Chereads / Halo Vahrian / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 meetings Amongst Nations Part 1

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 meetings Amongst Nations Part 1

[Authors Note]

Hey there readers, apologies for not having post for the past two months. Though, I do hope yall are ready for some minor changes.

For example, in this story of mine, I'll be adding a few spartan oc's like that of quinton-022, and koa-005, commonly known as Five.

In this chapter there'll someone closely related to quinton. For her, you'll all know her pretty soon in the near end of the story.

~Enjoy The Story~

Location: USA, Pentagon


[6 : 30 pm]

United Nation. P.O.V.

"Are you certain that this is a smart move on our part, sir?" A US politician spoke while walking alongside his boss, who happened to be the President of the United States.

The president, as usual dismisses his friend's concern and responds casually. "Of course I do. There is an urgent situation here. And we must take action because we have no other option."

"Yes, I understand that sir. Seeing as how nato wants to put their nose in our home." The man responded intently on the subject at hand.

"Don't forget about Mexico." The president added that he was aware that the United States was not the only country dealing with the appearance of the gate. "They, too, are greatly impacted by what has been happening at our border."

"Agreed sir. However, I could not help but feel that things would become much more complicated, especially with NATO intervening in our current situation." The politician commented, indicating that he was unprepared for the upcoming meeting.

The president and the politician man eventually came to a halt about sixteen feet in front of them, as guards who had been waiting for their arrival simply stepped aside and opened a large wooden door for them to enter.

"Thank you soldier!" The president taps the young boy on the shoulder as he and his friend enter the room.

After thanking them, the president turned his attention to a group of people, each of whom greeted him with a look of recognition for his appearance.

The politician next to the president took three steps forth and pulls out a chair for the president. The president, on the other hand, thanked the man and accepted it after shaking hands with the United Kingdom's representative and China's president.

After gaining his bearings, the president was confronted with a question from one of his allied countries.

"Mr. President, I am aware that both your nation and Mexico are carrying a heavy burden. But if I may, what will we do about it." The prime minister of Germany said, but he soon had to retract his statement. "Oh, I mean, how are you and Mexico going to respond to the attack by these unidentified forces?"

The president paused to consider what his colleagues had said. He was unsure of the fact if the heavily armored people of the unsc are of a threat to the united state and its neighbors. Naturally, he was aware of them because so many news outlets had documented them since they first set foot in Texas and Mexico.

"The previous attackers are the enemies of the US, not the UNSC. The invaders, one's that are dressed in Roman like armors." The president says, drawing attention from everyone in the room. "The reason I am not condemning these unfamiliar people on the other side is that they, too, are humans. However, another reason is the possibility of making first contact with the other side."

"Question Mr. President!" One Un member spoke up. "How do you know that Texas State and Mexico will not be attacked by this unsc?"

The president looked at the man incredulously, as though he had not already verified that the unsc was not hostile. "If they really wanted to attack Mexico and us, you all would've seen it happened."

One member of the audience lurched up from her seat to sit up straight because she wanted to add her two cents to the discussion. "The president is correct; if this so-called unsc had any evil intentions toward our world, beginning with the United States, they would have undoubtedly attacked the president's country. Not to mention, it was the unsc who entered and drove out half of the invading forces from the opposite side of the gate."

"But aren't they also from the other side." The president of turkey says questioning his ally's statement.

"That they are Mr. Frankstyn." The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom responded to the man's uncertainty. "However, it was thanks to them that half of the invading forces have been dealt with. And, as for the first possible contact with them, it is up to the President of the United States to determine how we will make that happen. I am willing to assist the United States in meeting these foreign forces from another world."

Immediately after the united kingdoms prime minister says that, various numbers of people in the room had begun to think of ways in wanting to get a chance of meeting this so called unsc. Some of them like that of Germany and Romania were eager to meet their foreign opposite, unfortunately, it wasn't their decision to make, as this wasn't their land that they are on but that of the united states president.

Meanwhile, as almost the entire group's of NATO members were in a heeded conversation, the entrance door suddenly open's getting everybody's attention.

All of their eyes were set upon a young man in his mid twenties. The man strolled towards the us president and whispered something into his ears so that no one could hear him.

After a while, the man then stood back up straight and gestured for one of the servants to turn on the ninety inch flat screen TV.

