Blossom Pov
I felt the air inside the room suddenly become tense. As soon as the woman announced Damon's dad's name, the boys' expression changed and their whole demeanour took a wrong turn. Judging by the amount of cheers and welcome he recieved, I could tell Mr. Stone was very much loved and admired.
"Damon!" I whispered softly and pulled on his arm whilst he just stood there, looking stupified. I frowned and opted to look among the crowd hoping to find Phraser or the girls to no vail.
Mr. Stone looked like a better version of the boys but Damon had a very strong particular resemblance to his father. The man carried himself with confidence and pride in the way he spoke. His, no doubt Armani suit, seemed to fit him like no other and he was very good looking. If it wasn't for the perfectly sleeked back golden gray-ish hair, one would think he was still in his youth.
I felt Damon's hand that was encircling my waist start to shake and his breathing increase. I took my hand in his and forcefully turned his face to mine but he resisted. I gasped in shock when I noticed bids of sweat start to roll down on his forehead.
"Damon, are you okay?" Ace asked, his voice laced with worry. Hayes came round and held onto his shoulders but I pushed him off. I grabbed Damon's hand and led him out of there in his drunken like state and tried so hard not to attract any un-necessary attention. We arrived at a corridor that lead to the restrooms. I cast a glance back to the stage and caught Mr. Stone looking at us, me to be specific.
I pushed the door to the ladies' open and thanked God when I saw no one in. Damon's knees gave out and he collapsed on the floor. He shook uncontrollably as he attempted to loosen the tie around his neck. I took off my heels and bent down to his level.
"Hey! It's okay." I mumbled and took off his jacket swiftly. I caught his hands and loosened his tie for him before opening up a few buttons. He tried to say something but he'd start coughing then I knew that he was having a panic attack. My momma once had one too.
"Damon look at me!" I put my hands on either side of his face and this time he didn't resist.
"I need you to try and slow down your breathing for me, alright?"
"I...i...can't...I can't." He closed his eyes shut and tried only to end up coughing again. Without a second thought I pulled him closer and kissed him. My lips brushed against his in a light and sensitive way. The weird feeling returned in the pit of my stomach and I pulled him even closer, wanting to be as close to him as possible to which he responded by holding my waist.
I pulled away slowly and starred at him. His hair was tousled and stuck to his forehead but neither way, he still managed to look incredibly dashing. With both of us kneeling down, I slowly pushed back some of his hair and he subconsciously smiled.
" did you do that?" He asked with an awed expression.
"I read somewhere that, uhm, one of the ways to stop a panic attack is to slow the person's breathing and when I kissed you:-" I trailed off and scoot closer to him.
"You were able to slow down your breathing." I said softly.
"It's not the first time I've seen someone get a panic attack." I shrugged.
"Yeah?" He smirked.
"And do you always resolve it with a kiss or is it just me?" He teased smirking at me. I smiled a little and rolled my eyes.
"Just you." He looked at me with that distant yet longing and a bit of admiration glee in his eyes. Like when you are looking at a beautifully made painting or your favourate food.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you are!" He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled a little.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Yeah, this is like the millionth time now."
"Well, you are beautiful Bloss." He held my hand as he stood up.
"Let's get out of here." He led the way to the parking lot and avoided any crowded areas. When we got there he opened the boot and handed me a pair of clothings before giving me some space and turning his back to me.
"Where are we going, it's almost 8pm Stone?" I heard him chuckle.
"Careful Wright, sounds like you don't trust me." I rolled my eyes as if he could see me and finally took the dress off. I unfolded the package of clothes Damon gave me to reveal a black sweatpant, an over sized gray shirt and black jumper. I smiled once I caught his scent on them meaning they are his. I dressed up before anyone could see me and put on the black Jordan sneakers that I found inside.
"Okay, I'm all done." I stepped into the open and he turned around to look at me in a somewhat similar outfit.
"I swear, you're starting to look better in my clothes baby." The words rolled off his tongue so perfectly sending my insides into a frenzy. I felt my heart beat against my chest and I shifted on one leg suddenly feeling shy under his gaze.
"And you just love matching with me." He feigned innocense and we both laughed.
"C'mon, let's go give you a tour of New York." He pecked my forehead and opened the passenger door for me. He hoped in the driver's side and we left the premises.
"What about the guys! Won't they look for us?" I asked worried.
