Yasaka at all, not to mention Amaterasu.


"Mordred, you are here. Geh, you too... Azazel." Amaterasu glared at him.


He immediately raised his hands. "Mah, let's calm down. I'm here to apologize. Satanael leaked my research about sacred gears and the Utsusemi agency was able to cause this mess due to that. But it wasn't on my orders you know?" Azazel explained.


"Hmph, but still. It was because of your subordinate." Amaterasu squinted her eyes and Mordred dragged her finger on her nape, injecting her with his will to make her calm down.


"Amaterasu, if your brother Susanoo goes and make a mess. Was it your fault?" Mordred tried to deescalate her.


"Uhh... No. But I would surely have to apologize." She grumbled as that has happened a few times already.


"Azazel is doing the same thing." Mordred pointed at him and the fallen was actually surprised that Mordred tried to defend him.


"So just make him pay reparations. It is his duty as a faction leader after all." Mordred shrugged and Amaterasu thought that was acceptable.


"Geh, I thought you were my bro." Azazel had a wry smile on his face.


"You're not my bro, Azazel. Besides, I like Amaterasu more. She has a nice, soft body too." Mordred squeezed her sides and Amaterasu yelped.


"Damn... So you got Amaterasu in the bag? You're a king, no... A god amongst men!" Azazel bowed at him and Mordred nodded.


"Mordred! Not here, later!" Amaterasu whispered to him, but Azazel still heard it as he enhanced his hearing.


'I'm so jealous... I mean, what a guy. Making a chief goddess flustered.' Azazel nodded at him with respect.


"I would also like to talk about the five principal clans before I let you negotiate with Azazel." Mordred looked at them seriously.


"Ahhh, about that huh? I guess it is the fault of the Shinto pantheon. If we had observed them more, this wouldn't have happened." Amaterasu sighed.


"Correct, that's why I would like you to send a guard there. You could spare some minor gods, no?" Mordred presented.


"But a problem might arise, that minor god would most likely be corrupted with power. You know? The usual." Yasaka winced.


Being a god, the five principal clans would definitely treat them much better than they were at Takamagahara. And that would make their heads inflate.


"Then why not cycle them? Mandate it as a new responsibility of the minor gods. They would scramble to be at the job. And turn it into a mandatory service that would only be for a few months." Mordred suggested.


"Hmmm, that is pretty good. They won't have enough time to plot. And the minor gods would be lining up for the vacation." Azazel thought that was genius.


"Humans definitely come up with interesting solutions. Do you always think out of the box?" Amaterasu was amused.


"Not really, I just thought that would be the best course of action." Mordred shrugged.


"But what if they started fighting to get the position?" Yasaka raised a valid concern. Takamagahara would be a mess due to the new, juicy position.


"Then have a selection. And don't just send one, use one for each clan. You will receive more detailed reports. And there would be a better rotation." Mordred thought of shifts.


"Thanks for the insight Mordred, and apologies for our mess." Yasaka smiled at him.


"You're welcome, see you later ladies. Call me if you want a massage." Mordred waved goodbye and he melted into the shadows.


'Damn, he's got that shota rizz... Should I shapeshift a bit to be younger as well?' Azazel thought of useless things.


"Now, let's talk about reparations..." Amaterasu announced and the tension of the room changed. "Hehehe~ please go easy on me." Azazel sighed at the clear difference in treatment.




At the Gremory house, Mordred visited Rias and Akeno. "Mo-kun!" Akeno ran up to him and hugged him tightly.


"Hello, Akeno. It's nice to see you too." Mordred hugged her back and Rias pouted.


"Me too, I missed you too." Rias got clingy as she spread her arms, gesturing for a hug.


"Okay, how are you Rias?" Mordred chuckled and they talked a bit about how they were doing.


"I'm practicing a lot, I have to catch up to Rias. And there's improvement on my control in holy lightning." Akeno beamed.


Rias of course put her in therapy with the Sitris as well. Noticing that she was starting to develop a deep hatred against fallen angels. Thinking that Barakiel abandoned them.


"Fufufu~ she has been doing well Mordred. But she always says that you aren't spending enough time with her." Shuri chuckled.