In the screen, everyone geared witnessed to the sight of the INS forces aiding those in need of help. And while the camera was taking in everything they pointed the camera at, a unsc trooper walked towards the news crew and gestures for them to move aside.

Those in the room watched in mere silence as a unsc grizzly tank rolled on along past a couple of curious civilians. And as the large tank continued on in its track, it did so while dragging with it a seventeen foot tall being.

A NATO member gasped at the sight of the giant being. "Oh my, not once have I seen such a being!"

"Too bad its dead." Another member of NATO commented. "But ive gotta say, the tank is something else. I wonder how they made it have two nose cannons fit on it?"

"That's something we'll have to find out ourselves." China's

The president of the united state was trying his best to keep the place at a quiet level, but was ignored by his allies due to how overwhelmingly louder they are then him having to speak to them. Luckily, one person in particular, the chancellor of Germany shut them all up with a loud enough smack of her palm onto the surface of the table.

"Will any of you please! Lower your voices, so that the president could speak!" The woman said pleased to see that they've have finally conceded to her words whereas they heeded her command.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I understand you all want a chance of meeting with these new arrivals. But for that to happen, we have to deal with a large numbers of invading forces that had disbanded throughout Texas and Mexico... Then hopefully, our far future selves would speak in a meaning of diplomatic meeting with them. However, it won't come very soon, seeing as how we are having to deal with some few problems."

"Understood Mr. President." The prime minister of uk said replying to the president. "Unfortunately, I feel like it'll be quite the task, for you that is."

"On that I agree with you prime minister." Answered the president whereas he then turned to one person making her way towards him.

"Mr. President. I Have her call for you." The lady in particular says as she held out a flip phone for him to take.

"You've called her already?" The president says a little glad to have people this well prepared.

"Yes sir." The woman replied as she then remained silent.

The president thanked the lady as he then pressed the green logo of a phone and answered it. "Hello Ms. Hafferson. I Presumed you are already on the way to the Texas issue with your boys and girls?"

"That I am Mr. President!" Nalia said answering him in a static like voice every once in a while.

"What seems to be the problem. You sound like you in a heat of battle?" Said a little concerned leader of the us.

"That's because I am sir." Yelled nalia in returned but was sent smacking through something solid.

Feeling a sense of worry for the woman, the president couldn't help but kept asking what the problem was, as the woman wasn't responding to him normally. The sounds of fists hitting one another could clearly be heard by the man from where he stood. Yet, seconds later he heard glasses breaking, and bottles being thrown to wherever it is. But then, one sound that had his and those nearby him caught their attentions was a gunshot that'd been let off with one to three loud ones.

However, the president overheard nalia speaking to someone else, and as he and those in the room listened in closely, they seemed picked up on the sound of someone's voice sounding like that of one in a gruff and dry tone.

"You alright ma'am?" Sierra-022 says speaking to none other then nalia.


Texas Elpaso


Quinton Sierra-022

One Hour Earlier

Quinton had long since left the school with five others, as they were currebtly on their way in search of a child named Gabriella. One who is of a daughter to one of the officers.

"Any news on your daughter jack?" Officer Lopez harin said asking her friend as she too was concern foe the kid.

Jack's heart beat every moment for his daughter, the gates, and the invaders attacking their town; he did not think things could get any worse than that. His daughter was taken, and the moment he got words of it, he wanted to get there in time.

Unfortunately, as they where speeding onwards, in their path was a few troops of imperial troops.

When the imperials saw the six individuals heading their way, they immediately got into position and prepared themselves for the coming battle. The gunners and archers followed suit after being given command to fire upon their new foes.

Officer Jack and the unsc marine that was standing behind him both jumped into the nearby cover which was a broken down steel wall of a small shop. Two seconds later, the gunners fired a few shots of their own, but not before the Spartan pushed two of the officers away as two arrows struck where they were standing.

Additionally, the imperials' shield walls continued to advance toward their hidden enemies while they were firing upon them.

Upon noticing this, Officer Jack Daniel fired from his cover, causing the Imperial shields to sustain at least a few dents. Despite the fact that the shield was able to withstand the three 9mm rounds fired by Jack's Glock-19 pistol, it ultimately failed when the fourth round went through one section of it and struck the gunman in the shoulder. With this, the warrior dropped his shield and grabbed hold of his injured wound; however, it also provided an opening for the Spartan and his group, which Quinton used an S-Rifle on them.