"I called Phray while you were changing and instructed him on what to do." He said as though that answers everything. The sky darkened and it was pretty cloudy indicating that it was going to rain again.
"Is it always raining over here?" I asked as we pulled up in front of a restaurant.
"Uh...well not really but, can't say I'm complaining so far." He unfastened his seatbelt but left the engine running.
"Wait here. I'll go get us something to eat and then we can continue." He got out and left. I watched as he walked into a busy looking restaurant and disappeared in the crowd. Not long after, I saw him come back with two wrapped plates in hands.
"Here." He handed me both plates when I rolled down my window and hopped in the driver's seat. We drove around the streets for a while and I wondered where we were going.
I noticed that throughout the ride he wasn't saying anything. His muscles looked tense and he had a hard look on his face. I got comfortable in the chair and starred at him.
"Damon?" I mumbled just enough for him to hear.
"Hmm." He hummed in response casting a glance towards me.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Ofcourse! Why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled and cast a glance at me but this time, I shook my head in response.
"Probably because you saw your father which might have triggered the panic attack!" I trailed off and bit my lip when I saw him gnash his teeth and tighten his jaw muscles.
He sighed and took in a long breath before he answered, "There are some bad business, uhm, my father did and now I will have to step in and fix it before it's too late."
"What kind of bad business?" I asked, intriguid by the fact that he was telling me about this.
"Business that's bad with bad people." He said.
"Business with bad people or bad business, which one is it?" I asked confused.
"Bloss:-" he pulled over by the side of the secluded road and looked at me.
"It's bad okay! But not bad beyond putting it right. Now I'm sorry you had to be there when I was freaking out but now:-" he trailed off and held my hand.
"Now I just want to enjoy your company and see you smile and be happy because I need this okay!" He kissed me lightly on my lips before going to my cheek and then my nose. I giggled and playfully pushed him away.
"You didn't freak out, you had a panic attack Damon, there is a difference. There is nothing to be sorry about because that is what makes us human so don't you dare feel ashamed by that. And besides, I'm glad I was there." Feeling a surge of confidence in me, I bravely put my hand on his cheek.
"I'm glad I'm here, with you." He smiled at me and I subconsciously smiled back.
"You're glad you kissed the panic attack away, that I'm sure." He snorted and I hit his chest. He laughed whole heartedly making me laugh too. He started the car whilst still laughing and I rolled my eyes not being able to contain my laughter.
My eyes started to feel heavy when we spent a good amount of time driving without any sign of stopping soon.
"We're almost there." He said and I nodded in response. Not long after, I noticed that the environment we we're in now was alot more different than the one back in the city. The skyscrapers disappeared in the distance making me wonder where we we're going exactly. I worried that the food was going to get cold too.
As he drove closer to our supposed destination, I could faintly hear music playing, lights shining on the cloudy sky above and I wondered what was going on up ahead. The music got louder with each passing second making me be on edge until I saw rails of a rollercoaster.
"No way!" I muttered as I realised we had arrived at an amusement park, or so I hoped. I didn't really know much about them except what I watched on TV and that wasn't alot either.
"An amusement park?" I asked him.
He turned to me as we drove in to the place. It was buzzling with life and I so wanted to try everything. "You do enjoy amusement parks, right?"
"Yes! I mean, I think so. Isn't that what everyone's supposed to say?" I said admiring everything from the car.
"You've never been to one." He stated with a frown on his face. All the excitment was gone from his eyes and replaced with a serious look.
"There are none back home." I said and got out of the car. I couldn't control the happy squeal that followed. I didn't realise that I was already walking towards the entrance until I felt two strong hands circle my waist.
"Careful sweetheart!" He chuckled lightly and pecked my cheek.
"What do you mean there are no amusement parks back in your country?" He asked more sternly and I had to force myself to concetrate on him with all the noise coming from inside.
"Well, they are there but my momma and I could never afford to go to one." I shrugged and I made a mental note to immediately call her after this.
The excitment glint returned to his eyes before saying, "Glad to be here for your first then."
"I'm glad you're here too." I admitted sheepishly. He slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side.
"Let's go then." He said and started to walk again, pulling me along with him. We were close enough where I could smell his cologne and it was interfering with my brain activities.
We reached the entrance and he let go of me, making me miss the warmth radiating from him. We walked in and I feared what ways I was going to embarrass myself in the coming hours.