Lycen was a silver fang wolf, a ferocious monster capable of mass destruction. It has large claws capable of splitting a tree in half, with jaws that can easily crush metal armour and keen sense of smell able to whiff enemy's scent from a mile.
But a dungeon born Lycen was different from wild ones. It was capable of using magical spells which increased it class. Seeing the Lycen up close a chill ran down Sam's spine. BIG, it was big. The Lycen stood at a height of 5 metres and a length of 8 metres. It was the first monster so big Sam was facing.
Cain saw Sam's nervousness and started making a strategy. "Sam get ready to use point slash, I am going to turn his attention and you strike near its front left leg". And with this Cain engaged the Lycen.
Point slash was the second technique after aura slash that Sam learned in his training. Focusing his energy on the sword, the tip started glowing deep red. Cain drew Lycen to other direction and kept it in check. Seeing his signal Sam dashed towards the Lycen and swing his sword with the intent of piercing it.
*Clank The sword was repelled by a magical barrier that Lycen put when it noticed Sam moving towards itself. Not able to understand the situation, *Bang and with a whip of its tail sent Sam flying away. Pain, intense pain swept through Sam's body and blood dripped down his nose. Taking out healing potion and drinking it, Sam took his sword again and again ran towards the Lycen but Lycen was aware of Sam's movement and started preparing his spell.
[Cover your ears and dodge, NOW], the moment Sei shouted Lycen open his mouth and a magic Circle appeared and sound waves were released with intense power crushing everything coming in between. Luckily Sam escaped by dodging hard right thanks to the warning given by Sei.
'That was close' seeing the destruction caused by the attack Sam counted his lucky stars.
[A unique monster. This Lycen is a unique monster and I think this is not the floor master]
[My guess is it killed the floor master and was feasting on the monsters here until we came]
This revelation changed everything as it now became a dangerous scenario. A unique monster is a mutant species capable of greater destruction. If what Sei told Sam was true then it was better for them to run away.
Cain's instinct also pointed towards the existence of unique monster and his facial expressions changed.
The terror of Lycen just began. Seeing his oppenents strength, Lycen used his unique move, Dark Haze.
All unique monsters had a unique move which was their blood art and described it's trait.
Dark Haze allowed Lycen to become one with the darkness of night and attack its target mercilessly. It was feasting time and with this Lycen disappeared in the darkness.