There are 18 minor laws. There is also Tiers to laws some are harder to master. From tier 1 being easy to tier 3 being harder.
Tier 1
Fire Water Grass Normal Ground Rock Flying Bug
Tier 2
Electric Dark Poison Ice Fairy Fighting
Tier 3
Dragon Psychic Ghost Steel
There Are 10 Major Laws. That rank from Tier 4-5 five being hardest.
Tier 4 Destiny Void Body Sky Earth Light
Tier 5 Space Time Gravity Destruction
(Authors Note) Some pokemon will have an easier time mastering certain major laws and may not be able to mast certain laws because it opposes there very being. For example being psychic finds mastering destiny easy but cannot learn void.
Potential For all Pokemon
Mundes Potential:
Gray Black White Red Blue Green Purple Orange Gold Rainbow
Duality Potential:
Baron Earl Viscount Marquise Duke
Chaos Potential:
King Monarch Emperor Creation
(Authors Note) There are ways to increase potential there called props and you will learn more about them in the novel.