Hello Dear Readers, hope ya'll had a beautiful day, and merry late Christmas, and also happy belated new years.
Now, first I won't make any excuse on my late post of a new chapter. The reason I said that is because I'm taking good care of what I'm writing, as I'm simply trying to better my skills at writing.
Second. There'll be some slight differences obviously. Also, I'd like to say that I'm the coming chapters, you'll all finally get some action packed moments. Third, I'll also be adding the call of duty characters into the coming chapters, as I had promised ya'll that they'll be in the story.
The characters will be a certain captain of task force 141, alongside Kat laswell. If you all know her, then I have no need to get explain who she is.
Funny thing about the number 141, is that there's an actual cannon spartan 2 with that serial number.
Now please enjoy the story.
~[________°_______] ~
Planet Vahrian
Two Hours Before Entering Through Gate 2
Rose and Team Wolfpack wasted no time putting on their Mjolnir armor. In less than fourteen minutes, they were out of the armory and walking through the hallway to a specific room where Sandra, the vice admiral, and the others were currently conversing with each other.
Upon their arrival at the scene, the four individuals observed that the family members were engaged in a somewhat precarious discussion regarding a particular Spartan 2.
Miranda looked shocked and confused after hearing everything from Sandra. Roses siblings were also skeptical of the news.
"Mom, that can't be true!" Elizabeth, Koas twin sister, expressed her doubts. "The last we heard, Koa stopped a covenant fleet."
Sandra, slightly frustrated, tried to convince her children. "I know it's hard to believe, but what your nieces and nephew said is true. They're not lying."
Sandra's second oldest child brought coffee for everyone in the room and added her thoughts. "Even if he's alive, how do we find him, mom?"
Sandra let out a deep sigh. "Locating him, if he is indeed alive, will not be a simple task. We must seek out someone who has knowledge of his whereabouts."
"We could ask Dr. Halsey," Sandra's third eldest son suggested.
Sandra and Elizabeth both disliked Dr. Halsey for what she did to the 150 children, especially Koa. "No, we can't let Halsey know we want Koa back," Sandra said firmly.
"Mom, we have to ask Halsey to find Koa," the son insisted.
Hannah Lopez, who is the third oldest of the sisters, took the stage and discussed the matter. "Mom, even though you despise Halsey, she is the best choice we have. However, we could always ask the other Spartans if you are not comfortable calling her."
Rose recognized who her sister was referring to and understood exactly what she meant. "In case you failed to remember, I do not think that will be simple. The green team is on the other side of the gate, accompanied by the unsc expedition forces. The Grey team is nowhere to be found; we have not seen them in a few days."
"What about the others?" The second-oldest sister, Kathy, made a remark while recalling an elderly man.
"It is unnecessary to consult Franklin," Sandra stated, showing her disapproval of Mendez. "In fact, even if we ask him about Koa's location, I suspect he would withhold that information from us."
"What do you propose we do, mom? Should we remain quiet and keep this matter to ourselves?" Asked the third oldest brother in disbelief, as their mother Sandra continued to dismiss anyone who might possess information regarding Koa's location.
After patiently waiting while everyone in her family conversed with her mother-in-law about koa, the vice admiral could no longer remain silent. "I believe I can do it." Miranda Keyes spoke up, capturing everyone's attention.
Sandra, her children and the Spartan team Wolfpack all waited for Miranda's response to the issue.
"Well sis, I'm all ears?" Elisabeth said, gesturing to Miranda to continue.
Miranda nodded in appreciation and rolled her long-sleeved shirt up, as what was wrapped around her wrist was one of the many technologies of the UEG or UNSC. Continuing on, she turned on the wrist-coms, touched the contact logo in search of a specific number of a person, and then quickly pressed on that person's name and number.
After she had waited for what felt like an hour, Miranda finally got a response when the person from the other side spoke through her wrist coms.
"Good day admiral! What can I do to make your day even more splendid?"
"Hey Benjamin! How's it going?" Miranda casually asked, not having seen the journalist since the UNSC first showed up on Vahrian.
"I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking, but I can not say the same for the poor bastards that ar-damn, ow!"
Miranda, with a furrowed brow, asked, "Did you lose your favorite snack or something?"
"Haha!" The journalist whipped as he then replied in a carefree tone. "Not much to worry about. I just saw a Spartan of green team smacking some poor fellow to the wall. Don't worry, it was an imperial one, not a civilian... Anyway, for what reason are you calling me up?" Benjamin asked, having to comply with some of the Marines' demands from his side of the globe.
