Chereads / Friends in love: My childhood sweet heart / Chapter 18 - Cesi is being frame by Karlee.

Chapter 18 - Cesi is being frame by Karlee.

[present time]

Cesi felt a warm hug and a bright light only on her face. Christian has always hug her like this in the past, right from when she develop the condition.


Her body was cover in sweat and her heart was beating really fast she hug Christian so tight as if her life depend on it and the light came back every where was really bright Clara stop pointing her phone flash light and squat down to calm Cesi.


Cesi felt relief as soon as the power supply came back, but she didn't stop hugging Christian and Christian didn't show any signs, of let go of her any time soon he was so worried about her.


Karlee suddenly say what is wrong with Cesi? Is she okay why was she like that a few minutes ago? Hearing her questions Clara immediately stood up to defend her best friend what do you mean by saying that? Cesi is okay! she is just, afraid of the dark and why are you even crying, what is wrong with your hand Clara ask out of total curiosity.


Hmm. Hmm..... Don't get this in the wrong way Clara me and Cesi was about heading back to the class room when the power supply went out, Cesi suddenly change and started acting crazy and pushing me to wall with so much agrresiveness I couldn't calm her down she..... is the one responsible for my injury 😞.


You are lying Karlee Cesi can't do any of that to you she is afraid of the dark don't talk nonsense may be you are the crazy one because Cesi wasn't even close to you she is just squatting over there scared...

The night class teachers came and interrupt Clara what is all the noise about? the light is back get back to ur various class room.... Sir they is a problem, one of the junior student spoke up. This senior over there claims that she was hurt by senior Cesi, according to her senior Cesi started acting crazy and hurting her as soon as the light went out, but senior Clara claims that senior Cesi is afraid of the dark and can't hurt her and what we saw when all of us came here was that senior Cesi, was squatting on that very position she is still in while saying something out loud about she not killing some one. That is the case sir.


Okay thank you for that you can all go to your various class room for your night classes, this will be handle properly tomorrow.


All the students plus the teachers left remaining just Karlee, Clara, Cesi and Christian. Clara walk close to Karlee and say to her, you better stop whatever game you are playing before is too late saying that she went ahead and get all their things from the class room before joining Christian and Cesi to go home. The drive was already waiting outside the school gate for them, the 3 of them enter the car and it zoom off.


Karlee was so angry about her plan not working completely and she hated Cesi even more for having, both Christian and Clara on her side which made her wanting to make the plan work even more. I'm really wise for making plan B Incase plan A doesn't work out, oh dear, Francesca prepare to say goodbye to this school 😂😈 hahaha! She started laughing devilish after finishing her statement.


Cesi Mom was relaxing in the parlour while waiting for their Cesi to come back, from the evening lesson they planned on having a sleepover tonight.


It is already past 7 why are they not back yet, I taught they are having a sleepover here tonight or did they have a change of plan, but Cesi didn't say anything about change of plans I guess they are on their way, I shouldn't worry too much.


The drive stop the car Infront of Cesi house and the three of them came out of the car quietly and walk into the house.


The front door crack open few seconds after Cesi Mom stop talking to her self. Hearing the crack on the front door Cesi Mom knew they were back and she say to herself "Grace you have to stop over thinking things".


Good evening aunt Christian and Clara greeted at the same time, good evening my beloveds how are you kids doing? Fine Aunt Clara replied. Cesi also follow suit and greet her Mom, good evening Mom, Cesi are you okay? Cesi Mom asked when her eyes landed on daughter face.

Yeah am fine Mom, are you sure? Yes Mom okay it seems I'm just worrying too you kids should get ready dinner will be served soon 😁 Cesi Mom say with a smile.


Cesi was about going upstairs when Christian open his mouth and say "aunt Cesi is not okay" the power supply went out when we were still in school Christian say a little helpless Clara also added Karlee the girl she is tutoring ask Cesi to go with her to the toilet because she was scared to go alone, but now she is accusing Cesi of acting crazy and hurting her am very sure is a setup, the girl locked the door of the class room we were in making me and Christian unable to reach Cesi on time. But I don't get why Karlee will do such things.


It wasn't easy for Cesi Mom to digest what Christian and Clara said. Christian was so worry about Cesi that all his focus now was about Cesi health, aunt I think is best for Cesi to see her doctor. Yes that is right Christian I will make an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow morning, and I will take her to school after that with the doctor's report. Thanks Mom Cesi say before walking upstairs like a depress person.


How long was she in the dark? Cesi Mom turn to Christian and asked after Cesi went upstairs. I think about (10) ten minutes. What!! For so long Cesi Mom exclaim yes aunt and am afraid is getting the best of her I will go upstairs to keep her company, so she doesn't have a panic attack Christian said and went upstairs leaving Clara and Cesi Mom. Clara was about following him upstairs when Cesi Mom stop her by shaking her head.