Chereads / World Without Emmanuel By Emmy Spark / Chapter 4 - World Without Emmanuel Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - World Without Emmanuel Chapter 4

"Seriously, of all clubs there. You choose flop Chelsea. Hahahahaha," Glory joked as they made their way up a hill which led to the fighters recruitment center.

"Well, I personally like the club, even though they're still TENants," Sean laughed as they kept climbing the tall hill with no sign of fatigue.

"Enough football talk, tell me about yourself. I mean, more intimately," Glory asked and Sean's face immediately turned sour as he remembered how his dad died.

" Um, as you already know. My name is Sean Roberts. I'm what you can call a dude born to combat all life's challenges. My Mom died when I was born and my dad took care of me for a long time till the Ravenger invasion. He died as a result but had already taught me all he knew about the Ravengers and left me with some weapons. I've survived for 4 years straight in the open. Turns out, my Dad knew about Camp Nou and told me about it causally before he died. Well, that's my life story. What about you, tell me about yourself, "

Sean asked as they reached the top of the hill which was wide with a lot of space. Different people moved around especially guys in their mid/late 20s. Glory was about to answer when a voice interrupted them.

"Glory, I see you've made a new friend. Hey handsome," a beautiful girl wearing a black t-shirt on ash jeans with pure white flawless skin endowed with white glittering teeth said as she saw Glory and Sean on top the hill where she was already throwing some knives at a board. She was drenched in sweat which made her skin glitter the more under the consuming sun. She also had a flirty smile as she looked at Sean who smiled back but quickly turned to Glory before she noticed.

"Yes Precious. Sean, meet Precious. Precious, meet Sean. He's hear for the tryouts," Glory announced and Precious smiled.

"Purrrrrrrrree that's very nice. Looking forward to seeing you in the team. Oh wait, what group are you auditioning for?" She asked.

"The Exterminator Faction," Precious paused while Glory smirked.

"Next," the loud voice of the person who accessed the candidates sounded, interrupting Precious who wanted to say something.

"Um sir. My friend here would like to join the fighters," Glory explained to the accessor who nodded. He was a bald man with a lot of scars on his face. He looked at Sean with a fierce look as he sized him up.

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Sean, the name's Sean, pronounced Shawn," he replied.

"Alright... Sean, here's how this works. All candidates are made to fight each other one after the other. Then, the last candidate standing would be given automatic induction into the Faction of their choice while the 2nd and 3rd to the last will have to undergo rigorous training for 8days and then be inducted. The rest will have to wait for a month before training and then induction if they pass the training. Now that we're all cleared up, pick your weapon of choice and go to the ring," the bald man explained and Sean listened with full attention.

The man pointed at a board which contained various weapons like swords, shields, bows and arrows, Esther, Theresa and Comfort(etc). Sean grabbed a medium sized straight sword and a small shield as he made his way to the ring which was an elevated platform with strong elastic ropes shielding the fighters from the spectators who were all Fighters.

"Be careful out there," Glory held him as she looked into his eyes and he smiled.

"Thanks," he patted her on the back and stepped into the ring to see an overweight man with a large curved sword on his hands.

"Oh, almost forgot. Your friend here told me your here for the Exterminator Faction so that's why your fighting. Other factions apart from the supply Faction don't need to fight to get inducted. Anyways, the rules are simple, your opponent will be disqualified by you either through knock out or tap out or if he can no longer continue medically. May the contest begin," the man announced and an Bell was rung, commencing the fight.

The overweight man ran to him with his sword drawn high. He sent his sword going down on Sean's head but Sean was faster to roll away, making him to embed his sword into the wooden floor. Seeing as he was vulnerable, Sean used his sword to slash the man on his arm, releasing the Crimson liquid which flowed freely.

The man immediately got angry sseing his blood spilled on the floor. He dashed towards him at a surprisingly fast pace for a man his weight with raised fist as he tried tobland a punch at Sean who evaded him by shifting out out if bus way but not before slashing the man's chest with his sword.

He fell down with blood dripping from his body as the medical team quickly carried him away.

"We have a winner, Sean Roberts. He now proceeds to Round 2," the organiser shouted and the audience clapped as Sean cleaned his sword which was still dripping with the man's blood!!!