"My mother Halsey is the reason I am calling you. Any idea where she might be?" asked Miranda in the hopes that she would not receive a different response from the man that she did not like.
"Your mother! Of course. As a matter of fact, she had just entered the gate... The remaining earth defenders and the unsc are currently clearing the area of imperials and their allies?" Says Benjamin as he can be heard walking alongside some of the erratic marines.
Before Miranda could say anything, Rose strode forward and placed her palm on the com's wrist, stopping her in her tracks. "I'll go there myself, you just make sure that my mother and the others don't do anything foolish."
"Can't we just ask the others like that of koa." Sandra's oldest son inquired, obviously referring to the other Spartan two's.
"Must I remind you son. We can't, hell even if we did, they'd still say no!" Replied a slightly irritated Sandra as she hated reminding people of something so simple.
Miranda turned to her sister in law as she then spoke out to her in an inquiry. "Are you certain about this rose?"
Rose looked down at her right arm, where the wristband given to her by her children confirmed her confidence in the decision she was about to make. "Yes, I am. Just make sure to get back to work on time. I reasoned that Captain Whitcomb doesn't like to keep waiting for you all the time."
"Mom, can I come with you?" Daley Keyes called out as she wanted to check out elven and human village town who is of their closest neighbors.
"Of course Daley. You can come, what about you two kids?" Miranda says glancing towards her son Jacob and daughter Morgan.
"Yeah I'll go, maybe I'll meet some more pointy ear people!" Jacob responded out with a less sarcastic attitude.
Miranda noticed that Morgan, an explorer, was also on board with the idea.
"Mum." Rose says, placing her right hand on Sandra's shoulder. "I think you should accompany Miranda on her trip to the chieftain's village.... I understand you want to find koa, but I will tell you this. Koa will be fine, as he is a Spartan after all."
Jane-A203 spoke up right away after noticing Sandra's expression, which was one of someone who refused to back down. "Your daughter is right Ms. Lopez. I have worked with Koa before, and he is not in any danger. For he has endured much worse. However, that does not imply that we are abandoning him; he will succeed on his own.
Sandra wanted to object to what her child had suggested, but after realizing that everyone in the room agreed, the distraught mother nodded her head in agreement.
Sandra exhaled, indicating that she agreed with them. The mother took three steps back before settling into her chair. "Fine, I'll go with Miranda... However, rose. Make sure you ask Halsey about your brother's whereabouts, and if she doesn't tell you what I want to hear, I will find Koa myself if necessary."
"I Will mom." Rose responded hesitantly as she was quite overwrought on the issues at hand. However, she pushes the thought aside and turned to face the other Spartans in the room. "Team Wolfpack, you are going with Miranda. I'll go through the gate myself." She told the Spartan's as each one of them nodded in an agreement.
Not wanting to argue with either of them, Sandra and Miranda thanked rose as each and everyone said their goodbyes and vacated the room.
Unfortunately, one certain person, the eldest of the brothers, Henrique Lopez stood in his spot for a short moment pondering over the issues about his younger siblings koa. He too felt guilty about the time he and his family left the Pacific island years ago, after having to watch his little brother being abandoned by them on purpose.
Of course he understood why his mother had done what she did for the sake of their family, but having to leave koa was even a larger injury, one she herself would never heal. Not unless they find him. However, with the news of him being alive after all this years, he was eager to see his little brother reunite with the rest of the family.
"Alright, that settles it then. We will need to move quickly, because I do not want to be the one who has to wait too long." Hannah expressed a slightly more energetic hastiness as she could see the obvious stage her younger brother Henrique was going through and had wanted to break him away from it.
"Okay, okay. Let's go!" Responded Henrique unclasping his arms and left the room with his sister in the lead.
Present Time.
Planet: Earth.
Location: US,Texas ElPaso,Mexico Border.
Spartan Rose Lopez
The group stepped outside into the dim glow of the hastily installed floodlights. The once tranquil evening had transformed into a flurry of activity, with UNSC personnel moving supplies and assembling additional structures. Standing a few meters away, a tall figure emerged from the shadows, his silhouette stark against the soft light.

"Rose!" A Voice called out, more urgent this time.
Spartan rose and her group turned their attention to the source of the voice, where a man clad in a mix of civilian and military gear approached. He was broad-shouldered, with a weathered face that spoke of years of hardship and leadership. His piercing gaze landed on Nalia, who immediately straightened up.
"Colonel Reid," Rose acknowledged with a slight bow of her head. "I didn't expect you to follow me here."
