Son who has been laying unconscious for 3 months suddenly woke up, he starts to open his eyes slowly before seeing the hospital ceiling. Son is abit confused and thought to himself "What, the hospital?", he looks out the window and realises he is in the city "The city, how?", son takes a look at his arms and see's bandages around them, as well as his neck. He takes a look at his left and see's his clothes which was a red track suit Jacket and black joggers. Later on, son is walking on the street which was lively as people were fixing buildings and broken structures, son thinks to himself "So the fights over, huh. The real question is, how did I get back to the city? I remember being weak and knocked out in the wastelands when I fought saito. Is he even still alive? What of dad and the others, are they alive?" While walking, he and Raquel come in contact with each other, Raquel is abit worried and surprised "Oh son, you're awake. How's your body doing?", son was abit confused but responds "Raquel, Is that you? What's going on?". Later on, they are in a park sitting on a bench, "So the war is over huh, and everyone is still alive, that's good to hear. And the dark sign were all defeated, killed as a matter of fact.", son was trying to process everything Raquel had told him. Raquel explains "Well yeah, most of us are really injured tho, and some of us are doing fine.", Raquel noticed son was abit depressed with his head facing down. Son was thinking to himself "So saito died huh. Well, that's a waste. I wanted to save him from his villainy, but it looks like he was to far gone. He'd already turned to a psychopath, a menace that needed to be stopped by death. Guess all that training was for nothing. And at the end, i couldn't save him." Raquel felt abit sad for him and says "I know your elder brother was part of them and I know you must have wanted to save him, but you can't stay depressed. But still, I emphasis with you.", she Pat's him on the head and says "The son I know is always happy and cheerfull, don't go Turing into some emo edgelord. Otherwise I can't call you my friend.". Son then asks "What of my old man, kojin. Is he... still alive?", Raquel tells him "Well as it stands, we can't tell if he's alive or not, he's not in a good condition, but he's been in the hospital ever since the war ended. Kojin's covered in bandages tho. We don't know his current health status.". Son who seemed to have a rather depressed attitude "Ohh, I see. He's probably on deaths door. First my mom, now my big brother, now my dad.", he starts to grin his teeth in anger with tears slowly dropping from his eyes. He asks Raquel "What of you? You seem to be fine.", raquel seems to feel bad for son then says "Yeah, I'm doing well. I was able to regenerate my health back to normal. The rest are fine as well, do you want me to tell them you're awake?", son just stands of the bench "Its fine, I don't want to be a damn burden to the rest. I'll see you later.". Son just walks away from the park, Raquel still feels bad for him and thought to herself "He must be going through alot right now.", she looks up into the air "I don't think he might remain the same anymore". While son was walking by himself, he is having an inner monologue "At least I still have tomoa.....", he pauses for a moment and gets a quick flashback of how tomoa got sliced open by zora, after kojin had defeated the shadow puppet that invaded the city, followed by the encounter kojin and sorata had, son continued to grin his teeth in anger. Later that day at 10am, kinto was at levi's grave, "I wasn't expecting it to be so soon, but everyone's gotta die at some point, right? I'm not saying you should have died, I'm just trying to accept the fact. You tought me the things I needed to know as a solider, you were also an elder brother figure to me.", he says that while talking to levi's grave. Kito(Kinto's dad) Pat's him on the head and says "Dont feel to bad, this is the sad fate of being an assassin and solider, one has to fight for their various nationality, even if it costs them their life. But I feel extremely sad myself, he was once my student. He was like a junior brother I had to look out for, he and sughi. I just went to check up on deo, his younger brother, he seems to be handling his lose well, I wasn't expecting them to die, and so early as well." Kinto asks "Dad, I realised something. This world, its corrupt.", "You're right kid, it is corrupt", kito replied. Meanwhile son was at the cemetery looking at tomoa's grave, he was depressed and couldn't even cry anymore, all he could just do was stare at the grave. He lost his mom at a young age due to her running mad, he had to fight his elder brother and deal with the fact that he couldn't save him, he also learnt that his dad was in a life or death state, now the person he looked at as a brother from another mother was also dead. Son had no one to turn towards, or express his pain to, he just collapsed on his knees and started screaming in anger. Mori and runo were watching him from the entrance of the cemetery, kinto and his dad also saw son at his break down, and alex and kazuki who were on building tops would watch him while understanding his pain. After he had screamed to let out some steam, he asks himself "How the fuck did this happen? Its like I'm slowly running mad, what's this feeling? It feels like my mind's being slowly eaten up. Is this how it feels to lose someone?", alex reached out to him by placing his hand on son's shoulder "Its okay, you're not alone."