Instead of a simple 9mm caliber round from a glock-19, Sierra zero twenty two uses his personal rifle whereas he switched to single fire. With his finger pressed down on the trigger each time, 50 caliber rounds exited the barrel, striking one poor imperial in the center of his head.

Another imperial who witnessed this attempted to grab his comrade but was shot in the side of the head by one of the officers' stray bullets. Immediately after the three imperials were imprisoned, their numbers began to decrease to a manageable level. But be that as it may, the imperials continues on forward with the intention to use their numbers against the enemy. With each steps forth, they carefully kept close to one another using their shield to cover themselves with. Unfortunately, it did no good as the the twenty first century folks weapons were far more deadly then their exploding arrows and musket guns of a bullet.

Every time the imperial gunners shot their muskets of a guns they'd have to reload every few six seconds. Sadly the enemies manages to cut down on them, as they were mainly targeting the gunners and archers alike.

"Onward soldiers!" Yelled one imperial who was none other then their lead commander.

From the corner of her hiding spot, Lopez eyes widened slightly as she caught sight of the imperial man. "I Know that man!"

Quinton looked down at the officer in and inquire on her sudden statement. "Why's that?" Says the spartan as he took a shot at one of his targets.

With her back up against the wall, Lopez took a deep breathe in and out while reloading her pistol. "He's the one that killed one of my friend's!" Responded Lopez as she remembered the time a fellow officer was executed alongside with other cops and civilians who wouldn't surrender themselves to the invaders.

"I Suppose you want to get back at him!" Quinton told the woman as he slid his rifle in his magnetic holster and pulled out a grenade and threw to the numbers of incoming enemies.

"You got that right, and I want to get that bast-

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, a pretty loud explosion occurred causing dusts and minor debris to happen amongst in the middle of the fire fight.

López Harin covered both of her ears with her hands while holding onto them. Following a few successful moments, she watched the Spartan emerge from his hiding place and move forward, rifle in hand.

When Officer Jack saw the Spartan, he was about to reprimand him for his stupid choice, but he was cut off when the unsc marine who was with him came out of their cover and joined the Spartan.

The marine, Zaya, approached the Spartan from behind while the two of them listened for any odd sounds that might be heard.

"You think there might be any of them alive?" Zaya asked the spartan.

Quinton hadn't answered her yet, but continued on ahead, now that officer jack and the other three members of their groups joined them.

"I do not think many of these imperials will live for very long, especially with the UNSC and the 21st century folks coming aiding us all in this fight." Replied Quinton as he then halted in his steps.

"What is it?" Jack inquired, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Without responding to the man, Quinton accelerated into the second corner of their front path. Jack and Zaya sprinted after the speeding Spartan, wondering what the hr had discovered that they hadn't.

"What do you think your giant friend has found!?" Lopez says asking the unsc marine.

"I am not sure, but hopefully it is nothing serious." Zaya replied back.

"Only one way to find out!" Jack Daniel's told them both as he led all three of them.


The Spartan heard the radio transmission by the time he reached the precise spot. He was spotted standing in front of a dilapidated structure, the roofing on the right side of which was barely intact.

With the exception of the building the Spartan was approaching, everything around him was made up of broken structures and hardly any people. Occasionally, seven dots on his helmet's hud blinked, suggesting that at least a few people were still alive.

But when the Spartan opened the door, he just stood back and watched as an imperial rolled out into the gap. Upon entering the building, he noticed a familiar woman defending herself against three imperials, indicating that a battle was obviously taking place inside.

When he stepped inside, Quinton caught the attention of people within the room. Standing between him and the lady was five individuals dressed in imperial armors. One of which was a fairly tall being beared in green skin and outfits covering nearly everywhere on him.

The creature was racing toward him, but he was not by himself because another of his allies joined him, and the two of them approached the Spartan with their weapons ready to tear their new victim to pieces. Nevertheless, despite their best efforts, Quinton could see how they would fight.

The first foe, who was that of a centurion in deep red color imperial outfit. In his right he wields an axe as he swung it diagonally. Quickly moving to the side, quinton easily evaded the continuous strike from the centurion, followed by a close dodged from the imperial trolls that had attempted to stab him with a spear.