Colonel Reid's expression softened slightly as he took in the group. "I could say the same about you. You were supposed to be coordinating with the others reinlisted.
Rose lopez bristled slightly but maintained her composure. "Doctor Halsey's presence here could prove invaluable. I had to ensure that our goals align before formal discussions begin."
Halsey, observing the exchange, folded her arms with an amused smile. "It's always refreshing to see Earth politics in action. Colonel Reid, I presume you have questions for me?"
Reid shifted his attention to her, his expression unreadable. "Doctor Halsey, it's not every day that the UNSC drops in unannounced, let alone with Spartans in tow. Earth's leadership is... understandably concerned."
Halsey chuckled dryly. "Concerned? Or trying to assert control over a situation they barely understand? Let's not pretend this is about anything other than leverage."
Rose and Tedra exchanged glances, sensing the rising tension.
Before Reid could respond, a sudden loud boom echoed from the distance, causing the ground to tremble slightly.
Covering her eyes from the small dust and debris flying all over their vicinity, Catherine once more opens her eyes to see ahead of herself of what had just transpired.
"Could I know what it is that had just happened?" the doctor spoke out, slightly bothered by what the sudden occurrence why the large explosion came to be.
Just as she was wondering it, Catherine gotten her answer when a static voice resounds from that of her Wrist-Com.
Responding in question to who it was, she found out that it was none other then her own Spartans. Although she may have gotten that call, others such as only the unsc folks also received the same message.
"Apologize ladies and gentleman. Please ignore what just happened. As it is only a slight accident!... Spartan grace out."
As things seems to have calm down once more, Halsey noticed spartan tedra shifting. She saw that the spartan four was ushering for her to a few individuals coming their way.
"I Wonder what this is about?" Muttered rose quietly.
Nalia was accompanied by her former colleagues, Mel and Baron, as well as Captain Olson and General George. They all wore slightly intimidating outfits.
As the five of them made their way towards the Doc and her compatriots, each one then introduced themselves to the UNSC folks out of formality.
"Greetings, Ms. Halsey," Nalia addressed, lifting her hand to shake Catherine's own who politely returned the favor.
"Greetings to you as well." Uttered Catherine wondering who the lady is as she could immediately pick up on the true intentions behind the woman's and her colleagues visit. "You'll have to forgive me Ms. For being to directive. But who are you, I can see that you aren't part of the US military. Unlike few other of your companions next to you?"
With pure sense of obligation to the doctor's inquiry, Nalia gladly adhere's to her question."Please allow me. This here is general George. Captain Olson, Mel and lastly, baron... And as for me, I am Nalia. I happened to have work alongside one of your Spartans. I'm sure you know him as sierra-022."
Catherine's right brow rose at the mention of her own Spartans as she then spoke in regard of her own creation."Quinton! I see... And how may I be of help to you and your colleagues here, Ms. Nalia?"
"It's about the unsc arrival, here on earth." Replied Nalia having the sense that the Doc mightv'e already been aware of the fact that other nations outside of mato were all a bit too drawn in on the previous event that had occurred. "You see, with the imperials and it's allies arriving on earth, countries like Russia, Belarus and Ireland and others, all of them are beginning to pry their own interest in on the invaders appearance. We'll, mostly because you and your folks being here that is."
"The lady here is right doc." Colonal Reid said adding in his own thought on the matter.
"And what of Mexico? Leaving them out would be like forgetting the guacamole at a taco party; they and the US are in the thick of these atrocities!?" Commented spartan Terra as she herself had a family relative back on unsc space that was born on earth directly from Mexico.
"I received a message from Mexico's leader recently." Catherine replied as she was a little disturbed by the sudden and overwhelming amount of information being dropped upon her.
Spartan Tedra, noticing that the doctor was unprepared for all of this overbearing amount of information decided to step in for her. "The united state president and his NATO allies have set up a meeting between them and the unsc... However, with the unsc being on the worlds view, I'm afraid the secretive meeting she was hoping for isn't going to be happening."
"Spartan tedra here is correct." Catherine added in after she had pulled herself together. "The US president has decided to hold a UNGA... Or to put it simply, a UN General Assembly meeting, at New York City summit."
"Well that's gonna be another busy day for Miranda and the captain." Colonel reid said in a witty tone as he knew it'll take quite a while till they get things done on the other side of the world.
"Miranda Keyes I assume?" Mel commented as he had recalled back to the halo 3 video game series he played in his college days.
