Kazuki and alex were watching the city from a tall building enjoying the view, kazuki ask "Hey alex, can I ask you something? Won't it be a good idea to kill the higher ups? I mean... think of it.". Alex puts down his drink, takes time to swallow and then lets out a sigh of annoyance while scratching his head "I knew you were going to ask a question like this. But seriously, way to kill the mood kazuki.", kazuki says "No think of it. You saw it didn't you? Ukina's memories.", alex had a look of sadness in his eyes and responds "Yeah, I did. I saw some of her memories of her, my grandpa and kojin as teenagers before diablo erased her from existence. Honestly it's sad. Seeing her being treated like some kind of plague, all because she was born with an abnormal amount of power, its sad and sickness me at the same time" Kazuki then says "Before I joined you in the continent of war, I saw the past. How my father was killed, and how shinki was left alone to take care of me. The higher ups of this damn city was scared of how strong my dad was and decided to bring all their forces to kill him. Its no wonder shinki hated the city and turned evil.". Kazuki clenched his fists with lightning sparking out of it "If it were left to me, I'd go the evil route and destroy this damn city. Yuji takanoguro, huh, he and your parents were friends. They must have been great people. They were all trained by your grandpa", alex was just silent, looking at kazuki with abit of concern "You know, when we were still on D and C-rank level, I noticed a bunch of assassins always watching and following me even while I was at home. They planned on killing me, and it's no doubt that the higher ups sent them. If I chose to react, then I'd have gone berserk and tear all of them apart, but I chose to just ignore em." Alex just sighs and closes his eyes for a moment, he opens them up but this time they were filled with hate "I also saw memories of them trying to kill our parents when they were just kids, if not for grandpa ranpo being their guardian, they'd be dead and we would never had existed. Let's kill those old bastards who refuse to die!", diablo was just behind an air vent listening to their conversation, he just smirks and says "So you guys to huh?". In the higher ups room where it was just a dark conference room with all the higher ups that consisted of old people sitting on their chairs around a long table, they were about 15 In number. One of the higher ups exclaims "Can you believe it? The elite squad 10 took down the dark sign, and ukina who declared the great war of humanity was defeated by alex and kazuki.", one of the other higher ups then responds "They took down ukina? The one not even ranpo and kojin could defeat? Those damn kids are getting too powerful! We should have killed them when they were still kids.", a female higher up then adds "Its not too late, is it? We still have other tricks up on our sleeves we can still use to take them down.", another higher up exclaims "One of them took down rimeta, the chances we have in taking those abominations down are slim". They all hear diablo's voice "Do you really think you can take them down?", they all turn to see diablo walking in with his arms in his pockets and with a smirk on his face "God this place stinks of old people." He exclaims. One of the higher ups that were talking then says "Watch it boy! You're still our greatest threat, diablo. The one who caused the two great calamity!", diablo just felt excited after hearing that, while still smirking he says "Awn, did I interrupt a meeting? Well I couldn't give a damn.", one of the other higher up members then asks "Are you here to steer up trouble? You better leave now.". Diablo who was trying not to laugh but still maintaining an edgy smirk on his face asks "Or what? What do you want to do? You know, making threats to people who are much stronger than you hasn't been your strong suit.", the other higher ups then tells him "I wished we killed you long ago while you were still a mere little runt, we won't be having such problems now.". Diablo just responds "Oh, Is that so? Speaking of which, this generation of soldiers who are just mere teenagers are gaining levels of powers that you can't hope to contain. So what are you gonna do, look for ways to kill them?", his mood changes to that of seriousness and anger, with his eyes glowing red "Coz that's what you tried to do to me and my friends during our time. You know I can't forgive you for killing ichika in the process of trying to kill me, you sick old bastards! If I had my way right now I'd turn you all to a pile of blood. But i'm not the one who's going to do it, I don't want to get my hands dirty with your stinky blood." He makes his exist while saying "Your screams alone will be satisfying to hear. You can take it from here kids". The doors closes, leaving the room dark, one of the other higher ups stands up saying "That arrogant little br--", but his head falls of immediately. This causes the rest of the higher ups to look confused and starts to panic "What's going on! Who's there?!", but in the darkness comes the silhouette of demon with bright red eyes growling, and a being made of purple flames and lightning glowing in the dark. The demon starts to tear them apart and eat them, while the flame spirit is just burning and wasting them, diablo was walking down the stairs with his hands in his pocket and a satisfied smile on his face, while hearing the higher ups scream and beg for help "I've created a special space for you geezers in hell. Make sure not one of their body parts is left."