Not only did I have to complete my Moduele, which determined my future, and experienced the death of old man Yesob... I had just inherited his estate and his family was trying to bribe me to give the estate to them with hundreds and hundreds of French franc.
I keep refusing but now they are starting to threaten me, with words like 'If you don't give us the estate, we won't hesitate to notify the Stellar Academy to make sure you fail blah blah blah'
But of course, I won't ever let go of my grip for estate, as the old man said "Once you strive for something, it will always have a place in your heart, even if it was a minor thing."
Not only that, this estate was where I grew up, where I studied and worked hard each and everyday, which made me strive for a future. Something I couldn't have ever thought about while living and sleeping on the streets with torn, muddy, infested clothes.
Just looking by the window, seeing all those food while my stomatch would growl, not just me but many more children as well, Then we would get chased away from the front of the shop, saying "You disgusting children should just die!" They would shout, with spit coming out each time the opened their mouth "The next time I see you kids swarming around my cafe like rats, I won't hesitate to get rid of you filthy pests."
But did he?
well... yes.