Catherine glances at the man, causing him to chuckle in silence. "Yes, although, I'm afraid my daughter will have alot on her hands in this coming days, as she is busy'ing herself on the other side... But, I will try to convince her in visiting earth for this particular summit."
After hearing what the doc said, Colonel Reid finished speaking with someone else when he and the group all turned to look one side to see a group of clad green armored spartans walking towards their direction.
Mel who was in awe at the sight of the Spartans leaned to the left and whispered to baron. "I've never thought I could ever get the chance to see one in real life."
Baron hearing what his friend said brought one hand up as to make sure that no one would hear them and replied to Mel quietly. "You and me both man. But, I don't see him amongst them."
"You mean master chief. Man, that's what happened when you don't read the books. The chief isn't the only one of his kind."
Being more accustomed to her own creation, Catherine moved forward and briefly intervened between Nalia and her friends before coming to a halt six feet from the remaining members of the green team.
"Spartans. What do I owe you for coming here?" Asked Catherine as she looked at them in an inquiry.
"Ma'am. It's about the other people, from all us hill. They wish to speak with you." Grace-093 says speaking up for the rest of her team as she answers Halsey.
Having a great understanding as to who spartan grace was referring to, Catherine nodded in thanks for her answer as she then ushered for the green team to lead her and the group to this so called other people that had asked for her.
"Alright, take me to them." Replied Catherine as she looked at the others standing behind her. "Would you ladies and gentlemen like to join me?"
Without further delay, Nalia was the only one who responded promptly, leading her companions to speak up as she recognized the urgency of the situation.
"Sure doc. Lead the way!" Says Nalia.
World, Vahrian
Sandra Lopez
A Number of UNSC expedition group was slowly making their way onwards to the village of the two chieftains, rithinaian and daenaria.
As bad as the human covenant war was, some of the veteran marines, hell, even the civilian workers that lived it was starting to miss the action. Minus the horrific event that'd been dropped on them.
However, they couldn't brush aside the peaceful and extravagant view of this beautiful world.
War was just something that mostly all of them were used to. But here, having to sit idly by in the back of the unsc vehicle was beginning to make them urging for any fools crazy enough to attack.
Sadly, it wouldn't be upon them, as they were slowly coming into view of their closest neighbors.
Amongst one of the unsc vehicles was Sandra lopez, outfitted in a common civilian clothes, plus with the military vest worn over her all her clothes, as well as armor for her bottom waist.
"Boy am I glad that I'm not fat." muttered Sandra as she slipped a magnum pistol on her left holster.
Elizabeth who was the driver of the vehicle took a quick glance at her mother then spoke in response to Sandra remark to her statement. "Well, mainly because your not one to sit idly by and do nothing mom. Which my I also say, that you being an Orion super soldier can do great wonders."

Sandra smiled at hearing her daughter mentioning the word Orion. To think that she might possibly be one of the only surviving spartan 1's was quite a bothersome."That it is honey, that it is. Anyway, any words from the others that had arrived earlier before us?"
"Oh Henrique!" Responded Elizabeth recalling back to the previous call she's gotten from her brother. "Henrique and the kids says that it is quite like our old home. You know, with all the village people back on earth... Though, only exception is that the chieftains had recently gotten visitors from one of the so called lords and refugees."
"Refugees, lords?" Sandra said, feeling like something was off.
Sighing deeply to herself as she too was a bit off by the subject as well as that of her mother. "Yes. Apparently, Henrique was amongst one of the few people in the meetings that had been held by the chieftains. Words has it, that some rebels of groups called the raiders had been going on around the lands pillaging and stealing from each and every village and small towns they've stepped foot in."
In her mind, Sandra was beginning to recall her old days as a fresh cadet; out of the Orion super soldier program. After a week of getting used to her newfound strength, Sandra, alongside six other Orion graduates, was stationed on one of the outer colonies for an expected insurrectionist attack.
Throughout the first three days, she and her crew were skeptical that any innies would attack. Fortunately, they received an answer when a small group of rebels bombarded the town at night. Of course, it did not go their way for a while, but after having to defend the town day and night, each continuous attack began getting even more difficult throughput the passing hours. Nonetheless, Sandra and her squad and that of the last remaining defenders manages to hold out until the very last day till reinforcement had arrived.
Unfortunately, it was from that fateful day that she had lost one of the most important thing sheheld onto dearly, a sister, one she grew up with through her early times in middle school, high school and that of the academy. It was during that one time that she watched her friend, her family encased inside of a casket as she was slowly being lowered down onto the dirt ground of earth.