The Spartan had not halted his progress, as he effortlessly sidestepped from the right and delivered a right underhook punch that sent the human imperial reeling back down on his rear. As for the troll, quinton tilted his head to the right and quickly shifted back away from a second strike. When the troll saw this, he entered and delivered a hard left hook, which his opponent easily deflected to the cement wall with his armored forearm.

The spartan after seeing the effect of the trolls punch, he saw that it had cracked the wall with just his own fist. Deciding that he might've underestimated the troll, quinton went in close to his opponent and return a strike of his own with a spinning elbow to the trolls jaw.

After the green armored spartan cracked the bottom of his head, the troll stumbled backward, half of his lower jaw hanging because of the excruciating pain. Even though he felt the impending hit from his foe, the troll ignored the crucial injury and continued towards the spartan only to have the giant blocking a right punch with his left forearm. The spartan then swiftly moved to his far right and executed a swift leg sweep that sent the troll tumbling back onto his rear before he could even process what had happened. Even so, the spartan didn't stop there and pulled the spear from where it was left.

Seeing his fate, the troll rose only three feet off the ground, only to have his own spear pierce his mouth, leaving small pieces of his own head and blood splattered onto the ground.

As soon as the Spartan was finished with his foe, he overheard the sounds of people screaming. Turning his head forth, Quinton saw that it was the three remaining imperials. Two of which came at him proclaiming themselves as the warriors of the emperor all the while they charged at the him foolishly.

Although, as he human as some imperials may have been, the spartan had long noticed that some of them were of different races, instead of that of just man. One was a being beared in highly red skin creature of some kind while the other was just a regular human.

The two imperials when nearing quinton attacked him from both sides believing the giant wouldn't have enough time to handle them from their continuous attack. In such a movement that the two couldn't see, quinton dashes forth before his foes could even see him moving as the next thing they've felt was bones cracking. The first to have felt the worst pain was the human who had the back of his leg lurching forward with an ugly sight of his bones poking right out of his ankles. The other imperial soldier in shock of what he'd seen attempted to land a sword strike from his sword but sadly had knocked to the side.

And as the poor bastard tried to use his other hand with a dagger in hand the spartan simply struck him by the kneck with his palm straightened out. Afterwards Quinton watched the imperial dropped his weapons, and before the fallen foe touches the ground the spartan ended him by cutting his foe's kneck upward and wrapped his hands on the imperial's jaw and severing it from his head with a loud crack.

"Uncle!" The familiar sound of a young woman says standing up from where she had once laid in. "I'd appreciate the help, I wouldn't know what would've happen if you hadn't showed up."

Quinton stepped away from the fallen imperial as he didnt wish to dirtied his armor with the blood of the dead imperial. Once after he was done, quinton stopped and looked at a young woman of Arabian descent.

"Salla." Quinton spoke checking his niece of any sign of injuries she might've gotten from the imperials before he had arrived. "How are you doing, are you hurt?"

Salla, glad that her uncle of a spartan was at least asking of her well being smiled. She noticed him glancing down at her patched wound. "Don't worry uncle, it's just a minor injury. One of those imperials landed a hit on me with his dagger."

Once his niece was done speaking, nalia who the spartan had met earlier strode towards them and halted in her trekk. "Hello spartan, I gotta say. It is still quite a sight for me to see you."

Heaving his S-Rifle in his hand, Quinton turned to face the woman and nodded at Nalia to acknowledgjng her presences. "Ma'am, thank you for coming in the aid of salla."

Nalia smiled; thankful of the words coming from the spartan, after all she didn't want to leave salla behind after she saw her battling it against the imperial's.

"No need to be all formal spartan." Said the effused nalia brushing the thanks away. "Besides, I was on my way to visit an old friend after our meeting and managed to catch sight of your niece here being chased by, these poor bastards."

Taking in the sight of the dead imperials that he had slain, quinton notices that there were few others that he Presumed was probably already have been killed by nalia and salla before his arrival.

Be that as it may, he couldn't help but saw a one red dot beeping every few moments, indicating that there was someone alive amongst them. He walks passed the two woman and headed for the one's who's life sign was still alive.

Salla seeing her uncle moving towards a certain individual immediately ran forth and stopped between him and the door that separated quinton from the room that she had thrown an important figure into.

