"O thy rancorous spirits of the dead, set your sight on thy enemies and fill me, who shall be thy sword, with thy power."
Farrel muttered under his breath as the vengeful ghosts inside him and around him began to stir.
The vengeful ghosts that had made Farrel's body their home started oozing out their aura from Farrel's soul, encasing Farrel's whole body with the negative energy that the collective had.
After eating all the fear and horror that the dozens of bandits exuded moments leading up to their deaths, the negative energy of the vengeful ghosts that followed him was stronger than ever.
It still wasn't at the same level as Farrel's old ghost, but in terms of young, weak ghosts, their strength, and energy were at least double the amount of the usual one that they had.
And that plentiful energy and Farrel's chant resulted in Farrel's body being enhanced.
Although the quality of the ghosts wasn't the best, the quantity made up for it as now Farrel had regained his bulletproof skin from the 23 ghosts residing inside him.
The dark energy also became his strength, making him capable of breaking rocks easily with his bare hands, and had an overall unordinary strength that a normal human couldn't achieve with their own power.
And the spell that he had chanted didn't end there.
While the ghosts inside him powered him, the ghosts that had made a deal with him but didn't go inside him also became his strength.
Instead of also going into Farrel's body, which wasn't possible currently due to Farrel's vessel being small, Farrel commanded them to possess something else.
And it was none other than the simple-looking stick that he had been holding in his hand.
The remaining other 23 ghosts that floated all around him then went inside the stick, causing it to have the same eerier vibes that now Farrel gives off due to all the ghosts supplying him with their negative energy.
And his opponent, the bandit leader realized this as he took a close look at Farrel.
The second he heard Farrel mumble other incomprehensible words, the bandit leader didn't waste any time as once again lunged toward the kid with the stick.
Unfortunately for him, despite his timely reaction to Farrel's chanting, the ghosts reacted much quicker as they empowered both Farrel's body and weapon the split second Farrel finished his chanting.
So when Farrel saw the bandit leader lunging at him, he didn't hesitate to meet the bandit leader's sword with his now over-buffed stick.
Just as he had expected, the sword was once again stopped by the stick as another loud ringing resounded throughout the area.
However, Farrel could feel a lot of his and the ghosts' energy was taken away just in that single exchange between the sword and the stick.
This time, Farrel was the one who disengaged their weapons as his body jumped a few meters backward easily with his physical enhancement.
'That blow was too strong for me to constantly handle… I can't repeatedly exchange blows with him.'
The bandit leader was still looking calm. The two circles still glowed faintly on top of his hands, giving him an unknown power that made Farrel very curious.
'In which part of the world am I? I have never seen anything like that before…' He thought to himself as he kept observing the bandit leader, who was seemingly quite surprised his sword was once again stopped by a stick.
Farrel was ready for another lunge when the bandit leader finally fixed his eyes on him.
He now knew that he shouldn't block the swinging sword directly and instead use his surroundings for it.
However, when he saw that the bandit leader didn't lunge toward him, his alertness went up by several levels as he saw the bandit leader doing something unexpected.
So far, the bandit leader was still fighting with one hand holding the sword and the other holding the blessed pendant.
But now, the bandit leader suddenly wore the blessed pendant on his neck again as he held the sword using his two hands.
Before Farrel could figure out what the bandit leader was trying to do, his eyes suddenly opened so wide when they saw the aura surrounding the bandit leader's body.
He was able to see the bandit leader's aura from the start.
And he could see how the appearance of the two circles enriched the aura and gave strength to him.
But right now, he saw the aura fluctuate even more before they all moved toward a single point, and that was toward his sword.
The aura that used to cover his whole body and gave him strength to cut a thick tree trunk as if it was tofu was now all inside his sword.
Farrel didn't know what would happen next, so he controlled his own aura, commanding the ghosts to send their energy toward the lower part of his body.
Making it possible for him to move even faster than the fastest man alive to make sure that he would be able to dodge or run away from the bandit leader's unknown attack.
Farrel's choice to send out his energy to the lower part of the body proved to be the correct one the next second the bandit leader decided to finally unleash his move.
In Farrel's eyes, the steel sword in the bandit leader's hand was overflowing with aura.
And when he finally slashed the sword forward, Farrel saw how all the aura left the sword in a certain manner that it made something like an aura sword wave.
A wave of aura that was shaped like a crescent blade.
Fortunately for Farrel, he could clearly see how the crescent aura left the sword and flew forward.
The bad news for him though, the aura blade was moving toward him and it wasn't a slow one.
Seeing the aura blade, Farrel quickly kicked his feet against the ground, sending his body away from his current location as fast as he could.
The aura blade wasn't as fast as a bullet, but still, it was fast enough that Farrel barely dodged it and let the aura blade hit a tree instead.
Which resulted in the tree having a deep gash on it, shaped just like the crescent form of the aura blade.
The aura blade reached the halfway point of the thick tree trunk, which might seem lacking, but considering the trunk thickness of a 15 meters tall tree, the attack was certainly more than enough to chop down Farrel's body in half.
Farrel's eyes opened wide, his throat moved as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
'What the hell was that…?'