Sandra smiled while reminiscing about her sister, blood or not, she truly cared for her. Despite Sandra quietly mourning her sister davra, is that there's one thing she would always remind Sandra in her times of grief, it was to stop bereaving herself of despair and keep moving onward, as davra herself would always watch over her from the heavens.
"Mom, hello!? Mom, come back to reality if you would!" Kathy Lopez called out a bit louder after having been ignored by Sandra for a short minute.
Sandra immediately widened her eyes, her heart seemingly beginning to return onto its normal pace. She reached up and rubbed her temple. "Oh damn! I'm so sorry sweetly... Did I spaced out again?" Said Sandra aware of the the fact that her kids had dealt with her spacing out in certain matters.
Elizabeth's left foot gradually presses down on the breaks as the warthog they were on slowly comes to a halt just behind that of another vehicle nine feet ahead of them.
Afterwards, she and her siblings looked at one another and then back on their mother for the time being. "Yes mom. But not as much as you used to be... I wanted Kathy to give you a heads up that we'll be parking in one of the small unsc base just half a few yards away from the village."
Kevin Lopez, the third oldest of Sandra's boys on the other hand had a say, as what he and the arriving unsc group were eyeing the so called village in their front view. "It doesn't look like a village at all. More like a small sized town."
Elizabeth after she had hopped out of the drivers seat pulls out the keys and slipped it into her pocked. "That's because it is obvious on development big bro. As you can see, the captain had offered to help up the defense around the village."
Kathy agreed with her sibling as what was once a small village had turned out to be a soon to be town of the two chieftain."The walls, I wonder how effective it is during a night raid?"
"Well, with how quickly the unsc is helping them with the construction, we'll probably never get to see it, yet." Answered Hannah lopez in a witty remark.
With Sandra being the last to hop off the vehicle, she grabbed one last thing from the warthog and puts it inside of her left pocket."So who's going to lead us, or shall we do it ourselves."
"Our selves obviously. Come on you slow pokes, the bar in that place!" Uttered one of the brother's as he and the rest of the family began their stride towards the village town of greenforst.
Within one of the lord's camps outside the village town of Greenforst, six people approached in heavily royal outfits as they entered one of the tents.
Once everyone was inside, they had their own personal guard outside, as the person they were visiting wished to avoid any prying ears on what was to be discussed soon.
"I See you've all finally decided to come." lady serene spoke glancing at one person at a time.
"Yet here we are." One or the lords spoke with a subtle tone of dissatisfaction.
A second lord, one wearing a green outfit set her staff aside making it stand on its own without the aid of anything or anyone. "What have you really gotten us all out of our beds for this seer?"
Lady serene snapped her finger as all lights poking in through each holes of the tents disappeared, not even moments after that four candles the size of an average human being unwrapped themselves without the use of any human hands as a second later fires lit up giving everyone a good enough view on the seventy five inch square wooden table in the middle.
"What is the meaning of this lady serene!?" A lord uttered out in slight fear as he wasn't fond of magic.
"No need to grab your sword lord bevkra." Replied serene as she then summoned an orb the size of a bowling ball as it appears in the center of the table.
"What am I looking at?" Daenaria the chieftain of greenforst town questioned as gust of smokes exited the orb.
"Feast your eyes my chieftain. For what I'm showing you all is the least of our worry." Serene told Daenaria as she noticed every one of her guests focusing their attention on the orb.
Within the orb itself, clouds of skies crackled in a thunderous roar. Birds who attempted to fly high above the clouds themselves suddenly began falling down to the land as if they refused to go any further up, while some just died of unknown causes.
The lords wondering what this is they are seeing began to think in various ways of what's to come. Then suddenly a crack of thunder happens once again leaving them a sight of airial fields of battle.
Blimps filled with soldiers of different kinds fought one another in defiance of of the others beliefs. People falling down onto their deaths after being slain in a prolonged battle. Ships flew past, up and through clouds as if they were traveling on the vast waves of oceans. Some being blasted into smithereens as life's of crews in it were killed off in lifeless battles.
From where they stand, the lords and chieftains from different villages and towns, as well as that of lady serene, all of them were eyeing this phenomenon of destructive and inconsequential quarrel between foes alike...
With all the pointless hard fought battle the audience were watching they wondered if it'll ever come to an end, in which they were given an answer to. As up above the skies, far higher the vahrians atmosphere, a various amounts of fiery green meteors shot down from the great black void of the darkness.
"The legions!" Uttered one of the lords taking one step back out of pure shock.