With the palm of her hand stretched out to her uncle, salla looked at him as she then spoke out to him, hoping he'd adhere to her words. "Hold up uncle! Let me explain, please!"

"What is it your hiding that you don't want me to see?" Questioned quinton as he looked at his niece in an inquiry even though he had his helmet on.

"You've gotta let thus one live, I believe he may be of an importance to our mission in being here!" Answered salla pleased to see that the spartan took one step back as he urged for her to speak.

"Talk, and I'll listen." Spoke quinton.

However, before salla could speak the others that were with quinton came running through the entrance door in such a rush that nalia quickly drawn her revolver out and pointed it at the five individuals.

"Woah woah! No need to shoot us lady, we're not hostiles!" Officer Kellan sandors Yelled out with his hands raised as a sign of friendlies.

Nalia took a deep breathe in chuckling as she sheaths her gun. "Never thought I'd see you boys again!"

"I Could say the same thing about you as well." Officer Jack responded as he and his group took a glance around at all the slain bodies in their vicinity. "What happened here?"

"We had to deal with a couple of them." Salla said answering the cop as she then gestured to the spartan. "Luckily my uncle here came here just in time to save our asses."

The officers including that of the unsc marine all stared at quinton after what they've just heard.

"There'll be time for explanation later. Right now we need to get going. Salla." Quinton says uttering his nieces name.

"Yeah I got it." Salla responded as she went and opened the door.

And as she does an imperial dressed in a highly different outfit of that of an imperial soldier rushed out of the closet he was locked in. With his sword in hand the imperial immediately locked in on the first person he saw as a target. Unfortunately for him, he had made a foolish mistake by picking the spartan who with ease grabbed his sword in his own palm and crushed it.

"What manner of monstrosity is this!" Uttered the imperial who's eyes widened when he was then lifted up three feet into the air by quinton. "Unhand me you mongrel!"

"Name." Asked the spartan without a sense of care for the imperial who struggled to breathe even as he continuesly struck th3 spartan.

"I wo-would n-never utter my name to, you bastard!" The ever so willful imperial man spoke having to utter his words in refusal.

While holding the man in midair by his neck, the spartan glanced at his other arm and thought of something that'll for sure make the imperial answer him.

Just as he was about to snap the imperial man's right forearm in two, Quinton's niece intervened and stopped him.

"Uncle! Hold up!" Shouted salla who came in just in the nick of time as she had her hand on his armored forearm while she struggles to pull it away from the imperial hand due to the spartan's height. "Must you always make your victims suffer this much to get your answers!"

Quinton glances down at his niece, he saw that she had a point about his way of getting answers. He then looked back at the imperial, and while doing so he decided to halt from breaking the man's arm.

Glad that her uncle adhere to her words, salla watched as the spartan let go of the imperial's arm and brought the man down, forcing him on his knees while still wrapping his hand around the imperial's neck.

Those like that of officer jack and nalia, as well as the marine all watched the scene thinking that the spartan was about to continue in work of interrogation. However, they were somehow pleased to see that that he at the least listened to salla.

Once the spartan brought the imperial down, he ushered for salla to inform officer jack Daniel's of what she had found out that they didn't.

"So what will we do about him?" Spoke Lopez in question of the imperial.

Salla before answering them asked for a hand cuff, to which jack gave one to her. And as salla was locking the imperials arms in case the man would think of doing anything foolish.

Once she was finished with it, she then responded to to their inquiries. "This imperial is of a highly important man to the empire that was responsible for sending the forces that had invaded both Mexico and Texas. I belive with him in custody, we could get some answers, one that might help us all in dealing with the empire."

"That sounds good, but before you take him into the unsc custody; I want to ask him a few questions. If you wouldn't mind me?" Uttered officer jack as he look at salla.

"Go ahead." Responded salla.

Thanking her, jack got down on one knee and stared the imperial man at eye level who then had the man spit out his own saliva at him.

Wiping away the smudged of the disgusting saliva, jack then spoke. "I'm going to ask you some few questions, and your going to answer me, can you understand me!?"

With indignation of pure hatred, the imperial just stared at the officer and spoke in utter refusal. But before he could speak in defiance, the spartan had grabbed his hand and broke one finger earning a scream from him.

Everyone except that of quinton all squinted at the angle the imperial's pinky finger was pointing at.

