Suddenly someone jumped out of the bushes. my adrenaline was in a peak knowing that this is a fight or flight situation. Either I need to run as fast as I could or I need to fight with all the strength I have in my body and my soul.
" Wow, such beautiful fireflies" A figure coming out of the bushes said. I instantly recognized that voice, I pointed up the flashlight in that direction, it was the one whom I had guessed
"Jason" I screamed with tears in my eyes.
"Serena! it that you" Jason shouted
"Yes, Jason it was me" I said as I was sobbing.
We both ran in eachother's direction and embraced eachother in a tight hug.
"OMG, Serena, Thank God you are okay, I thought I just... lost youu... forever... but God grace you are alive." He said and started sobbing up loud.
"Shhhh, everything's fine" I said as pressed my entire face against his chest. Jason is Tom's best friend so he was always like a brother figure to me. He always teased me like a brother. He even risked his own life and came with Tom even after knowing that this journey was full of danger.
He separate himself from me, wiped my tear, saw me again and embraced me again in a tight hug.
"I thought I was lost and I would never be able to see you all again." He said
"Same!" I said, it was such an emotional moment for me after being alone for hours and helpless, finding someone you know is like finding up water in a desert. But where did I know that this was just a mirage.
Suddenly, Jason started laughing like a villain.
"Hahaaaa" He giggled and suddenly he turned into ashes.
"What the....." I was totally shocked and trembling with fear.
suddenly some blue fire like little balls started surrounding me and laughing.
'Am i dreaming or going insane' I thought to myself.
Suddenly I heard a female's voice, "Little girl thought she found her friend, Naive Little Girl, NAIVE LITTLE IDIOT."
Suddenly some strong wind blow up and all the bushes went flying up and old Banayan Tree was revealed. It was a huge Banayan tree which had turned compled crimson red shining up in the dark forest.
I was worried but seeing the Banayan tree gaved me a ray of hope. 'I'm very close to my destination, Cmon Serena, you can do this. Remember you are Anti Fragile. But also be careful at every step, you were already warned by Grandma Netli that Appearance can be deceiving and this was a trap all this while.'
"AHHHHHHHH" I heard a scream from the Banayan tree. Damn it was Jason. he was hunged on the tree with his left leg. The poor guy was struggling up there. Lots of skeletons were hung on that tree too.
"Damn" I was literally frightened but I needed to give hope to Jason, "Hold on Jason, I will find a way out"
He saw me, he was literally hanging upside down.
"Serena, Don't come here, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE." He shouted with tears in his eyes.
I was moved by this act of Jason. He didn't bothered about himself but he cared about my safely.
"I'm not going leaving you here." I said and started moving forward. The laughter became more louder and ferocious. The blue ball started circling me. I was frightened as hell but i know i had to march up straight.
I was attacked suddenly by a creepy skeleton, I pushed his away with my full force, it turned into ashes the moment it touched the ground.
Thousands of zombies like structure started coming from the ground,
"Not Again" Jason shouted, "Run Serena please"
But I was too determined, I took the only weapon I had that was a knife and kept on moving forward trying to climb the tree.
Now the sky to had turned Crimson red, burgundy and shades of purple, no one knew what was going on. I had no magic powers, but shield and neither a weapon except my knife but I could hear the universe motivating me, 'Not to give up'
As I started climbing on the tree, the zombie like creature started pulling me down, one of them had even bite me up. I was fallen on the ground helplessly, with all the zombies on top on me.
I started fighting all of them with my knife but all in vain. Everything looked dizzy again.
'Serena please don't give please' I heard my inner self trying to communicate with me.
I suddenly got a flashback of my childhood. It was my grandma, she was holding me and Tom. it was dark outside and the electricity had gone.
"I'm scared Grandma" i said to her.
"it's fine dear, whenever u are scared and there is darkness, Learn to sing in the dark." She said
"Sing? why sing?" Tom asked
"Because singing gives us hope." She said
I was suddenly back into the reality, and I exactly knew what to do. I started singing the speechless song from Aladdin.
Suddenly someone pushed me out from all the zombies and put petrol on them and lighted up the lighter.
It was none other than Jared, behind him was Aphrodite and her cat.
"Wow, Jared bro. What an entry. Just like a hero." Jason shouted from top.