"Is this your vision seer. Cause it sure as hell looks like the one that a seer from my own village has spoken of?" A different chieftain other then daenaria spoke.
"Vision yes... However, I urge you to keep on watching chieftain." Lady serene responded gesturing for the man to take a good look at the orb.
As they did what the seer told the man to do, each and every audience continues to do so.
With the legion's return, the people of Vahrian looked on in utter defeat. They could've saved their strength for the legion's arrival. But no, they would rather fight each other instead of just saving and defending their home world. But with the legions raging havoc amongst the battlefield, they knew deep down that it'll only take a short amount of time until they are all slain by the great evil that has long since put a mark of dreaded horror on their once great world.
Those around held onto one another in pure angst of dismay and terror. With the the visions that the seer has showed them in their front, they know that it'll only take one mistake for the legions to strike a large amount of fear and blow onto them all.
Daenaria and one individual stepped aside as they watched lady serene conjured a point of view onto one warrior in the battlefield.
This one warrior wore dark Grey armor, beside her was a woman with long silky hair that only reaches down on her shoulder. This certain person was geared in battle armor of her own that had obviously been receiving alot of damage from the ongoing battle that she had been in.
In one hand the Grey armored woman sliced through a demon infested with green hues of flesh like fires of green. The creature went for a second swipe at the armored warrioress, but before it could go for a third attack, the black armored warrioress struck stabbed a sword of her own right through the center of its torso.
Instead of the creature feeling any pain, it continues after the Grey armored warrioress only for the monster to be lit up in flames, killing it instantly.
"This warrior, it looks like the empress daughter?" A Lord said, one arm holding the other as he stroke his Beard.
"Queen lager of the western kingdom... The eldest of her siblings, she's a formidable warrior herself." A Man said admiring how the Grey armored queen grabbed a foe by the head, lifted it up with ease and cut her sword right through her target's neck.
"And the other?" A woman spoke watching the black armored woman headbutting an orc.
"Morgana... She's a complicated one, if you might say." A Lord answered having a better understanding of who her parents are.
"Agreed." A Chieftain added as he and those around him all knew who Morgan's parents are.
As the orb continues to show them all the two woman fighting side by side, they knew that it would only be a matter of time until the forces of both queen lager and Morgana would evantually succumbed to their impending doom on the fields of battle.
And as they kept their eyes on the orb, they all saw as queen lager was surrounded in a circle in one side. On the other, morgana conjured a swirling energy of unknown from the ground up, the witch of vahrain was fed up with what was to come of her and lagers end.
Thinking she wouldn't make it in time, morgana fired a stream of pure black and green energy from the swing of her sword. The foes that saw this immediately sent two of their own as a shield to stop the attack causing the them to be cut down in an instant. The attack could've struck down her intended target, but the said leader materializes a shield out of the bones of his slain enemies and uses it to block the attack, and as the attack came upon contact against the shield it created a great force at least ten yards around the wielder and that of anybody closest to them that they had to still themselves from flying off in the other direction.
With heavy breathe of despair, morgana's eyes slowly widens out in slight hate, as she expected the shield wielder to have survive her attack.
With ease, she quickly made work of those around her and struck down the last one with a kick to her foes temple followed by a sword strike across the disfigured being's neck. The being stumble's backwards, but without giving it a chance, morgana lifted him up and tossed the grotesque figure at the shield wielder who simply slaps it aside without care.
The shield wielder strided forth, however, from behind him, lager made a big enough leap that she was closing in with her sword pointed at the center of his chest. Unfortunately for the said queen, she was surprisingly apprehended when the being brought one arm back and caught her by the throat. And then slammed her down on the ground whereas he began stomping one at a time.
Morgana tried to get to the queen to save lager from the continuous onslaught of the monsterous creature, but was sadly busy in holding off multiple foes that kept coming her way. Even those of her allies around tried to get to the queen, but all of them were either held off in their own end, others were killed, some hopelessly trying to run to her aid.
Morgana wishes she had saved enough of her magic, but due to the early stages of the battle, she has had to use the majority of her mana to defend and attack against her enemies. Besides, the sword magic strike that she sent earlier was mostly her fault, as she wished it would have brought down the monster that was continuing its relentless attack on lagers who was failing to keep her guard up.
Lucky enough for the queen, she tilted her head to the side as the boot of the giant stomped down on the bloodied ground creating a dented Crack of his own footwear. With this one chance, lager tried stabbing the giant in the side of his leg but had her sword knocked to the side just ten yards away from where she laid. Smiling evilly to herself, lager quickly pulls out a dagger from her waist and stabbed her foe where his ankles is at.
