Chapter 5 - 5

It was her favorite dream.

The golden dagger winked at her from its position on the violet cushion perched on a marble pedestal. Pepper felt this tug deep in her core that drew her toward the weapon.

She stood in the middle of a quiet meadow, where the long branches of the willow tree swayed gently in a nonexistent breeze that also ruffled the grass around her bare feet.

Pepper grabbed the hilt of the dagger - the rubies and gems that decorated the hilt caught the sunlight sending colorful dots dancing across the grass.

With the power embedded within this weapon, she could shape the world however she pleased.

her magic would return.

Yes. This is her favorite dream 

Sensing a presence she put the dagger down, turning to scowl at the intruder.

Kyan was a millennia old but he had the appearance and body of a man in his early twenties. His golden eyes were filled with amusement, his lip pulled up into a smirk.

He looked the same since he first came into existence, made from the elements themselves, one of the eight immortals first created to guard the crystals and watch over the world of mortals.

Just seeing this young, youthful face reminded her of what she'd lost when she gave up her immortality to live with Simon. He also filled her with annoyance and a sense of dread.

"The end is near." Kyan said, his lip still smirking. His hands were folded neatly in front of him.

Pepper bristled, annoyed that the Watcher had invaded her dream.

"When?" Pepper asked, folding her arms - careful to keep her wrinkled skin hidden from view.

Kyan waved a hand changing their surroundings to the forbidden forest bordering the Valoria and Lunaris kingdom. Pepper scowled at the tall trees now surrounding them - the golden dagger nowhere in sight.

"Could be today, tomorrow, or years from now."

Pepper snorts. "Your timeline is rather unreliable, don't you think? Why are you bothering me with such nonsense. I don't care."

"Lying has never been one of your best traits." Kyan sighs, his amused expression falling away to let his serious one take its place. "I know you care, more that you'd like to admit."

The immortal knew her better than she'd like, Pepper's jaw tightened. "I was having a lovely dream before you ruined it. Make whatever point you came to make and leave - you've invaded my privacy long enough."

Kyan said nothing as his eyes narrowed to study here intently. Always studying, always watching. He was unnerving - even more so then the others.

"Has the life of a mortal taught you nothing?" he muttered, his gaze roaming over her face, lingering on the deep lines that showed her age. "I do regret not coming to visit you sooner. I apologize for my neglect."

Heat flew to her cheeks, and she his her hands further beneath the folds of her sleeves. "A touch of air magic does wonders to hide this during my waking hours."

"Did you not leave the Sanctuary to create a life of you own - or as you so kindly put it - privacy."

"Yes, Kyan. My life, my choice. It's none of your business - and if the end is as near as you claim, why are you here when you could be collaborating with your fellow Watchers?" Pepper drew a ragged breath, fighting to keep her emotions in check.

"If only collaborating were as easily as it sounds." Kyan hissed, he spread his arms wide exasperated. "How dense can you possibly be - don't tell me you haven't felt a shift."

Pepper balled her hands into fists. "You dare-!"

"Yes, Valoria - I dare. You and I along with countless other Watchers were created to protect the elemental crystals." Kyan lowered his arms, taking a moment to compose himself. "You were once a powerful sorcress as was your sister - Arcadia."

Pepper bristled. "Don't remind me."

"You go by a different name , do you not? Pepper."

"I do."

"A new name changes nothing." Kyan huffs.

Pepper rolls her eyes. "I disagree."

"Watchers are vanishing left and right, Valoria. I don't know where they're going or why." Kyan ran a hand through his perfectly cropped hair, his brows furrowed. 

"Why not ask me sister to help? She's more useful to you than I in my state."

Pepper extended her wrinkled hands that shook though they appeared to be still. Blue veins could be seen through her pale skin and her nails were a sight to behold.

"Ah, Pepper. You really have been living under a rock." Kyan sighed, disappointed. "Alas, I'll need your help."

"Living under a rock-" Pepper spluttered, aghast. "My help-? Kyan what-?"

"In return I'll give you possession of something you've been longing for."

Pepper blinked. "Are you sure you want my help?"

She looked at the trees surrounding them to avoid Kyan's curious gaze.

"Will you or won't you, Valoria?"

"Stop. Calling. Me. That."

Without responding, Kyan reached into the folds of his cloak pulling out a dagger Pepper had only seen in her dreams.

The golden blade was in Kyan's outstretched hand. Pepper's hands twitched beneath her sleeves as hope overwhelmed her.

Hope was cruel thing.

Greed rose up in her throat - too thick to swallow. Pepper extended her wrinkled hand toward the dagger, grabbing it quickly.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kyan hummed watching her admire the blade. "In return I ask for your help and a favor."

Looking up, Pepper frowned. "What kind of favor?"

"All in good time, Valoria."

Perhaps the past didn't matter anymore. Only magic, survival, and power mattered. Pepper's grip tightened on the hilt. "I agree, Kyan."

He nods. "My gratitude to you. Always."

Then the immortal and the dream world he pulled her into faded. When Pepper woke, tucked into the cot she shared with her husband with the hearth's fire burned down to glowing embers, the bejeweled hilt of the dagger was still in her grip.