Before anyone could even speak, the spartan cut them off as he just gave the imperial man a look who's own face reflected from his helmet's visor. "Refuse to answer the man, and I will break each and every fingers every time you do so. Understand."

The imperial attempted to ignore the excruciating pain he was feeling from the green armored giant breaking his finger, but as he looked at the Spartan, he realized that Quinton meant every word.

"Fa-fine. I'll answer your question!" The imperial answered as he looked at officer jack Daniel's who shot quinton a thankful look. "Speak, and I'll answer your question."

Smiling to himself, jack this time stared at the imperial in the eyes and spoke. "Now that we're back on track, I want you tell me what I need to hear. Where have the invading forces taken my daughter. I got words that she was forcibly kidnapped by one of your fellow imperials. Tell me where she and the imperials had taken her to?"

"You are much too late, mongrel, if you are referring to the peasants that we have captured as slaves. You see, our goal was to rid your lands of the filth that resides there, not simply to take your man, woman, and kids. And we will do so in the emporors name!"

Deciding that they've gotten all that they needed from the imperial, salla glanced at her uncle. "We'll need to take him into custody. There might still be some usefulness from him."

"Fine. We'll go with that." Replied Quinton as he and the group began exiting the building.

Once every one of them were outside, they could all see from uptop countless helis flying through the skies clearly dealing with the dragon riders and wyvern riders and that of the imperial airships.

"I'd Hate to be those poor bastards." Spoke zaya who saw one dragon rider and it's mount get torn to shreads by a unsc pelican 70mm MBHRC-Autocannon rounds.

Zaya turned to salla, recognizing that she was part of the unsc marines. "Any news of the current status of the imperials here on earth?"

Salla sheaths her rifle, bringing up her right arm to check on the small wrist tac-pad on her forearm, she then read through what she was seeing and responded to her fellow marine. "It seems like our lead command has made sure to wipe out nearly every imperials on this part of the gate, as well as their allies that had joined them. Couldn't say anything about the prisoners they've taken."

"Then that settles it. I will need to regroup with the others; the doctor informed me earlier that she would be here sooner rather than later." Says Quinton, who is then interrupted by Nalia as she asks him a far-reaching question.

"Doctor! I Presumed you mean your boss or something?" Inquired nalia having already been aware of who the person was.

"Something like that." Replied Quinton as he continues onward with the group. "Why do you ask of her?"

Nalia hadn't looked at the spartan knowing that if she did, the giant would've somehow picked up on her true intentions. "Nothing serious, let's just say that I would be pleased to meet her, if you don't mind that is?"

"Perhaps I can make it happen. But that doesn't mean it'll be easy, seeing as how she is busy twenty four seven." Replied Quinton sensing no ill intentions from the woman but still kept his guard up.

Meanwhile zaya noticed that officer jack Daniel was busy thinking to himself about a certain issue regarding his daughter.

"Everything alright officer daniel?" Inquired zaya a little worried for the man.

Jack still worried for his daughter well being couldn't help but fret over her, thinking how she might've feel right now. After all, with her being twelve years old, he feared that some high lord or nobleman might buy her for their own reasons. Just a mere thought of a certain thing disgusted him at a great cost.

Nonetheless, as fearful as he was, Lopez set her hand on his shoulder. Turning his head he saw her giving him an reassuring look indicating that she too was effected by the sudden news as well.

"You good jack?" Inquired Lopez knowing what jack must've been going through.

Sighing deeply, the man nodded in confirmation for he knows that grieving foe his daughter Gabriella wouldn't help him at all.

"Yeah, I'm good lopez." Responded the officer as he wiped a tear from his eyes and followed after everyone.

"Don't worry, you'll get your daughter back." Quinton said to jack who along with Lopez and the others all looked at the spartan.

"And what made you so sure of that?" Asked jack uncertain of the fact that this spartan was just saying that to cheer him up.

"Back in the unsc current base, on the other side of the gate. I've gotten words that a few of my people are working on a way in dealing with anyone affiliated with empire that had taken your daughter, and that of every single people they've taken." Quinton told him as he saw the doubtful look the man was giving him.

"Yeah, let's just hope you are right about that spartan." Says jack who could not help but cling onto the last bit of hope for his daughter. "However, thank you foe the sympathy. I appreciate you and your people for trying to help us."