The giant not feeling any pain from that attack simply responded with a second and third stomp that made lager spit out a saliva of bloods from her mouth.
The queen herself with every ounce of strength in herself reaches up for the sky hoping to get one last look at it before her death, her ears could Cleary pick up on Morgana screaming out for her name. A shadow of her attackers boot lifted up from her already broken armor. She notices that the being showed was smiling as it knew he was about to end her life. Ignoring the bastard, lager rolled her head and faced it up at the sky.
Thinking she was finally about to meet her death, lager awaited her impending end... However, as a few more seconds passes by, she notices that it had never arrived that when she brought her head up, she saw her attacker with half of his upper half gone, as if a dragon had took a bit at him from the top.
She then looked up at the noticeable difference in the skies. Vessels of different kinds and shapes flew down destroying any and those that attacked them. One of which bored the four letters of one certain individual's faction.
She then set her eyes back on the now dead foe that still had half of its own body standing... But what stood behind it was what got her to be shocked, as she didn't expect this one person to show up.
"Spartan!" Spoke queen lager surprised to see five standing in front of her.
"Ma'am. Good to see you." Five replied as he easily shoved the dead giant to the side and walked forth reached down to the queen with one arm.
Staring at his armored hand, queen lager was going through what she thought was impossible. She had heard of Koa and his people having the chance to go back home, but with him and his people being here, it means that they decided that he and his people had made a decision to remain here on vahrian, for good.
After accepting the helping hand, the worn queen let out a heavy breathe for air, she sighed deeply, relieved of the fact that five and his people have decided to come to her and her people's need for aid.
"Thank you for the help. You have no idea how grateful I and Morgana are for you and your people in being here." Said lager expressing her sincere gratitude for the aid in hand.
The spartan shifted stepping in front of the queen and gave a punch to one foe that foolishly tried to attack lager from behind. The idiot, believing he could get back up only watched as the spartan brings his left boot up and then brought it down on his head squashing it into a smithereens of bones and bloods of green and red.
"Green team. Can you read me?" Five spoke as he spoke to his old comrade through his com links.
"Yes five. This is green one, I read you." A Female voice of a spartan spoke responding back to her brother.
"Good, look. I need you and your squad to report back to the old base... There's a few people there that I need you and the team to defend. I and the other spartans will aid the queen and her allies on my end of the battle. Over!" Said five as he brought one foe down one at a time.
"Copy that five. We'll do just that... Just don't die on my watch. Grace out!" The spartan replied as she cut her communication link off.
"Grace, I thought she had left earlier!?" Morgana spoke out in a slight raise of her voice due to the loud ongoing battlefield happening all around them.
"You should ask her that yourself!" Five responded nonchalantly as he kicks one enemy far away from them and ended him with one to three bullet that manages to rip right through it's own torso.
"That I'll do!" Says Morgana in a quip as she and queen lager and five all got each other in a back to back position defending one another from any attackers.
With the last scene of the vision the orb showed them, the audience witnessed as the trio of the warrior queen, the witch of vahrian and the spartan all took down any enemies that came at them from all sides.
As all round the trio, new hope arrived, unknown allies coming to the aid of the Queen and Morgana. Ships of that of the unsc and other forces of twenty first centuries going around dropping troops and allies from here and there.
From wherever the watchers looked, the legion was slowly being dealt with fairly easily, even as they manages to take down the new arrivals, more showed up in numbers and ferocity of both power and unwillingness.
But as the last orb continues to go back up into the great void of darkness, their eyes widened in shock of a giant of a planet closing in just thousands of feet away from vahrian own moons.

Thinking they were all going to see more. The audience suddenly closed their eyes when lady serene snapped her finger and brought the light from the sun onto them all.
Disoriented for a few seconds, seconds that felt like an hour, the people watched as the drapes around them opens giving them all a good view from the outside world.
"What was that seer!?" A lord says referring to the vision he and everyone had just witnessed.
"A Possible future my lords and chieftains." Serene responded with indifference, seemingly unconcerned about having intentionally blinded her guests. "What you all just witnessed is a glimpse of what may occur in the days, months, or years ahead."
"That spartan. I recognized him." A Lord spoke rubbing her eyes from the early blind of light.
"You do, so do I." A chieftain said replying to the woman lord as he too was dealing with the same circumstances as his companions.
"It looks like as if you all had a share of what the spartan had done in his time on this land." An elderly voiced out.
