After mentally invoking the mapping skill, a new screen pops up. In the middle of the screen, is me. Surrounding me is a small circle. Wanting to test out a theory I stand up and walk around a little. As I do, the visible area expands. Having figured out my new skill, I decide to check out the house. The first thing on my mind as soon as I enter is finding more books. Sadly, I there are none to be found. Well, I suppose this isn't the modern world. Disappointed and a bit bored, I think about what to do. There is no Wi-Fi, no internet, to electronic. They don't even have books! The house looks empty, filled only the bare minimum. How am I going to live like this? I guess I'll have to talk to people.
Leaving the house, survey the surrounding area. The house is next to the forest in an isolated corner of the village, but thankfully there are still other buildings within an easily walkable distance. Not wanting to stray too far from the house, I leisurely stroll around hoping to find someone to talk to. After a few minutes, my efforts pay off as a short woman with glossy black hair heads towards a nearby house holding what looks like a basket filled with herbs. Casually I approach the woman to introduce myself. The woman sees me and momentarily displays a look of confusion before switching to a friendly face.
"Hello there, My name is Alea. I'm new in town. I'm staying with the Twins right now. I just came over here in hopes of making a new acquaintance" I greet. Hearing my introduction seems to put the woman at ease. I guess the twin's have a solid reputation here. She then warmly responds, "Oh, hello there. My name is Sarah. It's nice to see new people here. Would you like to come in? I can fix you a cup of tea." She seems like friendly woman. If even half of this village resembles her and the twins, I'll be lucky. In response to her kind offer I exclaim, "That sounds wonderful. Thank you". My feet pass the threshold of the doorway and I inwardly exclaim as I eye the house's interior. It looks like something in fantasy movie, like a wizard's layer. All sorts of herbs hang on the wall and there is even a small cauldron on the table. Next to the cauldron are all sorts of mixing tools and powders. This place is so cool. The best thing here though are the books. Yes that's right BOOKS! I could barely tear my gaze away from them. Hopefully not noticing my distraction, Sarah directs me to my seat. Sitting down I am able to get a better look at her. She seems to be around 30, but her yellow cat like eyes still look quite youthful.
Breaking me out of my daze she asked, "So what brought you here?" Repeating what I said to the twins I reply, "Actually I got lost and I don't have anywhere to go, so I was hoping to settle down somewhere new and find work." Hearing my situation, she looks puts on a pitying looks and empathizes, "Oh, that's quite a scary situation. I'm glad the twins found you." "Me too. They really are quite kind taking in a stranger like me" I agree. Sarah comments, "The twins have always been like that. I think they learned it from their parents. Such kind people. I think the Twins will be happy to have you here, though. Maybe you could tell them something about the outside world. They're very curious about it. They asked me what I know just about every day? " Curiously I guess, "Are you not from the village?" She replies, "No, my husband and I are actually from the capital." "Could you tell me what the capital's like? I've never been there" I beam thinking this is my chance to learn more about this world.
In response though she asserts, "I'd be happy to but first I have a question of my own." Compliantly I respond, "Sure. What is it?" Sarah asks, "What type of work were you hoping to do?" I reply, "Well, I wasn't hoping to do anything in particular, but the chief said that I could just help out around the twin's house in the meanwhile." "Do you have any particular skills?" She inquires. I respond, "Well, I'm good with math, I can read and write, and I'm willing to learn." Hearing what my answer she looks a surprised. It makes sense though considering what type of world this is. She might even think I'm a runway noble with the average education of commoners in this type of world. Thinking seriously for a moment Sarah reaches a conclusion and looks up at me with a serious gaze. She muses, "If that's the case then I might have an idea for you." "What is it?" I request genuinely curious. "How do you feel about working under my husband here. He's the Village Dr. You could learn some skills from him." she offers. The amount of shock and joy I feel in that moment is hard to describe. It's simply overflowing. This is the answer. It's an opportunity. I can learn a profession and gain access to books. How wonderful. How perfect. Without an ounce of hesitation I exclaim, "That's such an amazing opportunity. Thank you. It'd be a pleasure." She looks content with my response but still says," just need to talk it over with my husband."
After that we happily chatted for quite a while before I headed back to the twin's house. Before I left, I asked Sarah about the books. Seeing my interest, she offered to let me borrow them as long as I am careful. So now I'm heading back to my spot under the tree with two books in hand. The titles are "Basics of Medicine" and "Fundamentals of Mana". My excitement right now is out of the roof. Between the two books, the one called "Basics of Medicine" seems more difficult due to it's grand size and small font. "Fundamentals of Mana" on the other hand doesn't seem too difficult. I even noticed some pictures while skimming it. I also learned something else which is that skimming doesn't earn one anything from the system. To gain rewards, one has to thoroughly read the book. At least I enjoy reading. Deciding which book to read first is a piece of cake. Of course, I'd want to read "Fundamentals of Mana" first. I'm in another world, so shouldn't I explore magic. It's almost common sense. Opening the book, I can see from the chapter list what topics the book covers. It explains what mana is, how it interacts with people, how to be safe around it, how to sense it, and a few basic spells. I feel like I've found a treasure. Reading a bit, I discover that mana is separated into several elements including water, fire, earth, air, light, darkness, space, lighting, ice, and neutral. People each have limited elements that they are able to use.
Average = 1 element
Talented = 2 elements
Genius = 3 elements
Legendary = 4 elements
Elements also have different rarities.
water, fire, earth, and air = Common
lighting, ice = Rare
light, darkness = Super Rare
space, neutral = Legend