Although, amidst the doomed post-apocalyptic world, there exists a group of mutated humans, who have undergone drastic physical changes too. These individuals, known as "Outcasted," had no chance to live in the shelters like other survivors, and had been deeply affected by the radiation unleashed after the nuclear war. Most of the Outcasted died during the nuclear winter, but those who had adapted the intense radiation, had experienced the massive mutations, which had caused their bodies become larger bulkier, and more muscular. Their terrified appearance and extraordinary physical attributes made them more like a hybrid between a human and a beast. Their increased muscle mass endows them with super strength, allowing them to defeat ordinary humans with ease. Their increased durability allows them to withstand attacks and injuries that could incapacitate or kill normal humans.
Most human survivors never referred them as human anymore, instead they called these monsters as "Mutants". Mutants often exhibit enhanced regenerative abilities, enabling them to heal wounds at an accelerated rate, especially when they near the radiation source. This extraordinary resilience makes them formidable opponents in combat, able to withstand more severe attacks and recover quickly to continue fighting. Their aggressive and predatory instincts make them merciless enemies, filling the hearts of those who oppose them with terror.