"Yeah, you're pretty busy." Rias huffed and he scratched his head. "Well, I am. But I promise that I would spend more time with you."


Establishing a faction needed a lot of resources and time. It was only due to his parallel thoughts that Mordred could finish all the paperwork quickly.


Or he would be like Sirzechs or Serafall right now. Buried in tons of paper due to all the reports and things that needed to be managed.


"Rias, I actually want to train with my sister. She has sloppy swordplay. And you can learn together." Mordred offered.


He decided to go with the back story that Mo-chan was his sister. "Really? That's great!" Rias thought that she could bond with her and get some juicy secrets about Mordred. Like what his favorite food is or something.


She read that food is a way to a man's heart after all. And Venelana also approved of that little scheme.


"Just dropping by, I thought that Sona might be here. I actually need to talk to Serafall you see." Mordred waved goodbye.


"Going already?" Akeno frowned and he shrugged. "Duty calls, don't worry. I'll be pretty free after this." Mordred hugged them and he teleported away.


"Hah, he's getting too busy nowadays." Rias pouted and she puffed her cheeks.


"Well, you should get stronger dear. Then help him with his work." Venelana appeared and Rias had a realization.


"Yeah... He didn't want to bring me with him to his work because it was possibly a dangerous situation. Thanks mom, I'll just have to go with him." Rias did a guts pose.


"Wait! I'll have to train too!" Akeno ran after Rias who was going to go to the dojo to hone her sword more.


Mordred teleported to Serafall's spy room which had surveillance cameras that records Sona's daily life.


"Hello." Mordred revealed himself and Serafall almost had a heart attack. "M-Mo-kun... What are you doing here?" She smiled wryly.


"Sera, I've got a present for you." Mordred snapped his fingers and Katerea appeared.


"W-wha? Isn't that Katerea Leviathan?" Serafall was surprised.


"Umu, the one and only." He shrugged and Serafall looked at him in disbelief.


"I want you to use her as a prisoner. Make your positions stronger." Mordred revealed his plans for Katerea.


But Serafall frowned. "Uhh, Mo-kun... This will definitely backfire on us. The great king faction would spread rumors that we are ruthless. Hunting down the bloodline of the Satans." Serafall explained.


"Oh. Ohhhh." Morded clicked his tongue as he pieced it together. The masses would fear the Satans and the great king faction will profit a lot from that.


Diverting the attention and pressure from the king piece scandal. Focusing the media and rumors unto the Satans. Undermining their political power.


"Should I just erase the great king faction? The hardest choices need the greatest of wills." Mordred took out his swords and he suddenly thought of a gauntlet in the way they glowed.


"N-no! And can you please hide those? They sting really badly." Serafall was starting to have blisters on her skin because of the holy auras.


"My bad." Morded kissed her burns and licked them. Dragon saliva can either be a potent venom, or potion after all.


"Thanks Mo-kun, how about this." Serafall started to plot once again.


And after some discussions, his whole kin was gathered in front of him. "So, Katerea Leviathan will be joining us. Serafall said that they can't use her yet as a political piece." Mordred introduced Katerea who was in maid clothes.


Her hair was down and she was chained down by runes. The snake she used also made her strength drop down to high class as payment. So she was basically harmless.


"Should I brainwash her to make her loyal?" Meredith took out Alphecca Tyrant and she has been practicing with its ability to control minds.


Katerea immediately paled and Mordred shook his head. "No worries, I don't like brainwashed puppets. She's harmless too." Mordred smacked her butt and his runes glowed.


Her maid outfit is basically an enchanted prison that doesn't let her use magic. She was essentially a normal person right now.


"Kuu! Kill me." Katerea couldn't stand the shame and humiliation.


"Uhhh, wrong genre. Shouldn't you be wearing a Knight's armor for that?" Ise raised a brow.


"Kekeke, we'll be having a lot of fun~" Mo-chan grinned at her and Katerea would have died of shame if people could die like that.




Thanks for reading everyone, some prick stole my phone while I'm having my gene therapy in the hospital. I'm just rambling, so anyways. Ciao

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