Turning around, daenaria and the rest of lords and chieftains saw an old looking Grey beard man. He wore a robe tattered in green and mossy color. His staff glowing ever so great in a hue of purple and blue only to lessened down to a decent level.
"Wizard!" Daenaria said uttering the word with clear surprises at seeing him.
"Young lady, chieftains, lords... It is good to see all of you once again." The grand elder spoke out in greetings.
One lord stride forth arms folded, she had no idea why the grand elder of all people have decided to show up after the meeting. "Why are you here wizard. I thought you wouldn't leave your tomb of a home until there is a threat."
"Thats cause there is young one. Look, you were all once my students... I Taught you all to be the best that can be for this specific reason. Your people is in danger, other nations with hostile intentions will soon come after anyone that is a threat to their own beliefs."
"Is that why you are here old man!" An older looking man in his forties said sounding a little angry. "To warn us of a threat, cause if it is, we'll be ready for it!"
"Not this one child. Not alone." Replied the grand elder as he shut his eyes for a moment while thinking things through his mind. "However, if you want to survive this coming front of a battle, you'll all need help from an outside source."
"I'm Guessing you are referring to the sky people?" Said daenaria who had a good sensed of belief about the unsc.
"Yes. But not all of them." Replied the wizard as he unwrapped a cloth from his right arm.
"Who has done this old man!" A Chieftain spoke angered by what he saw having a good feeling it was one of the sky people.
"Calm child. It was only a slight mistake." The grand elder told his old students succeeding in easing the tension. "The spartan that you all saw in the vision, I might have gotten a little to close to him in my raven form. He wasn't scared, but he was sure very aware of his surroundings... The damn guy has the reflex of a sentinel knight."
"Sentinal Knight." Uttered one lord as he knew how formidable those certain warriors are. "The empress very own creations. I've heard that you and other wizards of great power had a hand in constructing such warriors."
"That I have, however. The Sentinal knights has had a long time until they were dispanded from their duty after retiring." Said the wizard even though he knows that there are still some serving the western nations.
"It was a mistake for the empress in giving a call for those monsters to be created." A Lord says with disdain remembering one time one of the said knight laid waste on his old home.
"It was necessary to make them child. Hate it or love it... The creation of the Sentinal knights was one of the many reasons why we were able to hold off the attack from vahrians enemies. So let's just be formal and move onto what's more important." Uttered the wizard as he led his old students out of the tents.
"How is kellavan. I Heard rumors that he retired ever since his duo with one of the empress son's?" Daenaria asked wondering if the great hero of earthren was doing ok.
"He and the empress daughter had made their own kingdom in the far north in the icy land of the frost tribes. Words has it, that they just had their first child just this past week." The grand elder says answering with a smuck look.
"Wow, to think that the hero actually did that is an actual reward!" A Lord said laughing for shortwhile only to receive a smack on the head from one of his own friends.
"That's what you get for your prude words!" Daenaria says who gotten a word of thank from the wizard.
As the group continued to walk toward the brunch meeting hall, they observed that the majority of the town's residents and guests were gathered in one area, while some people were still going about their individual business.
"What is this?" Daenaria says as she being the second leader of her people decided to walk over to find out what's going on.
As the group were given a clear path by the people around them, they evantually came upon a view of three helicopters of the twenty first centuries along with one pelican that joined them in landing just good few feet's away from the entrance of the town.
"What is this?" Wondered one person.
Daenaria along with her old crew stride towards to meet the twenty first and twenty sixth century folks on behalf of her town and guests. As they do so, the wizard notices one particular person standing next to a groups of people.
He couldn't get a clear look at her and so he decided to zoom in with the help of his staff giving him and those around him a good look of the woman and her family.
As they do that, the wizard and his group all felt like a large bolder just fell upon them. The lead person, the oldest of the family closely resembles that of his old friend, the empress. Their expression whenever they looked dissatisfied or positively, it all makes the wizard and his group think that the empress herself was here herself.
"Is My mind playing a trick on me?!" Spoke one of the chieftain in utter disbelief.
"No, it isn't." The grand elder said answering the chieftain as he too was quite shock by this turn of event.
"And the others around her. They all closely resembles that of the empress children." A lord said commenting on the issue at hand.
"That they do... But they sure as well have some difference from the kids." One of the lords said replying on the lord's statement.
"Should we meet them ahead?"
Both daenaria and the grand elder glanced at each other and then glanced at the other's, after getting looks of approval from one another each one of them then proceeded forth towards the new arrivals of the twenty first and twenty sixth century folks.