In the quietude of Death River, Johan and Ken huddled together, discussing the intricacies of their plan to confront the elusive old man. The glow of Ken's flaming kagune cast flickering shadows on the surrounding foliage as they delved into the details of their strategy.
"So, Ken, any thoughts on how we should go about this?" Johan's inquiry hung in the air, the gravity of the impending confrontation settling between them.
Ken, his skeletal frame projecting an aura of solemnity, began outlining the tactical aspects. "First, we need to consider the terrain. Death River is unpredictable, and we can't afford to be caught off guard. I suggest sticking to areas with good visibility and minimal cover for the old man."
Johan nodded, absorbing the wisdom in Ken's words. "Agreed. We can't let the environment become his advantage. What about the actual approach?"